
Teratozoospermia - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Teratozoospermia - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Teratozoospermia is one of the forms of male infertility, the immediate cause of which is a large number of pathological cells in the analysis of sperm. As the latter may act spermatozoa with an abnormal structure of the tail, head or neck. Normally, the number of altered spermatozoa should not exceed half of the total number, while with teratozoospermia such cells can be much larger, which affects the function of fertilization.

    Causes of teratozoospermia

    The first cause that causes teratozoospermia is considered to be hormonal disorders of .Most often, they occur when taking hormonal drugs. The latter can act as a therapeutic, or any other purpose. Now it has become quite popular to take hormonal substances for a set of muscle mass or to improve the performance in any sport.

    However, it is worth noting that hormonal disorders are observed not so often. In any case, no more than viral infections of the genitourinary system .The most common virus invasion of the genitals is considered to be herpes, which leads to the above mentioned pathology.

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    Quite often teratozoospermia develops against the background of any inflammatory disease of the genitals. Most often it can be prostatitis, orchitis, or epididymitis. Also, one of the predisposing factors to teratozoospermia is varicose veins of the testicle - varicocele.

    These factors are the main factors that lead to teratozoospermia. In addition to these, there is still a whole list of reasons that can contribute to the development of this pathology. First of all, it's a wrong lifestyle and bad habits. Especially negatively on the spermogram affects the use of large amounts of alcohol and smoking. In addition, adverse environmental effects such as high temperature, radiation and persistent nervous overexertion can also cause teratozoospermia.

    Probability of fertilization with teratozoospermia

    The probability of becoming pregnant with a similar analysis of sperm depends on the quality of the ejaculate. For example, if there are about 80% of pathological spermatozoids in a man's biological fluid, this means that the probability of successful fertilization will be 20%.In other words, the more expressed this pathology in the clinical analysis of sperm, the less likely to become pregnant.

    Tactics for Teratozoospermia

    Naturally, in order to diagnose complete or partial infertility, one spermogram will be small. For this, at least, it is necessary to conduct two such studies. But self-waiting for four days and repeat the analysis is stupid. There are pathologies, for example, infectious diseases, which with time only progress and with their treatment every minute counts. That's why during teratozoospermia, you do not need to hesitate, but you must immediately run to a urologist who can determine the correct tactics.

    Treatment of teratozoospermia

    Therapy of a similar problem directly depends on its cause. For example, if the primary is inflammation, then adequate anti-inflammatory therapy is needed. If teratozoospermia develops as a result of prolonged stress, then in such a situation it is simply necessary to consult a therapist. But there are drugs that must be taken regardless of the cause of the disease. Such medicines include folic acid, selenium, spermaktin, zinc, tribestane, verona and others. All of them are nothing more than a complex of minerals and vitamins to improve the secretion of sperm.

    With the correct, and most importantly, timely started treatment, the analysis of sperm with teratozoospermia almost always returns to normal. Exceptions are such neglected conditions as chronic atrophic orchitis, crippling testicle injury and atrophy of the testicle parenchyma, due to prolonged intake of hormonal agents. In such situations it is recommended to perform in vitro fertilization in the laboratory, which significantly increases the chances of pregnancy.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov AN