
Treatment of candidiasis of the oral cavity and its diagnosis

  • Treatment of candidiasis of the oral cavity and its diagnosis

    Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida pseudotropicalis, Candida krusei, Candida guilliermond are common pathogens that cause candidiasis of the oral mucosa. These are unicellular microorganisms-saprophytes, belonging to the detachment of fungi.

    There are about 80 representatives of this genus, but only 10 of them are caused on the human body. Yeast-like fungi of the candida species are sown on the oral mucosa and skin integuments in more than 50% of people, but most people remain only carriers, without a clinical picture of the manifestation of the disease.

    They get sick only with a decrease in the body's immunity. In children, the most common disease is the mucous membrane of the mouth. Treatment of candidiasis of the oral cavity is carried out after a preliminary confirmation of the diagnosis by a doctor, be sure!

    The main symptoms of

    The symptoms of oral candidiasis are very diverse and depend on many factors - the state of the patient's immune system, his age, the presence of various diseases, the intake of antibiotics and other medications. Depending on the clinical picture, distinguish between acute and chronic appearance.

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    Acute form:

    • Acute pseudomembranous
    • Acute atrophic


    • Chronic hypertrophic
    • Chronic atrophic

    Acute pseudomembranous candidosis or all known thrush is one of the most common types of candidiasis of the oral mucosa. Observed in many infants, it is relatively easy to treat.

    Most often, signs of oral candidiasis in children are seen in the tongue, the surface of the cheeks, the sky, the lips. Mucous membranes become hyperemic( reddened), dry, a white coating appears on them, resembling cottage cheese or curdled milk.

    At the very beginning of the disease, the plaque can be easily removed, and under it will be visible edematous mucosa. In a more neglected state of the disease, the plaque separates with difficulty, and the mucous membranes beneath it become eroded. With thrush, burning sensation in the mouth, a baby can begin to cry when sucking, becomes whimsical, older children can themselves complain of pain when eating, especially spicy or salty.

    In acute atrophic form, there is noticeable dryness of the oral mucosa, their color, while becoming bright red. The tongue is crimson, with atrophied papillae, the surface is dry and shiny. The raid is practically absent and is removed with difficulty.

    The chronic form of this disease in children is not so rare, it is manifested by yellow and light brown rounded formations that do not separate when scraping.

    Causes of

    disease Formation of candidiasis of the oral cavity in children and elderly people is quite common, due to exogenous causes of infection of candidiasis or endogenous diseases - a decrease in immunity in combination with the carriage of fungi Candida. In children, usually immunity is not yet developed and infection often occurs in childbirth from the mother.

    But do not be afraid of candidiasis of the oral cavity, the treatment of which is not so difficult!

    Implementation of effective measures for diagnosing

    The treatment of oral candidiasis in children is divided into general and local.

    In candidiasis of the oral mucosa in children, local treatment is indicated, namely: local treatment of the affected areas of the mucosa 0, 1 % hexectidine solution( hexoral) or 2% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. If there is a relapse of the disease, then the administration of nystatin in a dosage of 50 000 - 100 000 units per day, divided into three doses, is indicated.

    That is, a child weighing 6 kg shows 300 000 - 600 000 units per day or 100 000 - 200 00 units in one step. It is possible to take fluconazole in a dosage of 5-8 mg / kg of body weight 1 time per day. Duration of treatment will be determined by the state of the oral mucosa of the child, but it should not exceed 7 days. With extensive damage to the oral mucosa, it is recommended to take systemic antimycotic - fluconazole, once, at the above dosage, if the child does not have risk factors for the development of severe candidiasis, the intake of nystatin in the above dosage is recommended.

    Mucous can be treated with Candid solution.

    Diet for candidiasis of the oral cavity

    Children who are breastfeeding should continue to receive milk from their mother, there is no need to replace it with a mixture. However, in the treatment of candidiasis of the oral mucosa, prophylaxis of the candidiasis of the nipples of the nursing mother should be carried out. With artificial feeding, sterilize bottles regularly.

    Older children who have oral candidiasis receive treatment in full and should avoid drinking sweet drinks - juice, tea with sugar, soda - sweet environment promotes reproduction of fungi. Temporarily exclude from the diet fruits, products containing yeast, sugar. Let the child drink more distilled water and food containing fiber.

    Try to fully cure this disease in your baby, in order to avoid relapse and the emergence of a resistant to the treatment of the fungus strain. The doctor will tell you how to treat oral candidiasis, and you should carefully follow his recommendations.

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