  • Balanitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Balanitis is an inflammation of the glans penis, or rather of its skin. Independently this form of the disease is rare. Much more often you can see the inflammation of the skin of the glans penis together with the foreskin. In this case, the disease is called balanoposthitis and has a slightly different symptomatology.

    Causes of balanitis

    Depending on the cause of the disease, balanitis is divided into infectious and non-infectious. As you might guess, the first develops against the backdrop of some kind of inflammatory process caused by a particular pathogen. Most often, it can be candidiasis, gonorrhea, herpes, trichomoniasis or syphilis.

    In turn, noninfectious balanoposthitis develops against diabetes mellitus, psoriasis or other metabolic pathologies.

    In principle, this disease can not develop by itself. For this, at least some predisposing factors are needed. More often than not, inflammation of the glans penis causes a violation of personal hygiene of the genitals. Also, a violation of the general immunological status of the organism can cause a balanitis. For example, severe immunodeficiency states with the attachment of bacterial infection quite often cause balanitis.

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    Also do not forget about the possibility of an allergic inflammation of the head of the penis. More often it occurs because of local action of allergic components. In the role of the latter can act a variety of moisturizing lubricants, which are used during sexual intercourse.

    Symptoms of balanitis

    Symptoms of balanitis differ depending on the stage of the disease and its pathogen. For example, at the very beginning - the stage of simple or catarrhal balanitis , redness, maceration( wetting) of the skin of the penis and its swelling are noted. If at this stage, at least minimal medical measures are not taken, then the macerated skin of the head will soon be covered with small erosions, which will begin to merge with each other. If the process is not stopped, a second bacterial infection will join the erosions, which will already cause a purulent inflammation of the glans penis. Typically, in addition to visual symptoms, at this stage of the patient, minor pain, burning and itching in a sore spot.

    The next stage of balanitis, called erosive, manifests the formation of deep ulcers filled with white fibrin and located on the background of inflamed skin. Very often, this stage is marked by an increase and inflammation of the regional lymph nodes, which are located in the place of transition of the inguinal region to the thigh. The increase in lymph nodes indicates the onset of infection by the blood and lymphatic system of the human body.

    If, despite all local symptoms, a person neglects to see a doctor, the balanitis passes into a generalized form. Against the background of fever, malaise and general weakness are noted. What is happening at this time in the intimate area is called gangrenous balanitis .The penis is covered with deep necrotic ulcers, from which parts of the dead skin of the penis are separated. If at this stage do not start emergency treatment, amputation of the penis may be the only solution.

    Many people may think that it is foolish to consult a doctor with such a frivolous problem. On this account, doctors have an opinion that it is better to perebdet than to not have. Even if you notice the slightest reddening of the glans penis, which may not even be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, immediately run to the urologist. In time, the appointed measures can stop this process at the easiest stage.

    Diagnosis of balanitis

    As a rule, the diagnosis of balanitis is not burdened by a large list of laboratory and instrumental analyzes. During the beginning of treatment in the first stages, one does not have to resort to the definition of the pathogen, since this does not affect the tactics of treatment in any way.

    It is much more important to sow from the urethra on a syphilis bacterium, since the latter disease often has just such a symptomatology. Another mandatory, or at least recommended, method is confrontation. This term implies the examination of all the sexual partners of the patient.

    If a patient turns to a hospital in the late stages of the disease, when antibiotic therapy is indispensable, then it is necessary to isolate the causative agent of the disease and to determine the sensitivity of the latter to antibiotics.

    Among the modern diagnostic methods, one can single out a polymerase chain reaction, which implies the identification of the DNA of the bacterium itself. Despite the high cost of this method, it allows to identify a pathogenic microorganism in 100 percent of cases.

    As already mentioned, the cause of balanitis can serve many systemic diseases, which means that for the diagnosis will need methods aimed at the primary disease. Most often, this is a common blood test, urine, blood sugar and others.

