  • Therapeutic exercise and diabetes

    Therapeutic physical culture is indicated for mild and moderate severity of the disease, but only against the background of diet and drug therapy. As it was said above, muscular work of moderate intensity strengthens the action of insulin and is accompanied by an increase in the use of sugar by muscles and, consequently, a decrease in hyperglycemia. Begin with simple physical exercises in the supine and sitting position, then the load is gradually increased.

    The expedient use of medical physical training in combination with other means of treating diabetes mellitus has a beneficial effect on the patient.

    As a rule, the level of blood sugar after a night's sleep increases, which should partly be explained by the state of rest in which the sleeper resides. The test of therapeutic gymnastics, walks and other kinds of physical work showed that physical activity in diabetics reduces the level of sugar in the blood.

    Physical work promotes better absorption of the body by sugar because there is a better manifestation of the action of insulin at this time. In addition, it promotes the release of insulin in greater quantities.

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    Therapeutic physical culture is indicated to all patients with diabetes, except for those diabetics who are too exhausted or suffer from concomitant severe diseases. Later, when the strength and weight as a result of treatment will be restored, such patients can also be prescribed therapeutic physical culture( LFK).To exercise exercise therapy should be treated with caution to patients suffering from severe cardiovascular diseases, in which physical activity is contraindicated.

    The patient can most often engage in physiotherapy exercises, only when in a sanatorium or other medical institution.

    Many sanatoriums have special simulators for different parts of the body.

    To be engaged in morning or therapeutic gymnastics follows after preliminary advice with the doctor. Classes should be conducted in a well-ventilated room or in the air. Gymnastics can be repeated in the evening 1-2 hours before going to bed. Exercise is better to alternate, giving a uniform load on different muscles. In order not to feel tired after the physical exercises, it is necessary to increase the load to the middle of the exercise complex and then reduce it. The increase or decrease in the load is carried out according to the patient's condition.

    You can increase the load by repeating the exercises, the pace, reducing the pauses. To reduce the load, you need to rest longer between exercises, fill the pause with a calm, even and full breathing. The starting points for gymnastic exercises should be changed.

    Movement should be performed with a large swing in the joints. Breathing should be free, rhythmic, through the nose, exhale longer than inhalation.

    Weak patients are recommended to do exercises freely, without tension. The useful action of the exercise complex can be judged by the status of the practitioner, after gymnastic exercises, it should be good.

    Feeling of fatigue, weakness serves as a signal for changing a set of physical exercises in the direction of reducing the load or temporarily canceling them.

    In the complex of exercises of therapeutic gymnastics should include mobile games, running, exercises with resistance and others. After gymnastics you need to take a water treatment - a bath, a shower or wiping. Begin wiping should be a towel soaked in water at room temperature, with a gradual transition to wiping with water at a lower temperature in the future. When wiping the movement make from the periphery to the heart.

    A great value for patients have walks on flat terrain or climbing a mountain along marked paths( health path).In addition to all other factors, they cause positive emotions.

    Going on excursion, making a pedestrian walk, the patients using insulin, in case of occurrence of a hypoglycemia necessarily should have at itself sugar or sweets.

    It is up to the attending physician to decide on the choice of the route of the walk, the opportunity to participate in the excursion. Without his permission, it is not advisable to independently undertake distant walking tours. The same nature of walks, performed at the resort, should be practiced at home.

    Very useful physical work in the garden, the garden. At home, you need to constantly engage in easy physical work.

    It is especially important to emphasize that patients with diabetes, engaged in mental work, must necessarily engage in therapeutic gymnastics and easy physical work. Sports games( football, volleyball, small towns, etc.) and other sports can be recommended to people with diabetes.

    Daily exercise is mandatory, no matter how old the patient is. This increases the absorption of glucose by muscles, the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin, improves blood supply to organs and tissues, which leads to a decrease in hypoxia - the imminent companion of poorly compensated diabetes at any age, especially the elderly. The amount of exercise in the elderly, hypertensive patients and having a history of myocardial infarction should be determined by the doctor. If there are no other requirements, then you can limit your daily half-hour walking( 3 times for 10 minutes).

    When decompensating diabetes, exercise is ineffective. With large physical exertion, hypoglycemic conditions may develop, so the doses of hypoglycemic drugs( and especially insulin) should be reduced by 20%.

