  • Treatment of sight folk remedies

    What should I know about vision? The first law of view is movement. When the eye moves, he sees. We will come back to this idea many times in the future. The sight of the eye, which looks intently, weakens. Therefore, the normal eye is never in the pure state of a close look, but always remains ready for movement and remains in such movement.

    The eye is just as interested in the light as the brain is in the dark. The eye's work is based on comparison and distinction - the difference between black and white, light and dark, near and far, big and small, straight and curved, square and round, high and low, etc.

    Please note that the idea that "as if the prolonged relaxation of the eye muscles gives the eyes a rest in order to subsequently be able to fully use them, is completely erroneous. The eyes are created to see, and if, when they are open, they do not see, it is only because they are under such stress and have such a large refraction anomaly that they can not see. Vision near, though it is carried out with the help of muscles, is no more a burden on the eyes than a vision in the distance, performed without their intervention. The use of muscles does not necessarily lead to fatigue. Some people can spend hours without exhaustion. Other birds are asleep, standing on one leg, the toes of their feet at the same time tightly compress the swinging branch, but the muscles remain not tired with obvious tension.

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    The eye is thus "greedy" before work, and work for it is the best rest, provided that you know how to see with your own eyes. Any appearance of fatigue in the eyes or malaise is a sign that either you did not create the necessary working conditions at that time, or, more seriously, that you do not know how to look , do not know how to use your eyes correctly,that is, your visual habits are erroneous, vicious. This is the main reason why your vision is not only bad, but it gets worse and worse, unless you change your visual habits( which is discussed below).

    Vision is a sensation similar to hearing, smelling and hunger. In any way you can control it at will, somehow regulate it like you control the movement of your hands, feet or fingers, you can not: it is or is, or it is not. But we would like already from this page to capture in the minds of our readers the idea that there is a mutual connection between the psyche and the eyesight. Let's explain this, again taking as an example the famine: you can not decide whether to be hungry or not, but by the power of the imagination you can evoke this feeling by imagining or remembering the smell, for example, of freshly baked bread with butter melting on a slice, stillstoring the heat of the furnace. These mental representations, if they are bright enough, will cause a sensation, as a result of which you may start salivating. Similarly, through the mental representation, you can develop and your vision. Do such a simple experience: sit comfortably and, without hurrying up, calmly look at some well-known to you object, which is now from you at such a distance that you can not see it clearly. Now close your eyes and cover them with your hands. Call in your mind the image of this object, carefully consider the mental view of that side of which it is at this moment turned to you, remember all its details and then - without any mental tension - open your eyes freely and easily looking at the subject. You may wonder how clear and clear it will be to you. But there is absolutely nothing to be surprised at: it is simply the operation of the law on the relationship between the psyche and vision. According to this law, the more the power of our imagination, the better our memory, so, accordingly, our eyesight is better, and vice versa. It is no coincidence that they say: "One who knows how to be attentive, that is, one who knows how to see, knows how to see, because seeing and watching is not the same thing."

    1. Anything that is good for the body is good for the eyes.

    2. Exercises for the body have a beneficial effect on the eyes, but the eyes are never sufficient only for these exercises - they also need their own.

    3. Exercises for the eyes have their full effect, that is, they strengthen and develop the vision, only if they are performed systematically - daily and several times during the day. On the restoration of health, including the health of the eyes, it takes a lot of time, but who wants to be healthy, he finds time.

    4. Eye fatigue is one of the expressions of total body fatigue. Eyes, like every organ, need rest: the very ability of the eyes to work suggests their rest, and rest for them is relaxation of the psyche, exercise and sleep. Eyes are self-healing and self-healing.

    5. At the heart of all visual impairments is the tension and overstrain of the psyche. Perfect vision is acquired only by relaxation. Make relaxation, smooth and joyful mood style and norm of your life, if you want to regain healthy eyesight.

    6. Sunlight and the vision of the black field with closed eyes are two powerful levers in restoring and maintaining a healthy vision.

    7. Glasses - an expression of impotence and helplessness of official ophthalmology. They are the guarantee of further deterioration of your vision. Therefore, if you want to remove the glasses, then remove them. Remember that the whole difference between crutches and glasses is that crutches can no longer tarnish the gait, while glasses spoil the vision incessantly and inevitably.

    8. Eyes are not just an organ of vision and not only a "mirror of the soul", but also a tool with which we can control our mood, it is a delicate regulator of the state of mind. Controlling your eyes is control over your psyche. Therefore, managing your own eyes, you can control not only yourself, but also other people.

    9. The beauty of the eyes is not the result of tinting and shadowing, but an expression of spiritual beauty and spiritual wealth of the individual.

    To a large extent we see the brain and only partially with the eyes. The phenomenon of vision depends on the interpretation of the brain image on the retina. What we see is not the image itself on the retina, but our personal interpretation. It can be shown that our opinion about the size, color, shape and position of the object depends on the interpretation of the image on the retina by the brain. The moon seems smaller in size at the zenith than at the horizon, although the angle of view is the same at the same time. Images on the retina can also be the same. This is due to the fact that at the horizon the brain unconsciously compares the image of the moon with the image of the surrounding objects, while at the zenith there is nothing that could be compared with it. The figure of a person on a high building or on a ship's top appears ordinary to a small person, while a sailor seems to have a normal size, as he is accustomed to seeing a human figure in similar positions.

    People with normal vision use their memory or mental presentation to help the eyesight. It can be shown that when sight is imperfect, not only the eye itself is defective, but memory and mental representation are also violated. Thus, the psyche only adds its imperfections to the imperfect image on the retina.

    Any two people with normal vision will not have the same idea about the same object under consideration, as their interpretation of the image on the retina will differ in the same way as their individualities also differ. When sight is imperfect, there are still big differences in the interpretation of objects. In fact, this is evidence of the loss of mental control, which is responsible for the anomaly of refraction. Figuratively speaking, when the eye is out of focus, the psyche is out of focus.

