
What vitamins to take with avitaminosis of different types?

  • What vitamins to take with avitaminosis of different types?

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    Avitaminosis is a serious disease caused by a lack of minerals in the human body. Moreover, these shortcomings are different, depending on the vitamin, which is not enough. Clinical symptoms in all diseases are different. The causes of the occurrence of avitaminosis are also diverse, but the essence boils down to the fact that minerals either do not exist in the diet, or their digestibility in the body is disturbed.

    What we sometimes call an avitaminosis, in fact, is hypovitaminosis, since the avitaminosis has a very serious and prolonged course, often leading to fatal outcomes. But for convenience, we will talk about the mild form of the disease.

    Usually mild forms of the disease occur in the spring, when the food is used not the fresh products that have grown on the bed, but fruits and vegetables grown in the greenhouse. When the disease on the skin the very first signs of the disease - it becomes dry and does not respond to the application of moisturizing cream.

    Vitamins for beriberi

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    To get a daily dose of all necessary substances, even in summer you need to eat up to 2 kg of fresh berries, vegetables and fruits a day. A vitamin complex with a deficiency of nutrients should be prescribed only by a specialist, as excessive consumption of vitamins can lead to hypervitaminosis, which is also a pathology.

    Symptoms may be as follows:

    • Frequent colds in winter and diseases difficult to treat.
    • Pale skin, dry and irritated skin.
    • Gum bleeding that occurs when cleaning teeth.
    • Syndrome of chronic fatigue.
    • Drowsiness.
    • Irritability and rapid fatigue.
    • Decreased immunity.
    • Brokenness and the inability to concentrate on one thing.
    • Depressive states.
    • "Zaeda" or cracks in the corners of the lips, which are not amenable to treatment.
    • Dry and brittle hair, which quickly split and fall out.
    • Periodic exacerbations of existing chronic diseases.

    Vitamins for beriberi are selected taking into account the age of the patient, the general condition and the presence of symptoms of mineral deficiency, that is, the severity of the disease. It is impossible to take useful minerals in large doses, since they can not accumulate in the body, but are quickly excreted in the urine. In order to eliminate symptoms, vitamins for beriberi are taken daily, in small doses.

    For successful treatment it is necessary to find out what is associated with vitamin deficiency. If this is a shortage in the diet, you need to urgently fill the diet. Food for beriberi must include a large number of fresh vegetables, fruits, from which it is necessary to prepare mix salads. Fresh squeezed juices are also useful, but they need to be drunk with diluted water.

    Do not forget about meat products, whole grains, legumes, in which, in addition to vitamins, contains a large number of amino acids, minerals, fatty acids. Especially relevant such a diet is in the spring. Before you fight with avitaminosis in the spring, you must definitely adjust the diet. Otherwise, all measures taken will be in vain.

    What to drink vitamins and how to choose them?

    Mostly at risk of avitaminosis are small children and elderly people. But the enzyme system in both of them is different, as is the ability to absorb vitamins( even individual mineral supplements).Therefore, for each person needs an individual program, in which it is detailed, what minerals to drink when beriberi and when.

    In addition to the elderly and children, people at risk include people with increased mental and physical activity, people with bad habits, pregnant and lactating women, as well as hunger strikers, all kinds of diets, and vegetarians.

    What medications can be taken, as these are completely different social and age groups of people, with their habits and preferences. But those people who are at risk should remember that a deficiency of vitamins( even one or several) can aggravate the condition of the body and complicate the already existing chronic diseases.

    Vitamins against beriberi can be consumed both natural( fresh juices, salads) and synthetic. These groups of vitamins differ little, and equally well fill the deficit in the body. Today there are separate vitamins and complexes on the market. Vitamins for beriberi are used in the form of solutions, tablets, dragees, capsules, powders. To children, undoubtedly, solutions and powders with dragees will approach, but any form will suit adults.

    Varieties of avitaminosis

    Before deciding which vitamins to drink, you need to know the symptoms of individual avitaminoses, and find out exactly what vitamin is lacking in the body. Consider some of the vitamin deficiencies and their symptoms:

    • Vitamin B vitamin deficiency is a fairly large group of diseases, as the vitamin B group consists of the group B 1 , B2 and so on, to vitamin B15.The most frequent are avitaminosis B1, B2, B6, B12.With vitamin B1 deficiency, there are disorders of the nervous system, heart, vessels, and other organs. When this vitamin is deficient, body cells do not receive energy.
    • Vitamin B2 is accompanied by cracks in the corners of the lips and dry skin. The main source of vitamin B2 is dairy products.
    • Vitamin B6 avitaminosis causes anemia, the skin is dry and flaky, and gastrointestinal problems may occur.
    • B12 avitaminosis develops anemia associated with impaired erythrocyte maturation. There may be peripheral neuropathy, as well as atrophy of the gastric mucosa. One of the reasons for this avitaminosis is helminthic invasion.
    • Vitamin PP vitamin deficiency is characterized by a large area of ​​skin and mucous membrane damage, as well as problems from the stomach, intestines, nervous system. This avitaminosis causes a disease called "pellagra", which in translation means "rough skin".If the deficiency of vitamin PP occurs in children, it is possible to lag behind in mental development.
    • When vitamin D deficiency is accompanied by a violation of bone synthesis and deformation of the skeleton. There is a lack of calcium, which can lead to many diseases. In children, a vitamin D deficiency causes rickets - a severe defeat of the musculoskeletal system.
    • Vitamin E vitamin deficiency can cause premature aging of the body cells, against which an early aging of the person occurs. Since it is responsible for the ability of cells to recover, many organs and systems begin to suffer.
    • When vitamin A deficiency causes a disease called "night blindness", in which a person can not see well with the onset of twilight.
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