  • When he was not born yet

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    Nine months in the mother's abdomen - quite a long time. It is only three months less than a year - the period we are talking about. And there are so many changes that it is surprising how nature managed to keep within such a short time, creating a complex organism from one cell. Do we change a lot in nine months? He has significant changes every day, every hour, even every minute. For us it's nine months, for him - the ocean of eternity.

    But we somehow do not think about what stormy events are happening in the mother belly. How first formed something formless and amorphous, then something resembling a tadpole. .. Then, "it" takes on the features of a human cub. And now we can say whether this is a boy or a girl. And, finally, he is what we will see him after birth. But we do not think about it. We just see how the belly grows.

    And it's worth thinking about. After all, time will come and life will make the first serious demands - birth and adaptation to new conditions of existence. And these requirements are quite high for the body and psyche. Therefore, during pregnancy, you need to think about whether the child has been prepared for these requirements. Time has an ocean for him. But for us it's only nine months.

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    Modern approach to pregnancy as a medical problem, as a process that is on the verge of pathology, determines its special regime, in which the leading indication, as a rule, is "impossible."This is one of many examples where the famous commandment of the doctor "do no harm" turns into the principle of "whatever happens."

    In this period, a woman is made to create complete comfort( as far as our life permits).It is customary to "protect" it from physical exertion, from cold, from heat, from malnutrition, it is recommended to support its belly with a bandage, take vitamins. An indicator to this is simply the pregnancy itself.

    The result of the actual "bed" mode of pregnancy is the birth of an increasing number of frail and unadapted children, with weak nervous processes, sometimes unreasonably "fattened," slow-moving and sluggish, for which the process of birth itself is unnecessarily traumatic, and adaptation during the newborn period is verypainful and often with complications. In other words, we have what IAArshavsky called "physiological immaturity".

    A frequent consequence of the "bed" regime is children born with a high weight. A.Yu. Ratner notes: "The increasing number of children born with a large weight( up to 4000-6000 g) can not be explained easily and simply by" acceleration. "The reasons are probably much larger, one of the most important from our point of view(sometimes in combination with eating disorders) in the third trimester of pregnancy, the birth of a fetus that has a lot of weight always happens with great difficulties, most often with obstetric aids and therefore with large birth trauma. "

    According to IAArshavsky's energy rule of motor activity, it is motor activity that is the most important condition for growth and development of the body. Movement already exists in the fertilized ovum-zygote, carried out with the help of special contractile protein strands. In the future, those conditions in which a child develops suggest his motor activity. Its weight grows much faster than the surface of the placenta, through which the metabolism with the mother."The placenta is characterized by a limited amount of surface that limits the excessive supply of nutrients and oxygen from the MK( maternal blood) to the FK( fetal blood). Therefrom the periodic depletion of PK by these substances, which, as is found in our studies, plays the role of natural physiological stress irritationfor the developing fetus. "Restrictions on the supply of matter and energy imposed by the magnitude of the placental surface, cause the fetus to move. However, this factor alone is not enough."Bed" regime of the mother during pregnancy leads to insufficient motor activity of the child and his physiological immaturity.

    Below we briefly, without giving any methodological recommendations, we will dwell on empirically formed in the practice of prenatal preparation methods of "training" a child before his birth. In general, they are reduced to the following four:

    1) physical activity and exercise;

    2) swimming, exercise in the water and diving with a delay in breathing;

    3) hardening;

    4) short-term fasting.

    All this, of course, does the mother. However, in the absence of personal experience in some special issues, it is preferable to master it under the guidance of an instructor.

    First of all, you need to understand that pregnancy is a natural, normal process, like many other processes in our body. In this process, however, a living being develops in the womb of the mother, which already at this time can absorb many lessons of life. During this period the life of the child is closely connected with the life of the mother and the mother can already shape his future qualities. It can be trained and tempered, giving itself certain physical activities and doing hardening. This not only beneficially affects the mother's condition, but also directly affects the child, breaking in some reasonable limits its comfortable and "secured" existence and forcing to activate its protective and adapted mechanisms. This leads not only to a better physical development of the child, an increase in his overall immunity, resistance to the effects of environmental conditions, but also to a more developed and balanced psyche at the time of birth. Such children are born well physically developed, behave actively, very quickly adapt to new conditions, develop rapidly, from the very first days are ready for rather large loads.

    Physical loads should be, although not comparable with sports, but large enough, if there is no contraindication to this. At least, pregnancy itself is not a contraindication.

    It is necessary to exclude, of course, sudden movements, running and lifting weights.(However, experience shows that you do not need to stop running if he has been practicing regularly until pregnancy and does not cause unpleasant or suspicious feelings.) In the first three months this is still quite convenient, but then you need to listen to yourself and the child more closely).It is useful to do exercises with soft, smooth movements, just to dance.

    In people, a pregnant woman was advised to wash floors more often. This simple recommendation is priceless. Daily washing of the floors( moving on squatting) provides good physical activity, strengthens and makes the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor elastic, which is necessary for good delivery. In other words, a normal pregnancy should not be an obstacle to high physical activity.

    It is extremely useful to swim and dive - ideally every day and to a state of easy and pleasant fatigue. It is noticed that swimming develops those muscles that work during childbirth. Swimming gives a good physical load to the whole body. Increases his need for oxygen, which trains the child to the conditions of his lack. This is also facilitated by multiple diving. Training a child for hypoxia is an important element in the preparation for subsequent physical exertion, hardening. Moderate shortage of oxygen - a beneficial factor for increasing the body's internal reserves. It must also be remembered that birth for a child is a process associated with an acute shortage of oxygen.