    According to a widespread view, the appearance of most types of visual impairment, when the eye suffers from any refraction anomaly, is explained by the existence of this anomaly of refraction. It is assumed that some of them are caused by diseases of the brain or retina. Astigmatism is attributed to multiple images, although only two of them can rightly be explained by this( since no one has more than two eyes).Some say they see with half a dozen or even more of these images. At the same time, many people with astigmatism generally do not see anything like this. However, it is easy to show that the inaccuracy of the focusing of the eye is responsible only for a small part of such manifestations. Since all of them can be eliminated after a few seconds by correcting( through relaxation) refractive errors, it is obvious that they can not be associated with any disease of organic origin.

    If we compare the image on the frosted glass of the camera, when it is out of focus with the visual perception of the brain, when the eye is out of focus, a significant difference will be found between them. When the camera is out of focus, it turns black into gray and blurs the outline of the image. In addition, the images are the same and invariably repeat under the same conditions. On the frosted glass of the camera, an imperfect image of a black letter would look equally imperfect in all its parts, and the same focus setting would always give the same image. When the eye is out of focus, the imperfect image that a person thinks he sees always changes, regardless of whether or not the focus changes. One part of the image will be more gray than the other, and the tint and position of gray can vary widely in a very short time. One part of the letter may appear gray, and the remainder - black. Some contour lines can be seen better than others, vertical lines may appear black, and diagonal lines gray, and vice versa. In addition, black can turn into brown, yellow, green and even red, that is, transformations that are impossible in the camera occur. It is also possible the appearance of colored or black spots on the gray or white open( not covered with paint) parts of the letters. In addition, white or colored spots may appear on the black.

    When the camera is out of focus, the image of the subject that is created in it is always slightly larger than when correctly focused. When the eye is not focused, the image visible by the brain can be either larger or smaller than it would be with a normally focused eye. To one man the large letter "C" from ten feet seemed smaller in size than the same letter from a distance of both 20 feet and 4 inches. To some people, this letter from 20 feet seems more than it really is, to another less.

    When a person's eye is out of focus, the form of objects he considers often appears distorted. The position of the objects may also seem to be changing. The image can double, triple, etc. One object( or part of the object) can multiply, while other objects( or parts of objects) in the field of view can remain single. The position of these multiple images sometimes remains unchanged, at another time it will constantly change. Nothing like this can happen in a defocused camera.

    If two cameras defocus to the same extent, they will give two completely identical blurred images. If two eyes are unfocused on the same size, the same images will be obtained on the retina of each of them, however their visual perception by their brain will be completely different, regardless of whether the two eyes belong to the same person or different people. If a normal eye looks at an object through glasses that change its refraction, the resulting gray and blurriness will be the same and constant. When the eye has an anomaly of refraction, equivalent to that created by the glasses, these phenomena will not be uniform and changeable.

    It is important to understand that these deviations in vision are illusions, and not manifestations of eye defects. When you find out that some thing is an illusion, the probability that you will see it again, decreases. When a person is convinced that what he sees is just a mental representation, then it becomes easier to put this idea under control. Since an ideal mental representation is impossible without an ideal relaxation, the perfect presentation not only corrects the incorrect interpretation of the image on the retina, but also corrects the anomaly of refraction.

    The mental representation is closely related to the memory, although it differs from it. Representation depends on the memory, because you can only imagine a thing when it can be remembered. You can not imagine the sunset, if you have never seen it. If you try to imagine the blue sun, then you will become, as the retinoscope shows, myopic. Neither the mental representation nor the memory can be perfect if the psyche is not completely relaxed. Consequently, when representation and memory are ideal, vision is also ideal( if the eye does not have any physical defect).In reality, mental representation, memory and vision are interrelated. When one thing is perfect, all are perfect, and when one is imperfect one, all the others are imperfect. If you clearly represent any letter, you will see that this and other letters in the neighborhood will come to light more clearly, since you can not relax and imagine that you see a clear letter and at the same time tense up and in reality see it as fuzzy. If you present a clear point at the bottom of any letter, you will see this letter distinctly, because you can not get a mental image of a clear point and attach it to a fuzzy letter. However, it may be that the vision will not be realized. In some cases, people can ideally represent, as the retinoscope shows, a point without realizing the vision of the letter. In such cases, it takes some time before they learn to be aware of it without losing a point.

    When a person wants to believe that letters can be represented and is ready to represent them without effort to see or compare what he sees with what he represents( which always leads back to stress), sometimes one can achieve beautifulresults. Some people, after they have submitted that they see one letter completely black and clear, manage to read all the letters on the bottom line of the check table. Most people, however, are so distracted by what they see when their vision improves by the notion that they lose this letter. It is one thing to be able to imagine in a mental way a clear vision of a letter, the other is to be able to see this and other letters without losing control of this idea.

    In myopia, the following method is often successful. First look at some letter from the distance from which it is best seen. Then close your eyes and remember her. Repeat this way until the memory becomes as good as the vision at the near point. After hanging the test table at a distance of 20 feet, look at a clean empty surface a foot or more away from it and again remember the letter. Do the same, cutting this distance first to six, and then to three inches. In the latter case, pay attention to the appearance of letters on the check table, i.e.in the peripheral field of vision. If the memory is still perfect, they will appear dimly black, but not gray. At the same time, those letters that are closer to the fixation point will appear blacker than those that are far away from it. Gradually shorten the distance between the fixation point and the letter until you can look directly at it and imagine that it is visible as well as remembered. During training it would be good to close your eyes from time to time, cover them with the palms of your hands and remember with a completely black this letter or dot. Rest and mental control, achieved in this way, will help to achieve appropriate control when a person looks at the checklist.

