  • Enteritis treatment with folk remedies

    Enteritis is called inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small and large intestine. The disease can be acute and chronic.

    This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane( catarrh) of the small intestine. The most common cause is bacterial contamination.

    Prerequisites: decreased acidity of gastric juice, vitamin deficiency, physical overload.

    Symptoms of : in mild cases of enteritis , there is a rapid chair, and the general condition of the body remains satisfactory. In severe cases, the disease begins with diarrhea from 5 to 10 times a day. Diarrhea is accompanied by loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. The chair at first resembles porridge, then turns into a fetid liquid. There may be an increase in temperature and a drop in blood pressure.

    Acute enteritis( and enterocolitis) is characterized most often by a sudden onset - diarrhea, pain in the middle of the abdomen, vomiting( especially with simultaneous gastritis).Sometimes these symptoms are preceded by malaise, loss of appetite, nausea, fever, severe weakness, possible fainting, confused consciousness. The nature of diarrhea depends on the lesion of one or another part of the intestine. In severe cases, dehydration of the body occurs, the decline of cardiac activity, a decrease in body temperature, the phenomenon of general intoxication, convulsions.

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    Chronic enteritis is a chronic inflammatory process in the small intestine. In most cases, it is combined with chronic colitis( enterocolitis).Causes: improperly treated acute enteritis, diseases of other digestive organs, diet disorders( irregular meals, excessive use of spicy condiments, dry food, consumption of poor-quality products, irrational nutrition, nutrition imbalance in essential nutrients), alcohol abuse, infectious intestinal diseases, helminthousinvasion, dysbiosis. The disease is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, raspiraniya, less often there is pain throughout the abdomen, swelling, diarrhea. Stool masses are liquid or mushy, contain pieces of unboiled food. Often, the appetite decreases, nausea, salivation, eructation, bitterness in the mouth. In the severe course of the disease, severe weakness, dizziness, palpitations, and lowering of blood pressure are noted.

    What's going on? Acute enteritis most often occurs due to infection or poisoning by poor-quality food, less often by alcohol. To cause enteritis may be overheating or hypothermia, burns, excessive use of carbohydrates, as well as diseases( influenza, pneumonia and others).

    Chronic enteritis can begin in early childhood as a result of childhood intestinal disorders. Various infections and worms contribute to the onset of chronic enteritis. Chronic enteritis is characterized by bloating in the middle part of the abdomen and pain, increased exhaustion of gases. The chair can be 8 to 9 times a day. Violated normal metabolism, which can lead to serious illness and the occurrence of various diseases.

    What should I do? The best treatment for chronic enteritis is diet therapy. In acute enteritis, it is necessary to observe bed rest for 1-2 days and a strict diet for 3-5 days. The diet includes tea without sugar, white bread crumbs, rice broth, mashed dishes from lean meat or fruit, blueberry jelly. Take food should be warm, several times a day, in small portions. Cold food and drinks, ice cream and milk, kvass, smoking and seasoning, as well as products made from coarse fiber should be excluded from eating.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends for chronic enteritis there are 2-3 rubbed ripe apples five times a day. It is very effective for allergic enteritis to take according to a tablespoon of dried grains of pomegranate( a tablespoon of crusts per cup of boiling water) before each meal or drink.

    Treatment: is performed under the supervision of a physician and begins with a laxative or gastric lavage. Bed rest, warmer on the stomach. In the first day or two a hunger diet is recommended: hot drink( tea without sugar), some white breadcrumbs, grated raw Antonov apples. In the future, only liquid and semi-liquid food is recommended for a while: jelly, jelly, mashed porridge, cooked on water.

    1. For chronic enterocolitis with diarrhea, there are 5 times a day 250-300 grams of raw ripe apples in a grated form.

    2. One teaspoon of marigold flowers per glass of water. Drink 1 / 2-1 / 3 cup per reception in between meals. Apply for gastritis, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, colitis, enterocolitis as a cleansing, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. The best results are observed when using calendula in combination with chamomile and yarrow.

    3. Infusion of flowers of chamomile pharmacy. One tablespoon of dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, insist 4 hours, drain. Take two tablespoons 4 times a day after meals. Use in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, with gastritis, intestinal spasms, enteritis, colitis.

    4. Juice made from fresh plantain leaves is very effective for gastritis with reduced and zero acidity, acute and chronic enterocolitis and colitis. Take 1 teaspoon for 1-2 tablespoons of water 3 times a day for 20 minutes.before meals.

    You can take juice with honey: the leaves are washed, cut, kneaded, squeezed juice out of them, mixed with an equal amount of honey. Store in a well sealed container in a cool place.

    5. Infusion of flower baskets tansy ordinary. Take 5 g of flowers per 1 cup of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with enterocolitis.

