Dogwood useful properties
Dogwood is a small shrub or a low tree, sometimes reaching 3-4 m in height. The bark is yellowish-gray, the young branches are green or reddish-brown.
Shrub or tree with brownish-green branches, covered with elliptical and entire, opposite leaves, which have 3-5 lateral arcuate veins and do not have stipules. The flowers are yellow, appear before the leaves, form small umbellate inflorescences;the structure of the flowers is correct. The cup is barely noticeable, it consists of 4 denticles;petals and stamens 4;column 1. Fruit - drupe - oblong, red, first tasting astringent, and then sweet and sour, has a pleasant aroma. Blooms in early spring.
Distributed among shrubs and light forests, especially on dry gravelly slopes. The dogwood grows among bushes and in broad-leaved forests. Especially often it can be found in the North Caucasus, Crimea, the Far East. There is a dogwood in Central and South-Eastern Europe.
Requirements: cornel is a heat-loving plant, therefore it is successfully grown only in regions with a warm climate. In the conditions of the middle band, the fruits of the dogwood ripen in the warm autumn, fruit begins with the 8th year of life. Dogwood is undemanding to the soil, prefers rich in lime, worse grows on acidic ones. The plant is photophilous, but it can also bear a shadow.
Ingredients: fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, sugars( in the form of glucose and fructose), organic acids, mainly apple, pectin, tanning and dyeing substances, essential oil, vitamin P;in the bones contains fatty oil.
Due to the presence of phytoncides, the fruits and leaves of the dogwood have pronounced bactericidal properties.
Planting: cornelian is planted on the south or south-west side of the site, not shaded buildings. On the garden it is enough to have 2-3 corn plants planted in a row through 2,5-3 m in a well protected and heated place.
The pre-plant soil preparation is the same as for the currant. Planting pits 50-80 cm wide, depth 40-50 cm fall asleep with fertilized soil humus horizon. The depth of planting of the seedlings is the same as that in which they grew in the nursery. After watering( 1-2 buckets per pit), the soil surface is mulched with peat or humus 3-5 cm. The above-ground part is not necessary to cut off, since the seedlings have a well-branched, muscular root system and settle down almost painlessly.
Dog seed is propagated by growing seedlings, since cuttings are not easily established. Sowing should be done with freshly harvested seeds.
Fruits are used for medicinal purposes. They contain pectins, vitamin C, rutin and shadows. Dogwood is cultivated as a fruit and ornamental plant.
The high content of vitamins makes the fetal fruit useful in many diseases. Organic acids, which are contained in dogwood, stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, improve intestinal motility, and this has a very favorable effect on the digestive process. Cornelian fruits have the ability to lower blood sugar levels and increase the production of pancreatic enzymes.
Therefore, nutritionists always recommend including a dogwood in the menu of patients with diabetes mellitus.
Dogwood is a long-standing traditional medicinal plant in the Caucasus and other eastern peoples. Decoction of cornel root, taken inside, helps with rheumatism, and the decoction from the bones of these fruits is successfully used in intestinal disorders. Chinese healers use dogwood as a tonic and restorative, used for pain in the lumbar region, with tuberculosis, kidney and bladder diseases.
Broths and tinctures are prepared from 5-10 g of dried fruit on a glass of water and drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day( with diarrhea).Georgian scientists proposed to prepare a thick extract from the fruits of cornelian and wild pear and use it against diarrhea.
From this extract, boil at a rate of 3 tablespoons per glass of water( with the addition of starch and sugar) and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Dogwood is recommended for metabolic disorders, gout, anemia and skin diseases. Kizilovoe jam is used for colds and stomach diseases.
The leaves of the dogwood contain 10-14% of the tannins. Infusion of branches with leaves( 1 tablespoon per 1 cup boiling water, drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day) also has an astringent effect. In addition, it is used in folk medicine as a choleretic and diuretic.
In the US, roots and cornel bark are used as an antimalarial. Russian folk medicine uses fresh cornelian fruits for anemia, skin diseases, gout, joint pain, metabolic disorders, and cortex as an antipyretic agent for malaria. Fruits also serve as an astringent and antiscorbutic agent.
With a curative purpose, bark, leaves, fruits, cornel roots are applied.
LEAF TONGUE: 1 tbsp.l.dry( or 2 tablespoons fresh) leaves cornelian cook in 1 glass of water 10 minutes, strain, add boiled water to 200 ml. Take 0.3 cup three times a day.
1 tsp.crushed roots boil 10 minutes in 300 g of water, infuse 2 hours, drain. Obtained from -var roots take 2 tbsp.l.three times a day.
REFRIGERATION FROM FRUITS OF KIZILA: 2 tbsp.l.for 0.5 liters of water, boil for 2 hours on low heat. Boil with pits. Strain. Drink half the glass three times a day with hemorrhoids. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
PRESENT FRUIT: 1 tbsp.l.fruit cornelian pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour and take with diarrhea for 0.3 cup 3 times a day.