    People to whom this method brings success are not aware of, presenting a clear letter, a vision at the same time of a fuzzy letter and are not distracted when their vision is improved by such a view. Many people can remember very clearly, with their eyes closed or looking at a place where they can not possibly see the letter, but as soon as they start looking at it, tension appears and they lose control of their memories. And since the representation depends on the memory, they can not imagine the vision of this letter. In such cases, I'm used to doing one of the ways. I start with the question: "Can you imagine a black dot at the bottom of this letter and at the same time, clearly representing this point, are you able to imagine that you see this letter?"

    Sometimes they succeed, but usually not. Then they are asked to submit some part of this letter, usually the lower one. When they can imagine this part straight, curved or open( depending on the situation), they will be able to represent the lateral and upper parts, still keeping the point below. But even after they do this, they may still not be able to represent the whole letter entirely without losing a point. Stimulate them to this can be, bringing the test table a little closer to them, and then pushing it away. This is due to the fact that when you look at the surface where there is some object for viewing, the representation improves in proportion to the approach of the point where vision is best, because at this point the eyes are most relaxed. When on the surface there is nothing special to consider, the distance does not matter, since there is no effort to see.

    To help people mentally imagine that they see a letter, they need to be told again and again: "Of course, you do not see the letter. I'm not asking you to see her. I only ask you to imagine that you see it completely black and quite distinctly. "

    When people with a mental representation can see any known letter, they can apply the same method to an unfamiliar letter. This is due to the fact that as soon as any part of the letter, such as a point-sized zone, can be completely black, the whole letter will be seen as black, although at first the visual perception of this fact may not be so long that a person realizes it.

    Trying to identify unfamiliar letters, a person discovers that it is impossible to clearly imagine if reality does not appear. This is due to the fact that if any letter or any part of the letter is different from what it really is, the mental image will be blurred and changeable, like a letter that is visible fuzzy.

    The ways in which a mental representation can be violated are very diverse. There is only one way of ideal representation and many ways of imperfect presentation. The right path is easy. The mental image of the thing presented comes as quickly as a thought, and can be held for more or less a long time. The wrong way is difficult. The image comes slowly, it is changeable and does not last long.

    You can prove this by submitting or remembering first some black letter as clearly as it is possible( closing your eyes), and then presenting the same letter is unclear. Usually the first can be done easily. But it will be found out that it is very difficult to imagine a black letter with distinct gray contours, with blurred edges and haze-covered open parts, that it is impossible to form its psychic image, which would remain unchanged for a noticeable period of time. The color, shape and position of this letter in the field of view will change in the same way as it does with a letter when it appears fuzzy. At the same time, just as the tension of imperfect vision leads to discomfort and pain, the effort to present something fuzzy will also sometimes lead to a painful sensation. Conversely, the closer to the ideal mental image of the letter, the easier and faster it comes and lasts longer.

    By way of mental representation, very interesting results were obtained in improving vision. One doctor, who had worn glasses for forty years, and the former could not see the big letter "C" from twenty feet without them, in just fifteen minutes the simple idea that he saw the letters in black helped. When asked to describe the big letter "C" without glasses, he said that it looks gray for him, and its open part became so obscure because of the gray cloud that one could only assume that she has it. He was told that this letter is black, completely black, and its open part is completely white, without any gray clouds. So that he could make sure that this is indeed the case, the check table was brought closer to him. When he again looked at this letter from afar, he so distinctly remembered her blackness that he could imagine that he saw her as black as he had seen near. At the same time, the open part of the letter was completely white. In this way, he was able to see this letter on the test table completely black and clear. In the same way, he first read the line seventy, and then started down the test table down until about 5 minutes later he read from the twenty feet line that the normal eye is supposed to read from 10 feet. Then he was given a font to read the diamond. The letters seemed to him gray, and he could not cope with them. His attention was drawn to the fact that these letters are in fact black. Once he could imagine them black, he could read them from 10 inches.

    Explain this!a remarkable case of recovery can be simply relaxation. Literally every nerve cell of the doctor relaxed when he imagined that he saw the letters black. When he realized the vision of these letters on the checklist, he still retained control over his Presentation. Thus, he did not begin to strain again and actually saw these letters as black as he imagined.

    No relapse was observed in this case, and the doctor continued to improve. About a year later I visited his office and asked how his affairs are progressing. He replied that he had excellent vision for both the distance and the near point. The doctor saw cars and people in them on the other side of the Hudson, read the names of boats on the river, which other people could only do with a telescope. At the same time, he did not have any difficulty in reading the newspapers and, in order to prove this, immediately got out a newspaper and read a few lines out of it aloud. I was amazed and asked him how he managed to achieve such results."I did only what you told me," he replied."What did I tell you that?" I asked."You advised me to read the test table every day, which I did. You also said that I read the fine print every day in the dim light. And this, too, I did. "

    Another person who had a high degree of myopia complicated by optic nerve atrophy, and who was unsuccessfully treated by many doctors, benefited so quickly and so quickly from using the method of mental presentation that one day in my office completely lost control of myself. Raising the checklist that he held in his hand, the patient tossed it to the other end of the room."It's too good to be believed," he exclaimed. "I can not believe it. The opportunity to be healed and the fear of being deceived in my expectations is beyond my strength. "

    With some difficulty, he managed to calm him down and persuade him to continue treatment. Later he was able to read the small letters on the checklist, having already normal vision. Then he was given a fine print. When he glanced at the font of the diamond, he immediately said that he could not read it. Nevertheless, he was asked to follow the same procedure, which helped his vision into the distance. That is, he had to represent a point on one part of one of the small letters, holding the font six inches from himself. Having checked several times his memory to the point, he could imagine that he sees her completely black on one of the small letters. Then he got nervous again, and when asked what was the matter, he said: "I'm starting to read the fine print, and it shocks me so much that I lose control of myself."