    Treatment of balanitis

    Treatment of this disease, as well as its diagnosis, directly depend on the stage of balanitis. For example, at the initial stage, when there are no serious clinical symptoms, warm baths with antiseptic solutions are prescribed. Since the skin of the penis is tender enough, it is better to use antiseptics based on natural substances. A bright representative of such a group is chlorophyllite, which can be purchased in a pharmacy without a prescription.

    It is slightly more difficult to treat balanitis, which has already passed into a purulent stage. For this, the doctor must choose an appropriate antibiotic. As a rule, drugs are determined based on the results of laboratory research methods, although there are situations when there is simply no time to wait for the analyzes. In this case, preference is given to broad-spectrum antibiotics, including penicillins, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and others. As a rule, these medicines can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription, but it is better to get acquainted with all side effects and contraindications in advance.

    In order for the inflammatory process not to spread beyond the borders of the glans penis, a special silicone ring is often applied, which is put on the penis at the edge of the head. It not only prevents the spread of the process on the body of the penis, but also keeps the head constantly open, which promotes the rapid healing of inflammation.

    Silicone ring for the treatment of balanitis

    Surgical treatment of balanitis is used only in advanced stages of purulent process, when it is completely impossible to completely get rid of damaged skin areas.

    Features of diet and lifestyle with balanitis

    Immediately need to say that in the case of a balanitis, your gastrointestinal tract will not be affected in any way, as there is no need to adhere to a diet with balanitis. Much more attention should be given to lifestyle changes. If a person falls ill with balanitis, it is possible that he has an insufficient level of hygiene of the external genitalia. By any methods it needs to be increased. As a rule, there is no need to apply any special procedures for this. The usual daily shower and frequent change of underwear is enough.

    Rehabilitation after illness

    It is not necessary to talk about any special rehabilitation measures. Quite often, balanitis is resolved on its own, so that the patient does not even have time to notice the illness. Of course, the situation is much more complicated for those patients who had to undergo surgery, especially amputation of the genital organ. It is inappropriate to talk about any kind of psychological support, since here you need qualified psychological help. To date, similar patients are still in the hospital setting a consultation of this specialist.

    Treatment of balanitis in folk ways

    It can not be said that folk methods are bad during balanitis. On the contrary, most of those lotions that are used in folk medicine and have antiseptic properties are just necessary at the outset of the disease. Only now if the process is aggravated and for its treatment it is already necessary to use antibiotics, then it is better to put the folk remedies to the next time. In such a situation, the application of the latter equals complete inactivity.

    Complications of balanitis

    At first glance, such an easy and simple disease as balanitis simply can not lead to serious consequences. But in practice, a completely different picture is observed. In addition to suppurative complications, balanitis can be infringement of the foreskin, which is called phimosis. For its treatment, an operative method is used, during which the entire skin of the prepuce is excised. Of course, this situation is quite unpleasant, but compared to other complications, it's just flowers.

    The final gangrenous stage of the disease ends with an operation with a completely different volume. In her course, a full amputation of the penis is performed with the removal of the tube for urination. Looking at such possible consequences, balanitis acquires a completely different priority during the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia in men.

    Prevention of balanitis

    Prophylaxis of balanitis is important as nothing else. With the active observance of all the recommendations of doctors, you can avoid this unpleasant disease. Of course, the first place is to observe the rules of personal hygiene. To do this, it is recommended to take a bath or shower at least once every two days and change the underwear as often. Even with the observance of the simplest activities, one can never meet with such a disease as balanitis.

    The second place is the treatment of chronic diseases and sanation of foci of infection in the body. Of course, there is no direct link between diabetes mellitus and balanitis, but this way of infection also needs to be taken care of. Moreover, except for balanitis, diabetes can cause a lot of other complications.

    And the third stage in the prevention of balanitis is taken by emergency measures. They are performed during the first few hours after the onset of symptoms of balanitis. For this time it is necessary to take a bath, lubricate the skin of the glans penis with some cream on a vaseline basis and change underwear. There is a very high probability that when performing such events, the process will not pass to the next stage.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov А.N.