
Astenozoospermia - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Astenozoospermia - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Astenozoospermia is a pathological condition that manifests itself by a decrease in the number of active spermatozoa in the ejaculate. According to the regulations of the World Health Organization, normal sperm should have at least 70% of active spermatozoa, while a decrease in this indicator can already be treated as astenozoospermia. According to the world statistical indicators, this pathology is the cause of male infertility in almost half the cases.

    Causes of astenozoospermia

    It is impossible to single out the cause of this pathological condition even the most progressive scientists of the world. At the same time, there are a lot of factors that contribute to the development of asthenozoospermia. In their origin they are divided into factors of the external and internal environment of man.

    The causes of asthenozoospermia associated with the human body include prolonged sexual abstinence, bad habits, in particular alcohol abuse and smoking, irradiation with radiation or electromagnetic waves, heat factors affecting the scrotum, poor environmental conditions and a general decrease in immunity.

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    In addition, asthenozoospermia often develops against the background of infectious diseases that are transmitted sexually. Particular attention should be paid to such pathogens as chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma. They parasitize in the testicles, where they can cause the spermatozoa to stick together, which is the reason for the lack of mobility of the latter.

    Quite often spermatozoa lose their physiological properties through the pathology of the prostate gland. In particular, because of the reduction of the secret of the latter. Especially often it occurs against the background of inflammatory diseases, for example, prostatitis. During inflammation, the internal environment of the prostate gland with alkaline is replaced by an acidic one, which is absolutely unsuitable for the normal development of spermatozoa.

    Injury to the testicles may be one of the causes of asthenozoospermia. The pathogenesis of this disease is that during the injury of the testicle, the barrier that protects the body from the antibodies present in the human blood is destroyed. When the barrier breaks down, the antibodies freely enter the tissues of the testicles, which adversely affect not only the parenchyma of the organ, but also the spermatozoa, which in such a situation can not develop to the required state.

    Another common cause of asthenozoospermia is varicose veins of the testicle, which is called varicocele. Due to the fact that the volume of the vasculature of the testicles increases, the process of lemma genesis, in other words, the formation of spermatozoa, is disturbed.

    Probability of fertilization in astenozoospermia

    Asthenozoospermia in a clinical analysis of sperm is not a verdict and moreover, it does not in any way exclude fertilization. Naturally, the probability of this fact decreases, but the chances remain in any situation.

    The probability of fertilization in this situation is directly proportional to the number of normal germ cells in the analysis of sperm. For example, if the spermogram showed a total number of inactive spermatozoa of 70%, it means that the possibility of fertilization is only 30%.Thus, the higher the degree of asthenozoospermia, the lower the probability of fertilization.

    Tactics of treatment for asthenozoospermia

    Despite the large number of common factors contributing to asthenozoosperm, it is almost always a marker of a fairly serious disease of the genitourinary system. Thus, re-analysis is necessary, only the date of this procedure should be assigned by the urologist independently. To postpone visit to the doctor with reliable self-healing is not necessary, because with such diseases as chlamydia or prostatitis, the laboratory picture of sperm without treatment deteriorates every day.

    Treatment for asthenozoospermia

    It is easy to guess that the treatment of asthenozoospermia depends on the specific factor that caused this cause. For example, if the cause was an infectious disease, the main therapy should be based on the appointment of antibiotics. In addition, drugs that improve blood circulation and a wide variety of vitamin complexes are used. They have a positive effect regardless of the cause of the disease.

    With timely and correct treatment, sperm analysis almost always returns to normal. Exceptions are complex injuries or congenital pathologies, such as cryptorchidism, which can not be cured by any kind of treatment.

    To eliminate varicocele, very recently, the technique of minimally invasive surgery has been very widely used, which consists in access to the organ through a small incision of the blood vessel.

    If, according to the results of clinical diagnosis, asthenozoospermia is declared incurable, the patient is recommended the procedure of in vitro fertilization, which significantly increases the chances of success.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov А.N.