    In another case, a woman with a high degree of myopia, complicated by an incipient cataract, improved her vision in a few days from 3/200 to 20/50.Instead of gradual descent down the check table, she made a jump in vision from 20/50 to 20/10.Close to her, a check table was brought up and asked to look at the letter "O" from three inches-the distance at which she saw her best, and imagine that at the bottom of that letter she sees a point and that this lower part is the blackest part of the letter. When she managed to do this at the near point, the distance began to increase gradually until she could see the letter "O" from three feet. Then I hung the test chart ten feet from her. She exclaimed: "Oh, doctor! It's impossible! The letter is too small. Let me first work with a larger one. "

    However, after 15 minutes she was able to read the small letter "O" on line ten from 20 feet.

    According to the generally accepted ideas of visual hygiene, it is considered important to protect the eyes from a wide variety of influences that are often difficult to avoid and which most people submit with an unpleasant feeling that because of them they "ruin their eyesight".Bright and dim light, artificial lighting, sharp fluctuations in the level of illumination, small print, reading in moving vehicles, lying reading and the like were long considered harmful to the eyes. Written whole mountains of literature about their allegedly terrible impact on the eyesight.

    These representations are directly opposite to the true state of things. When the eyes are used correctly, visual work under adverse conditions not only does not spoil the eyes, but also brings them real benefits, because in order to see in such conditions, a greater degree of relaxation is required than under favorable conditions. True, the conditions in question can at first cause discomfort even in people with normal vision, but a careful reading of the facts shows that only people with poor eyesight are seriously affected by them. Such people, if they apply a central fixation, quickly get used to them and take advantage of them.

    Although the eyes are created to respond to light, both physicians and residents are concerned about its impact on the eyesight. When we are dealing with a real disease, people often have to spend weeks, months and years in dark rooms or with bandages before our eyes. At home, at work and at schools, to mitigate natural or artificial light and to avoid being hit directly in the eyes, extreme precautions are taken.

    The foundation on which this universal fear of light is based is very fragile. It is impossible, of course, to ignore those bright light sources, which sometimes cause temporary unpleasant sensations. As for certain pathological effects or constant visual impairment from the effects of light alone, I never had to observe anything in the clinics or during the experiments that testified in favor of such conclusions. My experience says that strong light never causes permanent visual disturbances.

    Not light, but darkness is dangerous to the eyes. Long-term exclusion of light always impairs vision and can cause serious inflammatory conditions. However, the general fear of reading or doing fine( small) work in the dim light is unfounded. While the light is strong enough to see without discomfort, this practice is harmless and can be useful.

    Sudden change of lighting is considered especially harmful to the eye, but I did not find any evidence to support this theory. Unexpected fluctuations of light undoubtedly cause many people a feeling of discomfort. However, in all the cases examined, I found them not only far from damaging the eyesight, but also useful in fact. People with poor eyesight experience significant discomfort, manifested in impaired vision, from changes in light intensity. But the state of low vision is always temporary, and if the eye is constantly exposed to similar conditions, the vision extracts only benefit from it.

    Recommended types of training, like reading alternately in bright and dim light or moving from a dark room to a well-lit and vice versa. Even such rapid and strong fluctuations of light as are encountered when watching movies are, in the end, useful for any eyes. I always advised people with poor eyesight to go to theaters more often and apply a central fixation there. They quickly got used to the flickering light, and afterwards other lighting or reflections of light less irritated them.

    It is believed that reading is one of the inevitable evils of civilization. But it is argued that by avoiding small print and making sure to read only under certain favorable conditions, the destructive effects of reading can be minimized. Wide research was carried out on the impact of different types of font on the vision of schoolchildren and detailed rules were developed concerning the font size, color, distance between letters and lines, the length of lines, etc. Books with a very small font could still bore children, but somegrounds for speculating that such a font is harmful to their eyes( or any other eyes) I have not found. On the contrary, reading small print, when it can be done without discomfort, always confirmed its usefulness. The dimmer the light, in which one can read such a font, and the closer it is to the eyes, the more useful it is. This way for a few minutes and even immediately managed to reduce the severe pain in the eyes.

    The reason for this is that the small print can not be read with low light and close to the eyes, if not relax. At the same time, a large font can be read in good light and with a normal reading distance, although the eyes can be energized at the same time. When you can read a small font under adverse conditions, reading a normal font under normal conditions is greatly facilitated. With myopia, it may be useful to see the fine print, since myopia always decreases when there is an effort to see close objects. This sometimes counteracts the tendency to strain when looking at distant objects, which always leads to the production of myopia. Some of myopics find it useful to try to see so small a font that it can not even be read.

    People who want to keep their eyesight are often advised not to read in moving vehicles. But since in modern conditions of life many people are forced to spend a considerable part of their time in moving vehicles, and many of them do not have any other time to read, it is useless to hope that they will ever give up this practice, Fortunately, the theory of the harmfulness of such apractice is not supported by facts. When the object in question moves more or less rapidly, at first there is always a tension with a simultaneous deterioration of vision, but this is always temporary, and, ultimately, this practice only improves.

    Probably there is no other visual habit with which we have struggled so hard, as with reading lying. There are many plausible reasons for its alleged harmfulness, but this reading provision was so enticing that probably few people could stay away from it before the fear of consequences. Therefore, it's nice to inform - I managed to find out that these consequences are more useful than harmful. Along with using the eyes under other difficult conditions, it would be good to learn to read lying. The ability to do this improves as you train. In an upright position with good light, when the light falls behind the top of the left shoulder, a person can read, even if the eyes are under a considerable degree of tension. But lying, in the unfavorable light and inclined position of the page to the eyes, a person can not read, if not relax. Anyone who learns to read lying without discomfort should probably not have any trouble reading with normal conditions.

