  • Treatment of acne folk remedies

    Acne is called white or slightly yellowish nodules the size of a pinhead, without inflammation. Acne can be either separate or grouped.

    Acne - inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Acne develops most often at the age of 12-18 years. This is the most common skin disease and is present in 80% of adolescents.

    The development of acne can be caused by various factors: hereditary predisposition, endocrine disorders, stress. The development of acne occurs as a result of increased sebum secretion from the sebaceous glands, which leads to blockage of their ducts and, as a consequence, to inflammation. These inflamed areas spread and deepen into the dermis, leaving traces of cyanotic color or scars on the skin. In the presence of acne it is desirable to observe a low-carbohydrate diet.

    Symptoms: appearance on the face( eyelids, cheekbones and whiskey), sternum, back of white or yellowish nodules.

    What's going on? The cause of acne is oily skin with increased sebum secretion. If you do not perform skin cleansing procedures, fat accumulates at the terminals of the sebaceous glands, and this, in turn, creates conditions favorable for the inflammatory processes.

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    What does do? If you have oily skin, you need to wash your face in the morning and evening, not with ordinary tap water, but with boiled water at room temperature. Oily skin areas should be washed thoroughly in the evening with a special cosmetic liquid soap. Better yet - wash your face with water decoctions of herbs or spilled tea.

    Acne is a multifactorial disease, as it is based on a mass of causes. Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

    1. Increased secretion of the secretion of sebaceous glands.

    2. Inflammatory processes in the skin.

    3. Imbalance of sex hormones and lipids.

    4. Hereditary predisposition.

    5. Abuse of anabolic.

    6. Prolonged use of oral contraceptives.

    7. A hot and humid climate.

    8. Skin irritation.

    Acne is classified into:

    1. superficial acne is a "black spot";

    2. Deep acne is cysts and abscesses filled with pus. After the healing of such acne, as a rule, scars remain;

    3. youthful acne;

    4. cystic acne - these are cysts and abscesses with fistulas and bumpy scars;

    5. Condensed acne is a site of deep subcutaneous inflammation, pustules and scars.

    Manifestations of the disease are inflammation of the skin. There is redness, pustules, abscesses, which often heal with the formation of a scar. Diagnosis of the disease, as a rule, does not cause difficulties and is based on examination of a dermatologist.

    Acne treatment includes the following:

    • Daily skin cleansing with special tools;

    • women are prescribed oral contraceptives;

    • Ultraviolet irradiation;

    • anti-inflammatory drugs, in cases of deep acne - antibiotics.

    Attention! Do not squeeze out acne yourself. This can lead to significant foci of inflammation, and then to scars on the face, comparable to pockmarks, or to age spots.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends the following for getting rid of blackheads.

    For the washing of the face with acne is suitable a decoction of St. John's wort, or birch buds, or collection of chamomile, sage, peppermint, horsetail and yarrow in equal parts. A tablespoon of herbs or a mixture of herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for several minutes. Then the broth cools, strains - and is ready for use. You can only wash your face with fresh decoction. Cooled in the refrigerator broths can not be used, because excessive cold can provoke an even greater secretion of fat sebaceous glands.

    Complete cure for acne requires time, patience and perseverance.

    Fold the gauze in several layers, make slits for the eyes and soak it in sour milk. Apply the resulting compress to your face for 20 - 30 minutes. When the gauze dries, it should be wet again and repeat the procedure. Then rinse your face first with warm, then with cold water. With regular use of this remedy, the improvement usually occurs in 6 to 8 weeks.