    After the resort-sanatorium treatment, morning and therapeutic gymnastics should be continued at home. When leaving the sanatorium, you can get advice for classes on the recommended by the doctor a set of physical exercises. If some exercises cause considerable fatigue, then they should be skipped.

    Complex of exercises for patients 19-34 years old

    Exercise 1. Starting position( IP) - standing, legs together, hands behind head, elbows forward.1-2 - climbing on socks, dilute elbows to the sides, bend over;3-4 - return to and. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Exercise 2. Stabbing - standing, legs together, hands to the sides.1 - bend the right leg forward, grab the shin with your hands, pull your hips to your chest;2 - return to and. P.;3-4 - the same with the other leg. Repeat 8-10 times.

    Exercise 3. A stitch is a leg stand apart, hands to the sides.1 - bending the left leg, bending down to the right leg, with your left hand touching the right toe, taking your right hand back;2 - return to and. P.;3-4 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

    Exercise 4. Staple - stand on the knees, hands on the belt.1-2 - backward inclination, bent;3-4 - and. P.;5-6 - tilting back with a straight body, the head is pubescent;7-8 - return to the starting position.

    Exercise 5. Staple - stand the legs apart, hands behind the head.1-2 - turns the trunk to the right, hands in the sides with the palms upward;3-4 - and. P.;5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

    Exercise 6. An infra structure - lying on the back, hands on the floor along the trunk, legs raised at an angle of 45 degrees. Movement of the legs "write" the numbers from 1 to 10. At the beginning, when doing the exercise, pause for rest, in the future, the load can be increased by adding a few digits. Do not hold your breath.

    Exercise 7. AI - stand the legs together, hands along the trunk.1 - thrust squatting;2 - straighten your legs without taking your hands off the floor;3 - thrust squatting;4 - and. Repeat 6-8 times.

    Exercise 8. Staple - resting on bent hands.1-2 - straightening the arms, turning the trunk to the left, the left leg back to the right, touching the floor with it;3-4 - and. P.;5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

    Exercise 9. Infra-red standing, legs together, hands on the waist.1 - right foot to the side on the toe, hands to the sides;2 - swing the right foot to the side, cotton in the palm of the hand over the head;3 - right foot to the side on the toe, hands to the sides;4 - and. P.;5-8 - same with the other leg. Repeat 6-8 times.

    Exercise 10. Staple - standing, legs together, hands on the waist.1-4 - four jumps on the toes on the square - left, forward, right, back;5-8 - the same in the opposite direction. Repeat 4-6 times.

    Complex of exercises for patients 35-55 years

    Exercise 1. I. п!Standing, legs together, hands along the trunk.1-2 - climbing on socks, hands up arcs outwards, to connect the back sides of the palms;3- 4 - and. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Exercise 2. A stylus is a wide leg stand apart, hands to the sides.1 - bending the left leg, emphasis sitting on it, right foot to the side on the toe;2 - and. P.;3-4 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 8-10 times.

    Exercise 3. IP - tilt forward, bent, in the leg stand apart, hands on the belt.1-4 - circular movement of the trunk( left, back, right, and etc.);5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Exercise 4. AI - sowing, legs together, hands to the sides.1 - bend the right leg with a grip on the shin, pull the hip to the chest;2 - and. P.;3-4 - the same with the other leg. Repeat 8-10 times.

    Exercise 5. Staple - stand the legs apart, hands to the sides.1 - turn the trunk to the right, the left hand behind the head, the right palm upward;2 - and. P.;3-4 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 8-10 times.

    Exercise 6. An AI - standing facing the wall a step away from it.1-2 - hands up and tilt back, trying to touch the walls with hands;3-4 - and. Repeat 6-8 times. Changing the distance to the wall, you can adjust the degree of impact of the exercise.

    Exercise 7. AI - lying on the back, hands in the sides.1 - raise the left foot forward;2 - lower it to the right on the floor;3 - return to the position of account 1;4 - and. P.;5-8 - same with the other leg. Repeat 4-6 times.

    Exercise 8. Stabbing - standing, legs apart, arms outstretched.1 - swing left foot to the right, right hand to the left;2 - and. P.;3-4 - the same with the other leg in the other direction. Repeat 8-10 times.

    Exercise 9. Staple - on the heels with an inclination forward, hands down, palms on the floor.1 - move forward with emphasis on the knees and forearms, bending the back;

    2 - continuing to move forward, emphasis, lying on the hips;

    3 - backward movement of the stop, kneeling, back round, head lowered;4 - and. Repeat 6-8 times.