  • Education of an one-year-old child

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    In the second year of life, the most attention is paid to educational activities.

    K. Ushinsky said that the character of a person is formed in the first years of life. Those traits that are acquired and early childhood, keep firmly, become second nature. What is later assimilated by a person, never has the depth that is inherent in the child's years. At this time, the main character traits are laid: neatness, kindness, diligence, sociability, etc. If you teach your child to share everything with adults and children, he will not be greedy. To appreciate human labor, enclosed in things, the kid will learn along with careful attitude towards toys.

    Education of positive qualities in the child requires constant and persistent care, systematic repetition of educational situations and careful monitoring. Unfortunately, negative character traits are manifested when good people are not brought up. They seem to make up for the vacuum-lack of education. So usually greed, selfishness, indifference, dirtyness are formed. The best method of education is the actions and behavior of parents. If parents want to raise a child better than themselves, they need to monitor themselves and do not behave as they want, but as it should. This primarily refers to physical education, in particular, to the morning exercises. If before they could not do it, now for the sake of the child, for him and with him it is necessary to do this. We recommend the following complex of exercises for children aged from 1 year to 1 year and 2 months.

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    After waking up and a brief morning toilet the child needs to be dressed in a sportive form: panties and slippers, if cool - in a shirt and pantyhose. The room by this time should be ventilated, and in warm weather, open the window.

    Charging starts with walking. At first, the baby can be supported by the hand or, after walking 2-3 steps, beckon to him. This is repeated several times. With each passing day the path must increase. Exercise two - overcoming obstacles. An empty box writing desk( or any other no higher than 10-12 cm) is on the way of the baby to the toy. Help him climb over the sides of the box, take the toy and go back with it. The third exercise - you and the child, standing on the contrary, hold on to the hoop, ring or wand. With a clear command "we sit down" - "get up" squat and get up together with the child. The next exercise is crawling under an obstacle, for example under a bench or coffee table. The goal is to approach the obstacle, sit down, creep under it, get the toy from the other side, take it, straighten up and take it to an adult. Such a difficult exercise, if done correctly, should be rewarded with verbal praise. The fifth exercise - show your baby how to step over obstacles. At first they should not be very high: cubes, blocks, balls. After a few weeks, their height increases by a factor of 2( narrow box or box, etc.). Efforts will achieve the goal when the child can easily overcome these obstacles.

    For the next exercise, you need to give the child a ball in hand and offer to throw it in front of him. The adult should catch the ball himself and return the baby. Charging ends with short-term walking.

    With the growth of the child, the volume and nature of the gymnastic exercises change. The next complex is suitable for a baby at the age of 14-18 months. During this period, during gymnastic exercises and games, it is necessary during the day to demonstrate repeatedly to the child the right breathing, given his desire to imitate the adults, and easily adopt their actions. If you do a loud breath and exhale at the baby, it will easily repeat it. All exercises should have an external form of playing moments, even breathing( "blow the tube", "blow the ball", "say uuuu).

    The child has mastered walking on the floor, and now it should become more complicated. You need to teach your child to walk on one floor or board. As a "floorboard" with a parquet, tile or plastic coating, you can use a special or even ironing board. In the beginning, it must be laid flat, and the child with outside help passes along it by a prefix, and then by an ordinary step. As you master the ability to maintain balance, the exercise becomes more complicated: the far end of the board rises above the floor surface by 5-10-15 cm.

    The next exercise is done sitting. The baby with two hands raises the toy as high as possible, then it to the legs. Taking the toy a second time, hides it behind her back, pulls it out and puts it back to her feet. The number of repetitions of the exercise increases with age from 2 to 6. The fifth exercise - a small ball rises from the floor as high as possible and rushes to the adult then left, then with his right hand. The adult catches him and again pushes him to the child. In conclusion, walking in a fast and normal rhythm.

    The child will receive a full charge from the morning exercises only if they finish with a water treatment - a warm shower or( if not suitable conditions) with a wet warm body wipe with a soft cloth, foam sponge. This beginning of the day is a pledge of cheerful mood and good appetite. High emotional tone of the baby should be supported by strict observance of the age regime of the day. Without this, harmony, the interrelationship of the biological rhythms of the organism, are disrupted.

    The regime of the child's day at the age from one year to half a year is as follows:

    7-8 h rise, toilet, morning exercises;

    8 hours - 8 hours 30 minutes breakfast;

    8 h 30 min - 10h morning wakefulness;

    10-12 h first day nap;

    12 hours - 12 hours 30 minutes lunch;

    12 h 30 min-15 h daytime wake, walk;

    15 h - 16 h 30 min second daytime sleep;

    16 hours 30 minutes - 17 hours snack;

    17h - 19h 30min night wakefulness, second walk, swimming every other day;

    19 hours 30 minutes - 20 hours dinner;

    20-7 hours of night sleep.