    The fact that visual work under difficult conditions is a good mental training is a fact. At first, the psyche can be disturbed by an unfavorable environment, but in the subsequent it gets used to it. Mental control while doing this and, consequently, vision improve. Advising not to use your eyes under adverse conditions is like telling a person who has been lying in bed for several weeks and finding it difficult to walk, to refrain from such an exercise. Of course, in both cases care is needed. The recovering person should not try to run the marathon immediately. Likewise, a person with visual impairment should not try without looking to watch, without blinking, in the sun at noon. But just as a patient can gradually develop his strength until the marathon stops scare him, and eyes with visual impairment can be trained until it becomes possible to neglect not only without fear, but also with the benefit of all the rules, which under the name "eye hygiene" we allowed ourselves to be scared for so long.

    Often such visual impairments cure themselves spontaneously or change their form. For a long time, it has been accepted either to ignore such disturbing facts, or to get rid of them by superficial explanations. Fortunately those.who considers it necessary at all costs to support the old theories, the role of the lens of the eye attributed to it in accommodative processes, in most cases is only a plausible explanation.

    According to this theory, which most of us have studied in school, the eye focuses on different distances by changing the curvature of the lens. In the search for an explanation for the inconsistency of the theoretically constant rejection of refraction from the norm, theorists put forward a rather ingenuous idea about the inherent ability of the lens to change its curvature, not only for the purposes of its normal accommodation, but also for the elimination or production of accommodative deviations from the norm. With hypermetropia( usually, but incorrectly termed far-sighted,

    ) It is not always possible for people with the goal of recovery to take the help of a competent doctor. As the method of treating visual impairment is relatively new, it is quite possible that you will not be able to find a doctor who owns it and lives next door. It is possible that you will not be able to afford the cost of long trips, or you will not have time to undergo treatment far from home, so I would like to say that most of them will be able to correctand without the help of a doctor or anyone else. They can improve their vision. To do this, it is not necessary for them to understand everything that was written in this or some other article. All that is necessary is to follow a few simplerules

    Hang the test table on the wall 10.13 or 20 feet away and devote half a minute or more a day to reading the smallest letters that you can see with each eye individually, closing the other eye with the palm so as to avoid touching itocularunit. Keep a record of progress and date. The simplest way to do this is to use the method used by the oculists who record the sight in the form of a fraction, in the numerator which marks the distance from which the letter was read, and in the denominator the distance from which it should be read.

    The numbers above or on the side of the alphabetic rows on the checklist show the distance from which these letters should be read by people with normal vision. Thus, 10/200 vision would mean that the large letter "C", which on a standard size table should be read from 200 feet, is not visible to the patient from a distance greater than 10 feet. Vision 20/10 would mean that the tenth line, which the normal eye is not able to read from a distance greater than 10 feet, is visible at twice the distance. This is the norm usually reached by people who used my methods.

    Another and even better way of testing the eyesight is comparing the blackness of the letter at a near point and at a distance, as well as a similar comparison for weak and good light. With perfect vision, as I explained, the black color does not change either by lighting or by distance. He looks as black at a distance as he looks at the near point, and is as black in dim light as in good lighting. If black does not look equally black under all these conditions, then by this you will know that your vision is imperfect.

    Children under the age of twelve who did not wear glasses are usually able to correct poor vision with the above method for a period of three, six or twelve months. Adults who never wore glasses achieved success in a very short time-for a week or two, and if the vision is not very bad, it will probably be restored in 3-6 months. Children or adults who wear glasses are harder to cure, and they will most likely need to apply the relaxation techniques described in other articles on our site. In addition, they will have to devote considerable time to treatment.

    Absolutely necessary refusal of points. No half-measures, if you want to achieve a complete cure. Do not try to wear weaker glasses, do not wear them in case of emergency. People who can not do without glasses for the sake of complete success, most likely, can not be cured.

    Children and adults who wear glasses will have to devote daily hours and more practice to the checklist and extra time for training at other sites. It would be nice to have two test tables, one of which could be used at close range, where it is best seen, and the other at a distance of 10-20 feet. It will be very useful to move from the near table to the far table, since the unconscious recollection of the letters seen at the near point helps to identify them at a distance.

    If you have the opportunity to use the services of a person with normal vision, this can be considered a great success. People with a rather stubborn character will find it difficult, if at all possible, to be treated without the help of a teacher. If such a teacher is available, then he should benefit from the various methods recommended here for himself. If his vision is 10/10, then he should be able to improve to 20/10 and more. If he can read the fine print from 12 inches, then he should be able to do it with 6 or 3 inches. He must also control his visual memory well enough to alleviate and prevent painful sensations. A person who has poor eyesight for a distance or a near point will not be able to provide substantial assistance in "stubborn" cases. Nobody can be useful in the application of any methods that he himself does not possess well.

    Parents who wish to preserve and improve the vision of their children should be encouraged to read the checklist daily. Each family should have a checklist that, when properly used, always prevents myopia and other abnormalities of refraction, always improves vision( even when it is normal) and always benefits with functional nervous disorders. Parents should improve their vision to a normal level so that their children can not imitate the wrong methods of using the eyes and are not exposed to the stress atmosphere. They also need to study the principles of central fixation so that they can be taught to them and their children.

    The goal of all the methods used for treatment of 's poor vision without the help of glasses is to achieve a state of rest and relaxation of the mind first and foremost, and then the eye. Peace always improves sight. Effort always worsens it. People who want to improve their eyesight should start by checking these facts on themselves.

    To make sure that the voltage worsens the vision, think about something unpleasant, about some feeling of physical discomfort or anything badly visible. When the eyes open, it will be found that the vision has worsened. Try also to look closely at one part of any letter on the checklist or try to see the entire letter all equally equally well at the same time. This invariably leads to a decrease in vision and can even lead to the disappearance of these letters. Another symptom of stress is the twitching of the eyelids, which can be seen when viewed from the side and which the patient himself can feel with the fingers. Usually, jerking can be eliminated if the rest period is long enough. Many people, however, can not provide temporary visual improvement by closing their eyes, since they do not keep them in this state for long enough. Children generally do not do this unless adults insist on it or if they are not encouraged to do so. Many adults, too, would not be prevented by surveillance.