    6. Decoction of wild strawberry grass. Take 20 g of herbs for 200 ml of boiling water. Take 2-3 tablespoons. Apply for inflammation of the small and large intestines, gastritis.

    Or infusion of leaves and rhizomes of wild strawberry. One tablespoon of leaves pour two cups of cold boiled water;infuse 6-8 hours, drain. Drink 1/2 cup. Apply for gastrointestinal diseases.

    7. Blackberry Leaf with - 2 pieces, Marigold flowers - 1 piece. Take three tablespoons of the mixture for 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes.on a boiling water bath, cool, drain. Take during the day. Decoction is an effective tool in the treatment of intestinal catarrh.

    8. Infusion of wild bird cherry. Pour 10 g of fruit with a glass of boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and put in a water bath without boiling. Strain, cool. Drink 1/2 cups a day for 30 minutes.before meals.

    9. Infusion of alder cones( female coots). Four teaspoons of cones on a glass of boiling water. Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

    10. Infusion of young alder cones ( 25 g cones per 100 ml of alcohol).

    Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day.

    11. Decoction of pomegranate fruit crusts. Take 20 g of dry crusts or 50 g of pomegranate seeds, pour 200 ml of water;boil over low heat for 30 minutes, strain, drink two tablespoons 2 times a day.

    12. Brew a teaspoon of herb with a glass of boiling water. Infuse 10 minutes, drain. Take two tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. To reduce the bitterness, you can add honey.

    13. Mix dandelion root, elder fruits - one piece, blackberry leaves and nettle leaves - 2 parts each. Spoon a tablespoon of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse 8-10 hours.(preferably in a thermos bottle), drain. Drink 2 or 3 glasses a day as anti-inflammatory.

    14. Repinichek pharmacy( herb). One tablespoon of raw material pour 2.5 cups of boiling water and insist 2-3 hours. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    15. Bird cherries is used inside as an astringent for enteritis and indigestion of the stomach;with infectious colitis and dysentery - as an auxiliary. Fruits are usually brewed like tea, sometimes mixed with dried blueberries.

    16. For inflammatory bowel diseases, constipation and hemorrhoids, a fresh juice of the magnifier is good, applied 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

    17. With chronic enteritis( inflammation of the small intestine), drink 1 / 3- 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes.before meals, infusion rhizomes of the bug, cherry fruits, aplicata alder, mint leaf, cumin fruit, fennel fruit, licorice root, snake mountaineer root, chamomile flowers and St. John's wort - all herbs are equally divided. Two tablespoons of the collection are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled for 45 minutes, filtered and adjusted to a volume of 200 ml.

    18. White clay( kaolin) in medical practice is sometimes prescribed internally for gastrointestinal diseases( colitis, enteritis, etc.) for 20-100 g.

    19. When enteritates and colites take silver water with a concentration of silver20 mg / l 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.before meals.

    20. Ancient healers in colitis, enteritis advised applying dry and powdered goat droppings to the abdomen.

    21. In of ancient Russian medical institutions it is recommended to drink juice of plantain with honey at enterocolitis. 500 g of honey mixed with 500 ml of plantain juice and cooked over low heat for 20 minutes. Chilled composition is taken orally in front of a meal 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. You can prepare the juice of plantain by yourself, or you can buy it in a pharmacy.

    Basil oil, bergamot, cayeput tree, noble sweet dill, sweet dill, garlic, geranium, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, maleuka and thyme are used.

    1. On an empty stomach in the morning take in the mouth 1 tbsp.spoon of sunflower oil, do not swallow it, but suck for 20 minutes.

    2. Suspend by stirring 5-6 drops of fir oil with 10 ml of cold water. Take 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 4-5 weeks.

    Dissolve 0,25 g of mummy in a glass of water, take 3 times a day for 1 glass of solution for 30 minutes before meals 3-4 courses for 10 days with 5-day intervals.

    In chronic enteritis apply copper, silver, graphite.

    Agate, aquamarine, diamond, amethyst, turquoise, rhinestone, garnet, pearl, emerald, coral, onyx, sapphire, amber, jasper are used.

    Mix 1 teaspoon of white clay with 1 glass of carrot juice. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 3 weeks. If necessary, after 10 days, you can repeat treatment.


    625 g of honey, 375 grams of juice of 3-5-year-old aloe, 625 ml of red wine.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix the ingredients, put in a sealed container in a dark cool place for 5 days.

    How to use.

    Take 1 teaspoon per hour before meals 1 time a day for 5 days, then 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals for 3-7 weeks.

    Take the following juices and juice mixtures of 250 ml per day for 3-4 weeks: carrot juice, celery juice, a mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juices in a ratio of 10: 3: 3;a mixture of carrot and spinach juices in a 5: 2 ratio.