  • Diabetes in the elderly

    The course of diabetes in elderly and middle-aged people is more favorable than in young people. Absolute insulin deficiency develops in rare cases. Diabetes mellitus occurs gradually and slowly progresses over several years. In this group, patients who are prone to obesity predominate. Ketoacidosis develops comparatively rarely, however, diabetes mellitus is sharply exacerbated, up to the development of diabetic coma, with impaired cerebral circulation, myocardial infarction, infection, intoxication, physical or mental trauma, etc.

    In older age, major vascular lesions are manifested by rapidly progressive atherosclerosis, which becomes the main cause of myocardial infarction, cerebral strokes and gangrene of extremities. In men, sexual activity can quickly decline. In women in menopause, there is often a decompensation of diabetes, which is due to the extreme lability of the nervous system. Most often in this age group, an insulin-independent type of diabetes mellitus is detected, but in a small number of people, diabetes develops rapidly and immediately requires the use of insulin.

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    The treatment of diabetes in middle-aged and elderly people is aimed at reducing the manifestations of the disease, improving the course of concomitant diseases as far as possible, and initiating preventive measures to prevent hypo- and hyperglycemic coma. Such patients are prescribed hypoglycemic drugs in tablets, and optimal doses should be observed. Great importance in treatment is given to the physiological diet, normalization of body weight and in the cases shown - insulin. Patients should carefully observe the diet, restrict fat intake. Do not forget about the vitamins, the need for which in diabetes mellitus is increased. It is known that vitamins, in particular vitamin C, are a means of preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

    The dosed physical load can be shown especially to people of mental work. In a moderate degree, it helps improve blood circulation, with increasing oxygen consumption, intermediate metabolic products are more intensively excreted from the body. In cases of already developed atherosclerotic changes, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. The necessity of subordinating the life of a patient with diabetes mellitus to a certain curative and prophylactic regime is obvious. Most patients understand this well, which allows them to fully live and work for many years. At the same time, the normal way of life and work is sometimes associated with situations that sometimes require changes in the already familiar and mandatory for the patient regime. Speaking about this, one should once again warn the patient of the idea of ​​impunity for any violations of such a routine. To a greater or lesser extent, they affect the course of the disease and can be the cause of severe complications( diabetic and hypoglycemic coma, etc.).If there are still situations of "increased risk" for a diabetic patient, you need to change your daily routine to prevent or minimize possible negative consequences.