Oral cavity in diabetes
Very often, the dentist is the first to suggest the presence of diabetes in the patient. In addition, patients with diabetes require the help of a dentist more often.
Often the first dental manifestations of diabetes mellitus are chronic gingivitis( inflammation of the gums) and rapidly progressing periodontitis( damage to the peri-toothed tissues), which can be stopped only by normalizing the blood sugar level.
Alveolar pyorrhea is one of the constant companions of diabetes mellitus. Symptoms of the disease: swelling and redness of the edges of the gums, their lagging behind the teeth with the formation of pocket-like depressions, often the separation of pus from the "pockets", abundant deposition of tartar, bad breath, slight soreness in the gum area, and finally gradual loosening and prolapseteeth. Alveolar pyorrhea, as a purulent focus, in some individual cases can lead to general poisoning of the body. Poor oral care, lack of vitamins( especially vitamin C) complicates the course of the disease.
Alveolar pyorrhoea is often an early indication of the onset of diabetes. This disease spreads from the molars to the front and is of the nature of an acute process, usually beginning on the upper jaw. Every case of an acute course of alveolar pyorrhea, which engulfs a large area, should always cause suspicion.
When referring to a dentist, the patient must simultaneously examine blood and urine for sugar. The success of treatment of alveolar pyorrhea is closely related to the course of the diabetic process.
The use of vitamins in the required amount can prevent the development of the disease and give impetus to its cure.
Sometimes, diabetes can cause severe toothache, most often this is due to purulent melting of the pulp of the teeth. If surgical intervention is necessary( removal of a sick tooth, etc.), always consult an endocrinologist.
Periodontal disease is not classified as a gum disease, it is only a painful condition caused by atrophic processes, the exact cause of which modern science has not yet established. It is assumed that periodontal disease is provoked by insufficient loading on the teeth and gums. The negative effect is also the deficit of trace elements and vitamins. Dentistry characterizes periodontosis by denuding the neck of the tooth, increased sensitivity of teeth to cold and hot food. Another important reason for the onset of periodontal disease is the inadequacy of the blood supply to the gingival tissue, in severe cases often leads to its atrophy and, as a result, to tooth loss. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment of periodontal disease, although modern techniques, tools and methods allow partial restoration of the gum.
With periodontal disease, gum massage is performed to improve blood flow, and if the patient complains of increased sensitivity of the teeth, aching pain, itching is treated to remove these symptoms. There are always people trying to find and apply folk methods and means of treating periodontal disease. This, of course, is the same with the option, but still it is better to contact a professional dentist. It can eliminate almost all the symptoms of gum disease, but if you suffer from diabetes, it is necessary to treat primarily the underlying disease, because the body is a single whole.
In inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity it is recommended to take infusions from the following herbs: chamomile, nettle, blackberry, horsetail, yarrow, blackberry, St. John's wort. These same herbs should be chewed several times a day. You can use mouthwash with mimic oil( for 10-15 minutes twice a day), 2% solution of calendula tincture or concentrated honey solution.
In the morning and in the evening it is advisable to rinse your mouth with tea mushroom infusion or a warm solution of baking soda.
Brush your teeth twice a day, morning and evening, and after eating rinse your mouth with warm water.
1. Rinse your mouth with cabbage brine or chew several times a day with sour cabbage leaves.
2. Rinse the mouth with infusion or decoction of sage or broth of oak bark( 2 tsp of crushed bark for 200 ml of water. Boil for 10 minutes on low heat).This procedure besides anti-inflammatory action also eliminates bad breath.
3. Rinse mouth with vegetable oil 1-2 times a day for 10 minutes.
4. Continue chewing the leaves of aloe or calanchoe several times a day.
5. Rinse mouth two or three times a day with a mild solution of manganese.