
Restoration of the body with the help of medicinal plants

  • Restoration of the body with the help of medicinal plants

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    Today, folk remedies are widely used along with medicines against many diseases. Calling for the use of traditional medicine, I want to warn that my intentions do not include doubting the need for those chemicals that doctors prescribe. After all, without many of them, it would not have been possible to defeat various diseases and complications that often persecute women during and after childbirth. But also to forget about treatment by medicinal plants also does not follow. Sometimes it is the herbal preparation that helps to achieve the effect, comparable only with a miracle.

    Traditional medicine products are natural products with inherent qualities that are lacking in modern pharmacological preparations - harmless for long-term use, mild regulatory, general health and preventive properties. This is due to some features of plants, which are some kind of small natural pharmaceutical factories.

    First, medicinal plants contain biologically active substances that do not have a toxic effect on the body and therefore do not cause adverse reactions of the body.

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    Secondly, even after the withdrawal of drugs from medicinal plants, their therapeutic effect is held for a long time.

    Thirdly, medicinal plants and preparations from them are more accessible, since many of them can be harvested directly in the area of ​​residence. You can prepare herbal remedies at home.

    Finally, these drugs are most preferred in obstetric practice, because drugs should not adversely affect either the mother, the fetus, the delivery or the postpartum period. Preparations from medicinal plants basically satisfy these requirements. They are more promising and useful for the treatment of non-acute diseases, but long-term ones that predominate in obstetrics( for example, anemia, pyelonephritis and others).With the appointment of medicinal products of plant origin, the healing properties of each plant are taken into account. Based on this, collections of medicinal plants are compiled, which act more efficiently than a single plant.

    What is the reason for the choice of medicinal herbs in the preparation of fees?

    First of all, traditions: the people have accumulated rich, incomparable experience of using natural remedies in the treatment of various diseases. And it, in turn, is based on millennial observations of the plant world, in particular its survival. For example, nettles, dandelions, celandine, horsetail grow, displacing nearby growing plants, because they have great vitality due to a natural unique set of biologically active substances and their ratios.

    When choosing a plant, its color is important. Do not be surprised, the fact is that many substances that participate in the transfer of energy in biological systems have a certain color. For example, herbs, painted in green, contain a pigment chlorophyll. This substance has an incredibly high biological activity. By its chemical structure, chlorophyll is close to hemoglobin. It is established that the introduction of chlorophyll preparations into the body contributes to an increase in the amount of hemoglobin. Just 15 minutes after the introduction of this plant pigment, the hemoglobin content in the blood increases, activating the protective functions of the body. Moreover, in the intestine, chlorophyll binds the breakdown products of proteins, thereby reducing their absorption.

    Plants of green color( the more pronounced, the better) have antimicrobial and antiviral activity. At the same time, their biological activity is retained after heating to a temperature of 100 ° C.Therefore, the most popular ways of preparing decoctions and infusions - boiling and water bath - do not affect the properties of medicinal plants.

    Scarlet, red, raspberry, purple and blue coloring of the skin and flesh of the plants are caused by pigments of anthocyanins with antimicrobial and antifungal properties. They remove from the body chemical substances and radionuclides.

    Yellow coloring of fruits and flowers of plants is a sign of the presence of flavonoids in their tissues. They have anti-microbial effect, which is enhanced by the influence of ascorbic acid. Yellow pigments play an important role in metabolic processes in the human body.

    It should be borne in mind that in plants vitamins and other biologically active substances are in certain proportions, which were created in the process of evolution. Apparently, this is the advantage of herbal preparations in comparison with medicinal substances obtained by synthesis.

    Side effects among drugs of plant origin are much less common and depend primarily on dosage. Plant preparations are well combined with each other: for example, in some prescriptions from Chinese and Tibetan medicine, up to 60 medicinal plants were simultaneously incorporated, they were skillfully combined with minerals, raw materials of animal origin.

    Doctors of antiquity, adhering to the commandment "do no harm," recommended for therapeutic purposes to use preparations from whole plants and raw plant foods. Modern science has finally approached the answer to the question why natural medicines and raw

    plant foods are so necessary for a person. The fact is that the less purified and processed the raw product, the more it preserves natural substances, many of which are antioxidants( antioxidants).Raw vegetable food contains many vitamins, especially C, A, E, P, which protect the cell membranes from oxidation. All vitamins are unstable, and when heated, they are destroyed. In plant foods, enzymes are also contained - substances that accelerate the course of many reactions in the body.

    Today, researchers have established that in the human body, vitamins are in a certain ratio, exerting mutual influence and promoting the manifestation of the specific properties of each of the components. There was a close interaction between vitamins C, B1 and B6, between C and P, vitamin B12 and folic acid. Thus, it has been established that the complex use of vitamins taken in physiological relationships in which they are found in plant organisms is expedient.

    Speaking about the medicinal properties of medicinal plants available to everyone, it should be specially emphasized that successful herbal treatment is possible only according to the doctor's prescription and in the presence of constant medical supervision. The more effective the drug, the more it can harm if it is misused. Among plants there are many such that have a strong effect on the body and can cause poisoning. So do not self-medicate.

    The action of medicinal herbs is diverse: there is no such disease, in the treatment of which it would be impossible to use herbal preparations. Some of them have the widest spectrum of action - calanchoe, calendula, nettle, daisy, pharmacy, dog rose and others. Depending on the chemical composition, medicinal plants are used in various forms, and it is not always expedient and necessary to extract the active substances from the plant, freeing them from ballast impurities. Medicinal plants are used in fresh form, from dried medicinal plants at home prepare powders, infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, teas, ointments, juices.(Methods for preparing dosage forms at home are described in detail in the appendix to this book.)