  • Sinuforte from sinusitis easily cures!

    Sinusitis refers to sinusitis. It is manifested by inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which proceeds acutely or chronically, and the preparation of Sunufore from sinusitis has become a new treatment for this common disease.

    The inflammatory process can proceed as a one-sided sinusitis or two( bilateral).This pathology can develop at any age, the incidence rate increases in the cold season.

    Causes of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses

    Sinusitis is provoked by many factors:

    • of the respiratory tract infection by viral and bacterial etiology;
    • infectious dental diseases( caries);
    • allergic conditions;
    • violation of normal airway patency;
    • congenital pathologies of nasal cavity development;
    • chronic sinusitis develops on the background of improper treatment of acute inflammatory process in the nasal cavity and in the maxillary sinuses.

    Symptoms of the disease

    In acute sinusitis, a high fever, headache, a feeling of raspiraniya in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus, develops tear and increased sensitivity to light, nasal congestion and allocation first serous and then purulent. The sense of smell is reduced, the swelling of the cheeks and eyelids appears.

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    The diagnosis is made according to the clinic and on the basis of data that is obtained after carrying out a rhinoscopy and other examination methods( diaphanoscopy, radiography, ultrasound diagnostics), after which Sinuporte may be prescribed for sinusitis.

    Cinuforte in the treatment of

    disease To date, there are many pharmacological agents that are prescribed in the treatment of this disease. Widespread use in modern therapy of this disease is acquired by drops from the sinusitis Sinuforte. This drug is prescribed for acute and chronic forms, fronts, etmoiditis, and can also be used for combined sinusitis.

    Sinuforte is a lyophilizate, which is used to prepare a solution, it is administered intranasally. The active ingredient is a cyclamen extract of the European, which is often included in preparations used to treat sinusitis, as it causes reflex secretion of the nasal mucosa and shows anti-edematous properties, which facilitates the rapid evacuation of purulent secretion from the nasal sinuses to the nasopharynx.

    Sinuforte from sinusitis does not show irritating effect on the nasal mucosa, does not stay in its cavity and has no systemic effect on the body, therefore it is effectively used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses. In addition, when using this drug, no cases of overdose have been identified.

    It should be noted that the increase in dosage does not increase the therapeutic effect, so treatment with a spray of sinusitis Sinuforte should be carried out with strict adherence to the instructions. Otherwise, there may be pain in the nasopharynx and a fairly intense burning sensation, which will only complicate the treatment.

    Side effects and interaction with other medications

    Sinuphorte is well tolerated, but in rare cases, slight burning in the nasopharynx, as well as reflex reactions in the form of saliva or lacrimation, redness of the face may appear. Very rarely, when Sinuporte is used against sinusitis, there is a headache in the forehead area, and the discharge from the nose acquires a pale pink color, which can be explained by diapedesis of the capillaries of the nose. Such reactions can not be regarded as a testimony to the cessation of its use.

    It should be noted that Sinuphorte can not be combined with local anesthetics. It is allowed to simultaneously instill drugs that reduce mucosal edema. With bacterial etiology of sinusitis it is advisable to simultaneously prescribe antibacterial drugs, which leads to a rapid onset of therapeutic effect.

    Dosage and application rules for

    Before using the medicine for sinusitis Sinuforth, you should carefully read the information in the manual to avoid undesirable effects and prevent it from improper preparation, administration or dosage. According to the instructions Sinuforte from sinusitis is prescribed only to adults and children from 12 years of age.

    This medication is not used to treat women who carry the baby or are breastfeeding, as there are not sufficient clinical studies to use it in these periods. The drug is used once a day for one spray in each nostril. The duration of treatment of sinusitis Sinuforte is seven days.

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