  • Results of the 9th month

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    Motor reactions. The kid moves from one subject to another, gently holding them with his hands. Looks at the adult, holding one hand, and is directed to him by an incremental or alternating step. Holds one hand for the support and transfers one hand to the new support. Makes 2-3 jumps. Sits for 15 minutes. Creeps very well. Catching up with another child, imitating his actions.

    Skills. Drink well from a cup, slightly holding it with handles( an adult always holds a cup by the bottom).He calmly sits on the pot, does not try to get up. Can babble, smile, sitting on a pot.

    Actions with the object. Variously manipulates with toys. He rolls, takes out, opens, thunders, clicks on a rubber toy. Imitates the actions of another child: he knocks on a tambourine, takes out toys from a box. I play for a long time on my own.

    Understanding speech. At the request of an adult, he carries out instructions: "Show me how birds fly?";"Show me, what is( the name of the child) good( -y)?";"Wave a handle";"Give";"Bye";"Show me";"Ladushki."Finds several items, even if they are in different places, regardless of their permanent location. Understands the question "Where is Mom, Dad?", Shows them, even if next to other people and you need to make a choice. He understands the prohibition and the words "can not", "go here", "sit down", "get up", "kiss me".He knows his own name, different from the stranger.

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    Active speech. An imitation of the sounds of the native language and intonations appears in the speech. Syllables become diverse. Repeats for adults the syllables that are in his babble. The first words appear. The peculiarity of these words is that they have the character of index gestures. This is an autonomous, situational, emotionally colored speech, understood only by relatives. This speech is specific in its structure, consisting of scraps of words. Researchers call it "the language of nannies."

    Emotions. Toddler learns everything from adults. It is important for him that adults appreciate his efforts. If a child, glancing at an adult, throws a toy many times, despite the ban, he invites him to joint activities. In fact, this is a cue to which mom and dad should respond."Direct communication", due to the desire to enter into direct contact with an adult, begins to be complemented by communication about what is outside the child and causes his interest.

    Positive emotions are usually formed earlier than negative ones. At this age the kid can show a whole range of diverse emotions: interest, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, joy, etc. He expresses these emotions in smiles, tears and - potentially - in laughter.

    In case of situational and business communication, the child is looking for the presence of an adult, requires his attention. Changing the subject of communication requires

    • The beginning of the crisis of the first year. The child rises on the legs, begins to walk. Walking is the first major neoformation of infantile age, marking the break of the old development situation. The main thing in the act of walking is not only that the child's space is expanding, but also that the child separates himself from the adult.

    • There is a fragmentation of the unified social situation "We".Now it's not mom who leads the child, but he can lead his mother.

    • The appearance of the first amorphous words. This new quality of speech confirms that the former social situation of development has disintegrated. Where there was a single whole, now two are an adult and a child. Between them a new content has grown-objective activity.

    new means and ways to influence the adult. A gesture emerges from an outstretched hand reaching for the unattainable object. It is already objectively related and contains in itself the germ of the word. At first, the index gesture is simply an unsuccessful grasping movement aimed at an object and indicating the forthcoming action. When the mother comprehends his movement as an indication, coming to the aid of the child, the situation changes significantly. The gesture gesture becomes a gesture for others. From a movement directed toward an object, it becomes a movement directed toward another person, a means of communication.

    Intelligence. At this stage, children try to correlate their old cognitive( cognitive) schemes with new information when solving many of the simplest tasks. Now the child foresees some events before they occur. After 8 months, the baby can remember( restore in memory) the image of the subject even when he does not have anything like this in front of his eyes. This ability is often called reproduction. At the same time, babies have the ability, which is called working memory: the baby can keep incoming information and correlate it with what is already available.

    In 9 months he begins to distinguish the character of the melody. He quietly listens to slow music, starts to crouch under the dancer.

    While the kid is not able to differentially perceive objects. He looks at everything from his own point of view and can not see anything from the point of view of others, that is, he is self-centered. The exact formula for his perception: "The whole world revolves around me" or: "I am the center of the universe."The child does not know where he ends and another person begins. He considers himself the cause of all activity, of any situations and all results.

    • The weight of the boy is 8800-9700 g

    • The weight of the girl is 7900-8500 g

    • The height of the boy is 70-73 cm

    • The height of the girl is 70-71 cm