    The easiest way to relax the eyes is to close them for a more or less long period of time and a mental representation of something pleasant. This method is a means of first aid, and it must be resorted to first. Only very few people do not benefit from it.


    An even greater degree of rest can be achieved if a person closes his eyes and covers them with the palms of his hands to completely eliminate the light. Close both eyes and cover them with the palms of both hands, fingers are crossed on the forehead. The simple exclusion of light is often sufficient to achieve a significant degree of relaxation, although sometimes the stress may increase. Typically, successful palming involves the knowledge of various other ways of relaxation. A simple covering of the closed eyes with the palms is useless, if at the same time the state of rest of the psyche is not attained. When you can perfectly do the palming, you will see the field of view so black that it is impossible to remember, imagine or see anything blacker. When you achieve this, your vision will become normal.


    Make sure that the turns not only improve your vision, but also reduce or completely relieve the pain, discomfort and fatigue.

    Stand with your feet apart about a foot apart and face to one of the walls of the room. Tearing off a little left heel from the floor, turn both shoulders, head and eyes to the right until the shoulder line is perpendicular to the wall to which you were facing. Now, lowering the left heel to the floor and tearing the right from the floor, turn your body to the left. Alternate alternating glances either on the right or on the left wall, paying attention to the head and eyes moving along with the shoulders. When the turns are made easily, continuously, without effort and without any attention to moving objects, the person will notice soon that the tension of the muscles and nerves is reduced.(Remember, however, that the shorter you will be able to make these turns, the greater will be your progress.)

    Fixed objects move with different speeds. Those that are almost right in front of you, seem to be moving at the speed of the express and must be heavily oiled. It is very important not to make any attempts to see clearly the objects that the person at the moment of the turns seem to swiftly pass by him.

    Turns are designed to help, above all, people suffering from eye strain during sleep. Doing them 50 or more times just before bedtime and immediately after waking up in the morning, people often get rid of or noticeably reduce eye strain during sleep.


    When sight is normal, the psyche is always in an ideal state of rest. When the memory is perfect, the psyche is also at rest. Therefore, using memory, one can improve vision. Everything that you find pleasant to remember, gives the psyche a rest. However, for training it is usually more convenient to remember a small black object such as a dot or a small letter. The most convenient condition for exercises for remembering is usually a state where the eyes are closed and covered with the palms of the hands. As you train, it will also be possible to remember with your eyes open.

    When you can close your eyes and cover them with your hands, remember clearly any letter of small print, it will seem to you as if you saw it with your own eyes, making light movements and having open parts in it whiter than the rest of the background. If you can not remember it, then deliberately move from one edge of this letter to the other and consciously imagine that the open parts of the letter are whiter than the rest of the background. When you do this, it will seem to you, the letter moves in the direction opposite to the imaginary movement of the eyes. In this way you can remember this letter indefinitely.

    Daily reading of small familiar letters from the longest distance with which they can be seen gives the eyes a rest, as the eye always relaxes to some extent, seeing familiar objects.


    The mental representation is closely related to the memory, because we can only imagine what we remember well. In the treatment of poor vision, these two elements can hardly be separated from each other. Vision is largely determined by the content of mental presentation and memories. Since both representation and memory are impossible without perfect relaxation, the development of these abilities improves not only the interpretation of images on the retina, but also the images themselves. When you imagine that you see a letter on the checklist, you actually see it, because it will be impossible to relax and ideally represent the letter and at the same time to strain and see it vaguely.

    In many cases, the quickest results were given by the following method of using the mental representation. Look at the biggest letter of the test table from a close distance. Most likely, you will see that a small square with a side about an inch seems to be blacker than the rest of the letter, and that if you hide some of the visible part of the letter, then some area of ​​the visible part will appear blacker than the rest. If you again cover up the part of the letter visible worse, the zone of maximum blackness will further decrease. When the size of the part of the letter that is visible is best reduced to approximately the size of any letter from the bottom line, imagine that this letter has taken the place of this zone and is seen blacker than the rest of the large letter. Then look at any letter on the bottom line of the check table and imagine that it is blacker than the largest letter in the table. If you can do this, you can immediately see the letters on the bottom line.


    Because effort is the factor that worsens vision, many people with poor eyesight manage after a certain period of rest to look at an object for a split second. If you close your eyes before the habit of straining again manifests itself, then sometimes you can achieve a state of continuous relaxation very quickly. This exercise I called a "glimpse" or "blinking".It helped many people who could not improve their eyesight in other ways. Let your eyes rest for a few minutes, closing them or making a palm, and then look for a split second on any letter on the checklist or on the small letter if you have vision problems at close range. Immediately close your eyes and repeat the procedure.


    When sight is normal, the eye sees one part of the object in question better, and everything else is worse, in proportion to the distance from the point of best vision. When sight is imperfect, the eye tries to see a significant part of its field of view equally well at the same time. This leads to a strong tension of the eyes and psyche, which anyone can see, whose vision is close to normal, trying to see a sizeable zone all equally well at the same time. At close range, an attempt to see such a zone, even a quarter of an inch in diameter, will lead to discomfort and painful sensations. All that gives the eyes rest, leads to the restoration of the normal level of central fixation. It can easily be restored by conscious practice. Sometimes this is the easiest and fastest way to improve your vision.

    When you can realize the vision of one part of your field of vision better than anything else, it is usually possible to reduce the size of this visible best zone. If you translate your eyes from the bottom of the capital letter "C" to its top and see the not directly considered part worse than the part fixed by the view, you may be able to do the same with the next line of letters. In this way, you may be able to get to the bottom line and, looking from the top of the letters on this line to their bottom, to see the part not directly considered is worse. Then you can read these letters.