    It is noticed that children, whose mothers swam and dived a lot during the whole pregnancy, in the first days are able to hold their breath for a much longer time under water, than not trained in this way. IAArshavsky noted: "... hypoxemic exposures in the mother in the third third of pregnancy cause in the fetuses an adaptive reaction to increase the oxygen capacity of the blood. ..".

    No need to stop during pregnancy and hardening procedures. They are good for the child both through the mother's body and directly. There are allegations that after 5-6 months of pregnancy, when the amniotic fluid layer becomes thin enough, the temperature effects can reach the child.

    Cold dousing of the mother well "hardens" the baby in the womb, increasing its vitality. By today, there is a great experience of episodic( on an average once a week) bathing pregnant women in an ice hole. Of course, it is desirable to have such an experience before pregnancy, but practice shows that after going through dousing with cold water, a healthy woman can begin swimming in the hole and during pregnancy. Although this has always been physicians' attacks, children born after such training, their excellent health and some inherent cheerfulness, should make us think about the enormous potential contained in natural natural factors. In addition, life convinces us that pregnancy in itself is not a contraindication, even for such strong effects as bathing in icy water.

    It is equally useful to visit the bath. However, this always involves a lot of fears and prejudices. And it is unlikely that the doctor will give "good" to visiting the bath of his pregnant "ward".In fact, it all comes down to the question of dosages and contraindications. Of course, we must remember that in the conditions of increasing oxygen demand, with loss of heat and in the paired organism, the mother should be able to restore balance not only in herself, but also in the child's body, as many of her organs work "for two."The maximum permissible loads here, naturally, will be lower than usual. It is impossible to conduct strong tempering procedures in such complications as increased uterine tone, uterine weakness, impaired blood circulation, etc. But the list of contraindications is most likely not so great.

    A short-term fasting of the mother during the whole pregnancy is a good training influence on the child.(Unconditional contraindications - diabetes and anemia).A small deficit of nutrients leads to a child's training to better use its internal reserves. In the absence of any serious health problems, one should not be afraid that the child will be threatened with anything if the mother is fully fed until fasting. The child "pulls" everything from the mother's body, so the mother needs to carefully monitor her condition, and not worry about the child.

    If before pregnancy there was no experience of starvation, then one should not go hunger more than 1-2 times a month for one day( more of psychological reasons, because during fasting irritability, nervousness may greatly increase).If such an experience was, you can periodically starve for 3 days( monthly).Do not carry out so-called "dry" starvation, that is, without water, since the internal intoxication is much more. Particular attention should be paid to the smoothness of getting out of starvation. In addition, fasting helps to purify the mother's body, which helps, for example, to get rid of toxemia.

    It is not necessary to spend too long starvation, especially in the middle and late pregnancy, although the children are born very strong and developed, but too large, which means that the probability of injury to both the child and mother during childbirth increases. Unlike the "fattened" children under the traditional "bed" regime and eating "for two," children who had "fasted" had developed musculature with a relatively small amount of fat, were very mobile and active. This proves the positive effect of starvation. However, resort to prolonged starvation should not be.

    All this also has an educational value for the unborn baby. First, the mother already in this period of his life provides him with a certain model of behavior associated with a healthy lifestyle. Secondly, the conditions of his intrauterine existence approach natural or, at least, the range of effects that the child perceives as natural. The mother does not put in him a fear of nature, and therefore there is a hope that between the baby and nature there will not be that monstrous gap that our civilization creates.

    Instead, today many are worried about the intellectual development of their children. This takes on the features of almost a mass psychosis. The term "early development" appeared, implying the development of intelligence. Have reached and to process of pregnancy. There were even special "training" programs realized with the help of speakers placed at the maternal abdomen, from which emanate special rhythmic signals stimulating these or other brain structures. In addition to the "specially organized animal", the child began to be seen as a "computer", stuffed with "programs" that need to be "turned on" at any price. The intellectual in diapers is a new ideal, a new product of the "king of nature," who appropriated the right to ignore her laws.

    Early intellectual development, early puberty, early aging - is there any similarity in this series? In nature everything is subject to rhythm. She has all her time for everything. Or here she made a mistake?

    The human mind is not exhausted by the intellect and has many prerequisites and conditions for its development.

    This development is realized through the passage of many stages. One of them is intrauterine. But this is not the time for intelligence( however, as well as the first years of extrauterine life).At this time the child is symbiotic with nature, he is one with it. Not a woman, but all nature is pregnant with this child. A woman is only a tool, an intermediary. And we have no right to dictate our terms. We can only be good intermediaries.

    Birth is an act of a kind of "rejection", loss of symbiosis. And this in itself is a trauma. But nature gives an intellect to a person to come to harmony in a relationship, and reason to come back to a lost symbiosis. Step by step, gradually leading him to this goal.

    Early stimulation of the development of intelligence is a crude intervention in the natural program, for which you have to pay for nothing less than its incomplete or distorted implementation. And even a developed, "stimulated" intellect is not able to "finish" what nature could not do thanks to the efforts of its "king."

    The period of fetal development is the period of symbiosis of the child with nature, the period of their mutual love, and it is necessary to support this symbiosis, it is necessary to give the child nature, because we lose it, and he loses it with us. And at the same time, Love is lost, without which the mind is an insensitive computer, a dry intellect, dismembering and analyzing, beating in fruitless attempts to understand what is not given to him without Love.