There are very few proteins and fats in the cornelian fruit. Carbohydrates are glucose and fructose, which are well absorbed by the body. The fruits of cornel are an excellent source of well-soluble fiber. The content of vitamin C is so great that dogwood is considered to be the second carrier of this vitamin after rose hips.
Eastern medicine recommends the fruits of cornelian as a common restorative for tuberculosis, rapid urination, tinnitus.
Juice, jam, kissels and cornelian compotes are useful as a tonic for cancer, anemia, liver disease.
Infusion of leaves with leaves is used in folk medicine as a choleretic and diuretic. Drink 0.5 glasses 3-4 times a day.
Avicenna wrote about the use of cornelian for various diseases:
"Burnt coriander corn is applied to ulcers, and in general( murran) so strongly binds that the fruits heal even deep wounds."
Apply fruits in folk medicine with gastric hemorrhages and diarrhea in the form of tea: 5-10 g of dried fruit per cup of boiling water, with diarrhea - 1 glass per day;with gastric hemorrhages - 1 glass 3 times a day.
It is useful for corny sick gastritis and peptic ulcer with low acidity, especially infused 5-6 hours in the form of tea, 1 glass per day.
Cornelian fruits are widely used for making compotes, jam, jam, jelly, marmalade, pastille, jam, marinades, fillings, fruit dough, as well as juices and extracts. Of them, prepare liquors, tinctures, syrups, soft drinks. Fresh and dried fruits are used as a seasoning for meat dishes. Toasted cornel seeds replace coffee. The fruits of cornel are added as a component to other dried fruits. They can be used for processing in a mixture with less acidic and fragrant fruits. In the Caucasus, out of unripe cornelian fruits, a product resembles the olive oil in taste. For this, the fruits are boiled in salt water with the addition of bay leaf and dill and poured with vegetable oil.
Dogwood for long-term storage is dried and frozen, it should be noted that when it is frozen its taste qualities improve. We advise you to prepare a jam from a cornel with apple juice: from an overripe and crumpled, not suitable for a dogwood jam, remove the bones, put in the cooking pot, add one glass of apple or quince juice and, stirring, cook for 10 minutes, then add sugar( 1-1,2 kg per 1 kg cornel) and cook at the same time, stirring constantly, until cooked.
Semi-free kizil - 1 kg;apples - 1 kg;sugar - 2 kg, water -1L.
Freshly picked cornelian fruits sort out, rinse, leave for a day to soften. Then again wash, remove bones. Peel apples and cut into slices. Cook the sugar syrup, pour them apples and cornelian and cook the jam in three meals( 10-15 minutes cook, then let stand for 4-5 hours and so repeat three times).
1 portion
Ice cream - 2-3 tbsp.spoons;cinnamon juice - 2 tbsp.spoons;canned plums - 50-60 g;apple juice.
Put in a large glass of ice cream, pour out the cornelian juice, add plums and pour everything with apple mors. Serve on the table without stirring.
Fruits cornelian - 1,5 kg;water - 1.5 liters;sugar - 200 g;mint - 1-2 branches.
Fruits cornelian wash, mash with a wooden pestle, put in a glass jar and pour water. Add sugar and mint. Tie the jar with two layers of gauze and leave in the room for 2-3 months. Then drain the top layer and use it for cooking and seasoning.
Corn tea. One tablespoon of mashed dogwood pour a glass of cold water and press for several hours. Quickly bring to a boil, remove from heat, strain.
Cornel - 1 kg;alcohol - 1 l;sugar - 0,5 kg;water - 0.2 liters.
Cornel fill with alcohol, insist for two weeks, then strain. Sugar dissolve in water, cook sugar syrup, allow to cool and mix this syrup with cinnamon alcohol. The bottles are well closed and left to ripen.
For a syrup of -1L of water, 800 g of sugar.
Mature fruit of dogwood wash, boil for 2-3 minutes and drain the broth. Cook the sugar syrup. Berries put in small jars, pour the syrup, cover and pasteurize at 85 ° C for 20 minutes. Then roll up.
Pitted corn seeds - 1 kg;sugar - 600-800 g.
Fruits should be scraped off, add a small amount of water and cook with sugar until thick. Pour into cans, sterilize 20 minutes. Banks rolled up.
Pitted carcase - 1 kg;sugar - 500 g;cinnamon ground 1 hour.a spoon;water - 400 g.
In ripe dogwood fruits remove the bones, add water and cook until completely softened. Wipe the cornelian mass through a sieve, add sugar and ground cinnamon and, continuously stirring, cook to the desired density. Put in an enamel tray, moistened with cold water or sprinkled with powdered sugar, and air-dried. Cut into pieces, store in glass jars.