    Since it is impossible to see small letters without the help of a central fixation, reading small print, if it can be done, is one of the best exercises for vision. At the same time, the weaker the lighting, at which the fine print can be read, and the closer it can be to the eyes, the better for you.


    Sunlight is as necessary to the eyes as a state of rest and relaxation. If it's possible, start your day by setting the eyes closed to the sun. Only a few minutes of such solarization at a time - already a significant help to the eyes. Accustom yourself to the strong light of the sun, allowing its rays to fall on your closed eyelids. To rule out the possibility of stress, it would be nice to turn your head slightly from side to side. When you get used to strong light, raise the upper eyelid of one eye and look down so that the sun shines on the sclera. Blink if there is such a desire, or when you feel that the depth of relaxation falls. A person can not get too much sun treatment.

    The first law of vision is movement. When the eye moves, he sees. The sight of the eye, which looks intently, weakens. Here is a series of exercises of a mental and physical nature, the purpose of which is to destroy the habit of watching closely through the physical and mental movement of the gaze.


    Face the window of your room, placing your feet approximately 1 foot apart. Then, transferring the weight of the body to the left leg, turn the head and shoulders to the left wall. After this, transferring the body weight to the right leg, turn the head and shoulders to the right wall. Do these movements in the rhythm of the slow waltz, tearing off the heel from the floor during the turns. If, during the turns, you still sing the melody of some waltz you like, this will allow you to be sure that you breathe deeply during the turns. Note that when you turn to the right wall, the windows go past you to the left, and when you turn to the left wall, the windows go to the right. You may notice that windows skip past only when you "take your eyes with you" during the turn. Do not try to hypnotize yourself with the feeling of this movement. You just need to feel the relativity of this process-you and the windows pass by each other. Let them pass. If you "stick" to their eyes, you will have dizziness or mild nausea. So you will understand that they did not give, as Dr. Bates said, "pass the world past you." Make sure that your eyes do not close when you pass the windows, otherwise you will not be able to see them floating past you. During the turns, count the number. To achieve the desired degree of relaxation, you need to make up to 60 turns. Between the 60th and the 100th turn, you enjoy the level of relaxation you have achieved, designed to help improve your vision.

    This exercise should be done 100 times every morning and another the same time in the evening before going to bed. Despite the fact that its implementation takes only 2-3 minutes, the results of its application will amaze you. This exercise develops the flexibility of the spine, normalizes the functions of the internal organs of the person( heart, lungs, digestive tract, etc.).But first of all, it helps to excite a peculiar vibration of the eyes( very small involuntary movements of the eyes) with a frequency of about 70 times per second. It is beyond the power of man to feel these movements. The guarantee that they are carried out is the apparent movement of windows during the execution of turns.

    Do not forget that this is not an exercise for the development of vision and not a physical exercise. His goal is to relax the eyes, bringing them and thoughts into motion. In addition, it is designed to eliminate the habit of careful consideration of objects. Do it gently, rhythmically and do not turn it into a physical exercise. These turns are a means of achieving relaxation in order to relieve tension. Do them, remembering this.


    This exercise is the first step towards eliminating the intense state of the eyes. Put the index finger of some hand in front of your nose. Gently turn your head from side to side, while looking past the finger, not at it. You will feel that the finger is moving. Very quickly, you can achieve a sense of movement if you close your eyes and make turns so that the tip of the nose touches your finger every time you pass it. If, after opening your eyes, they "stick" to your finger, you will get dizzy, and you will not be able to get a sense of movement.

    What, can not achieve any illusion of movement? Then try the following. Hold the palms to your face, wide-spread fingers. Make head turns, imagining that the fingers are something like a stockade, and look at the moment of their passage not on them, but through them into the distance. Fingers must pass you by. Alternate 3 turns with closed eyes( with a thought-"they move to one ear, and then to another"), with 3 turns with open eyes, seeing fingers passing by you. Do these turns always 20-30 times, without forgetting about breathing. These turns have a pain-relieving effect. If you have a headache or some kind of pain at all, then do these twists for 10-20 minutes, alternating turns with open eyes with turns with closed eyes. Do after that, palming, and you will feel better. But in any case, think about the movement. And breathe!

    One doctor told me that he considers the head turns described here to be one of the most valuable exercises, as they relieve stress through the sympathetic nervous system literally from every part of our body.

    In the kindergarten and in the first grade of the school the child comes with a radiant face and bright eyes. In the second-third grade, time seems to him to be endlessly stretching, and after the fourth or fifth grade the school doctor sends parents a letter that the child needs glasses.

    What happened to our child? Before Johnny went to school he could see, and could not see. It was completely unimportant. If someone asked him: "Can you see a kite?", He would look up and say yes or no. Whatever the result, he did not care for him - so it did not matter for his entertainment. What was not important in the game becomes important in school. Johnny felt pressure on himself, compelling him to study well. Therefore, he was very diligently staring at the board. Coercion in itself causes eye strain. If, in addition, the board is in a place that gives a glare when looking at it from the spot where Johnny is sitting, and the unfamiliar inscriptions on the board are wrapped up like a veil from chalk traces, then Johnny has problems. Since the words on the board are very important to him, he starts, for example, mowing, thus straining his eyes. The more effort he exerts, the worse he sees. In the end, he begins to apply even more effort, but the matter ends in the fact that he is unable to read even the test table. There is a need for glasses. After the 5th-6th grade, the percentage of children wearing glasses increases significantly. In high school, most honors wear glasses, and in college their wearing becomes the rule. At the same time, one can meet such states-the emergence of effort due to the compulsory nature of the training, burdened by mental stress, and a close look because of the stress necessary for the vision of the board. Many adults said that their stress first appeared in school because of the school board. Nevertheless, these boards are still considered as a necessary element of the school educational process. Teachers tried to facilitate this process, using light green boards and yellow chalk. This, however, worsens the contrast compared to what white chalk gives against a black background, and leads to even greater eye strain, because their work is based on contrast.

