Arterial hypotension: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease
The condition in which the level of blood pressure in men does not exceed 100/60, and in women 95/60 mm of mercury, was called arterial hypotension. This deviation has various variations:
- physiological hypotension, in which a decrease in blood pressure is the norm, that is, people feel perfectly healthy, hypotension and the symptoms associated with it do not bother them. Physiological hypotension may be due to heredity or physique. Also, the physiological types of hypotension include hypotension as a result of increased fitness of the body, which occurs in professional athletes or people who regularly engage in sports, and compensatory hypotension, characteristic of the inhabitants of mountainous areas;
- pathological hypotension, usually occurs when there is an infectious disease and intoxication of the body. It can also be caused by hormonal disorders, stressful situations, lack of vitamins in the body. The pathological form of hypotension is divided into symptomatic hypotension, which occurs with various diseases, and neurocirculatory hypotension, the cause of which are disorders in the work of the nervous system. If this variant of reducing systemic blood pressure arises in order to maintain a person's normal state of health, it is necessary to resort to the use of medications or non-medicinal products that help raise blood pressure.
- The expressed arterial hypotension arises under the influence of some factors which are not often met( stresses, overfatigue).The acute form is marked by a sharp headache, severe pain in the heart and a sharp drop in blood pressure. If the symptoms of hypotension occur suddenly in a person who normally felt himself up to this point, it is necessary to establish the true cause of a sharp drop in blood pressure.
Causes of hypotension
There are a number of factors that can result in the reduction of blood pressure:
- heredity and constitutional changes;
- physical overwork;
- presence of craniocereberal trauma;
- mental or emotional stressful situations;
- mental overwork;
- chronic diseases, including some infections;
- exposure to harmful working conditions( occupational hazards).
Clinical manifestations of
Symptoms of arterial hypotension can be manifested by the following phenomena:
- dizziness and headaches, less often fainting. As a rule, such conditions occur when weather conditions change or during unfavorable hours. Intensity and duration of the attack are individual. A similar phenomenon occurs as a result of a violation of the outflow from the brain of venous blood. The cause of the disturbance is a low tone of the venous wall;
- heart pain. The heart with this disease hurts quite often, for some continuously. Also, the heart rhythm is disturbed, there is a sense of lack of oxygen;
- memory degradation, resulting in reduced performance;
- sensation of weakness, fast fatigue;
- increased irritability;
- mood swings.
Arterial hypotension in children has a number of characteristics:
- occurs in adolescence;
- symptoms of the disease are the same as in adults;
- cause unbalanced nutrition or transferred viral diseases to cause a decrease in pressure in children;
- under reduced pressure, children react more slowly and perform less delicate tasks.
Diagnostic methods
When examining patients, doctors pay attention to the increased humidity of the feet and palms, and other symptoms that characterize the disturbance of regulation at the neurohumoral level( skin discoloration, unpleasant sensations in the form of tides).
Cardiologists note in patients with hypotension respiratory arrhythmia, labile pulse, a tendency to bradycardia( slowing the rhythm of contractions of the heart).Listening to the noise in the heart. Of course, when measuring blood pressure, the tonometer will show a lower value.
The neurologist can also determine the hypotension by increasing the tendon reflexes, as well as the anxious state of the patient, which is caused by his state of health.
For accurate diagnosis it is also necessary to perform electrocardiography, to measure pressure for several days at the same time, to undergo ultrasound examination of the heart, to do laboratory tests prescribed by a therapist or neurologist.
Treatment method
This disease requires an integrated approach to treatment.
Non-pharmacological treatment of arterial hypotension consists in elimination of factors that provoke disturbances in the cardiovascular system, normalization of the day regimen, improvement and fitness of the body( exercise gymnastics).
Drug treatment methods are to fight against a major disease that helps to reduce pressure, as well as in taking medications that can eliminate the main symptoms of the disease and improve the patient's condition.