  • Frameless film shelter

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    Frameless shelter is a film spread on the surface of the bed. So that the soil dries out earlier, the ridges are made from autumn or early spring. The width of the ridge is 90 cm, the length is arbitrary, and lanes of 30-40 cm width are laid between the ridges. Sowing of a row or nest in 2 rows, the nests are staggered.

    Small-size film structures are distinguished by a variety of shapes and methods of application. Scaffolds made of wicker, wire or lightweight metal structures, covered with film or non-woven material, are very convenient for protecting individual plants. In the material must be done, small holes, providing ventilation of plants. Frameworks made of wooden slats, wire or aluminum with stretched film on them can serve as mini-greenhouses, protecting the whole garden bed

    by covering the bed with a film. After the emergence of seedlings during ordinary planting, the film is removed, with nesting usually left until the end of the vegetation. In this case, the film above the hole is cut from the south side, making a small semicircular aperture first, so that air enters;As the plants grow, the hole is gradually rounded, but the film is not cut through to the end, but is tucked down. Above the hole you can make and cross-cuts.

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    For the device of frameless shelters, the ridges are made from the soil, and on either side of them are the grooves into which plants are planted. After that, the film is spread on the ridge, stretched and the edges are sprinkled with earth.

    In an ordinary way, mostly cold-resistant plants are planted to produce an early harvest, nesting - planting or planting under the film heat-loving crops, such as cucumber.

    In addition, the film covers the crests. For this purpose, earthen ridges are made on an even surface and the seeds are sown from the south side of the platen, then covered with a film.

    It is necessary to remove the film or other covering material from time to time from the bed, allowing the plants to be ventilated, but for this purpose it is necessary to choose a calm, cloudy but warm day so that the wind and direct hard rays of the sun do not damage the tender, yet not strengthened plants.

    .the distance is 80-90 cm. After emergence of the shoots, the film is removed.

    A variety of

    film To create the simplest structures of protected ground and for frameless shelter, there are synthetic films - polyethylene and polyvinylchloride( PPVC), which have resistance to shrinkage, extensibility, water absorption and frost.

    The plastic film is permeable for direct sunlight by 80-90%, ultraviolet - by 60-80, infrared - by 80 %.Polyvinylchloride is more elastic and durable, allows infrared rays to pass only 10 %. In addition, there is a modification of such a film, reinforced with glass fiber, characterized by high strength and durability, it is much thicker than PPVC.