    Children are not the only ones who have problems with the board. One lady of old age, who had regained her vision a few years earlier through relaxation, returned to my studio again in order to refresh her memory of the course of treatment. The fact is that she attended a school where she studied astrology and where she again had problems with the board.

    Almost everything that can be done in this situation is to teach your eyes to relax and maintain this relaxation even under the stress of mental stress. Before the time when children in school will be taught relaxation, parents need to give them relaxation lessons after school to compensate for the daily stress that their children are exposed to. First of all, it is necessary to find out exactly how this stress affects the eyesight, so that specialized work can be done at home. If the eyes mow, then they can be restored through patient relaxation to the correct centering. If there is short-sightedness, then you can restore the vision to the distance, instill gradually into the subconscious the correct habits of a relaxed vision so that more of this trouble will not return. If the far-sighted eyes do not allow you to work at close range, then you can relax the flattening eyeballs straight muscles, and then the eye will focus without tension on the near point. Review the previous article devoted to myopic and far-sighted eyes.

    We will describe one method used in one of the school classes and improved the vision of all children. Before the students in the class they hung a test table. Children were advised to read as many rows a day in the table as they could with ease. If, for example, the child stumbled on the fifth line, then being intrigued, he, leaving the class and passing the table, looked at this line from a closer distance, allowing him to see it well. After the change, the student, remembering this line, will most likely see her from his place and will be intrigued by the sixth line. The reasons for making these simple daily readings were as follows. First, the disciple used his sight without any coercion. He did not have to read each line. Secondly, the use of memories and mental presentations taught the eyes of a feeling of indifference, of watching without tension. Records that led the teachers, show that the eyesight of all children has improved, those who had it below normal, vision improved to normal. Those who had it initially was normal, it became even more acute.

    Parents can repeat these exercises at home. Because children avoid a checklist where they can not show good vision because of the usual fear prompted by the school physician, do not use individual letters to train children's eyesight. Instead, make a table of some words. Match the words to the child's age. Hang your work of art on the wall, to which the child often turns his face, for example, in the dining room. If it is problematic during the meal, then hang the table opposite to his bed or on the kitchen wall against the door through which he usually enters. It should hang in good light. Turn it into an "easy game for vision."For the first time, let him choose the distance from which he can see the words. Warn him that you should not try hard. Help him in reading. Promise him that "one day he will see all this without any difficulty."After he reads 2-3 lines, let him go closer and read the next line. Do not pay attention to the fact that he remembers these lines. Familiar objects are easy to see, therefore, you are giving him a lesson of relaxed contemplation. Recollection helps the eyesight. Do not think that without coercion your child will not want to look. The eyes tend to see, they crave sight. If the child rests and does not want to look at the table, the reason for this is more the tension caused by compulsion than his poor vision. Also, make sure that the child does not use any tricks, trying to see. Help the child learn the words on the table and praise him for every new achievement. Do not suspect him that he does not see the table, but only remembers it. When he remembers it at the moment when his eyes rest on a word, he will see it.

    When in a few weeks his interest in the table fades away, it would be good to once again stimulate his attention, hanging a new set of words. Warn him of the undesirability for the eyes to avoid any change. But do not make such changes too quickly, since it is the acquaintance of the objects that he considers that is what teaches him to relaxed looking. When he can not read any word confidently, or, as little Joe said, "the word will not be easy to see every time", show the child what an amazing thing happens with his eyesight, when he does the palming, "will write the word"clearly and correctly, and then with a deep breath again look at him. Both old and young are deeply moved by the improvement in vision that this method gives. Adolescents from older classes can be treated like adults, i.e.independently, using this article. Of course, the treatment would be greatly assisted by a qualified instructor who would support the inspiration of the practitioners using various exercises and selecting them in such a way as to arouse the interest of those involved, both young and old.

    Another advice for parents today, when there are so many ambitious people in the world, it would not be too hard on students after their school hours. As a serious child once told me, full of tears, with farsightedness: "During the week, I have absolutely no time to engage in solarization. Time and rushes. I go to the doctor for injections, go to dance lessons, music lessons, go to the hairdresser, to the dentist-orthodontist, to singing lessons and to training. I do not have a minute to do what I want! "This is a very sad statement of the child, a victim of constant coercion, which for sure in the near future will suffer a neurosis. I also worked with another child, a boy of nine years old, who had myopia and who practiced his cello for five hours a day from the age of four, just as his father, my father, did in his time. In some social groups, we need to start a movement that can be called "Kind attitude to children."

    One of the reasons that there are so many problems with eyesight these days is that we have absolutely no time for entertainment. We almost lost our spirit and the art of entertainment. Entertainment and games, available, in principle, to all, have become the lot of lucky only!

    Drink fruit and vegetable juices not only with the diseases that have already arisen, but also as prevention of those.

    All the eye exercises described above can be used with great success not only to correct deficiencies, but also to prevent them.

    Avoid direct sunlight in the eyes, do not look at the sun.

    Direct sunlight "burns" the retina of the eye, and its recovery, even in the healthy body of young people is very slow.

    With prolonged exertion of the eyes, take breaks every 30 minutes, during which it is easy to sit with your eyes closed or perform the above exercises. This helps relieve fatigue from the eyes and keep the eyesight.

    Do not work at the computer for more than 1.5 hours a day and do not forget to take breaks.

    Do not watch TV from a distance less than 2.5 m, preferably not more than 2 hours a day. The location of the TV screen above the eye level contributes to an earlier and more severe fatigue of the eye muscles.

    Keep your eyes clear of dust, fumes, various chemical compounds.

    The last and, perhaps most important: if the methods of traditional medicine do not help, do not delay the visit to the oculist( ophthalmologist).

    With these simple tips, you can be sure that everything you can and needs is done for the eyes.