  • Water in folk medicine

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    The minimum daily human need for water is 6 glasses. Tea, coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks can not replace pure water. It is optimal to drink 1 glass of water half an hour before a meal. In addition, it is necessary to drink water between meals, about 2-2.5 hours later. This is the minimum that the body needs to ensure all its functions. If the lunch or dinner was plentiful, you need to drink 1 glass of water after a meal and 1 glass before going to bed.

    If you feel thirsty, you need to satisfy it immediately. Remember that the more you drink water, the thirst mechanism becomes more active.

    Timing the intake of water at the time of eating, you prevent blood clots. When the blood is too concentrated, its cells begin to absorb water from nearby tissues.

    Thus, water is the most affordable medicine for the dehydrated organism. Chronic dehydration, as we have already mentioned, leads to many serious diseases, and a sufficient amount of water can prevent many diseases. Sometimes a glass of simple water is much more effective than any medicine prescribed by doctors.

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    Normal water is a source of health, unless, of course, it is contaminated with heavy metal salts or chemical waste.

    Tap water contains chlorine that kills bacteria, so people believe that water that is sold in stores is much better, because it is sterilized with ozone, and then bottled. Ozone, or, as it is also called, super-oxygen, also has the ability to destroy bacteria.

    Bottled water can also be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases. In addition, it is possible to install a special filter on the faucet that will purify water of many harmful impurities, and you - from possible troubles and anxiety.

    However, a person accustomed to "bottled" water, in the absence of it, can not use tap water because of the difference in taste. This is nothing more than a preference that he himself imposed. Most often, the "bad" taste of tap water is attributed to the chlorine present in it. Therefore, the sales agents that sell water filters emphasize the attention of potential buyers on this fact. In addition to chlorine, tap water can contain many dissolved calcium salts, making it "hard".

    An easy way to get rid of the smell of chlorine is to put a container of water in the refrigerator and let it stand for a while without covering it with a lid. Gradually the chlorine will evaporate, the unpleasant smell and taste will disappear, and the water will become sweet and pleasant to the taste. This kind of water is served in restaurants: there it is brought in a frozen jar, which is filled in a few hours before filing.

    As for the calcium present in the water, it is not dangerous for the organism if, of course, the percentage of its content is not too high. In addition, calcium in its dissolved form is a very good remedy for osteoporosis. Unfortunately, osteoporosis doctors find out rather late, when the structure of bones is already changing. And this disease begins with the fact that when the hydroelectric energy is depleted in the body, energy comes from the calcium stores stored in the bone cells. In this case, the separation of one molecule of calcium from the other contributes to the synthesis of one ATP particle, and free calcium appears in the body. When water with calcium is consumed in its natural form, the need to release energy from calcium reserves disappears by itself.

    In any case, the calcium content in drinking water does not adversely affect the body, since many elements are absorbed when passing through the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, from hard water, not all of the calcium contained in the body gets to the body.

    According to the proponents of the "water" theory, while you drink water before each meal, you do not necessarily have to adhere to a strict diet to prevent the development of a disease.

    However, it is desirable to exclude fried and fat from the menu. The fact is that fats in our body are converted to fatty acids, which, circulating in the bloodstream, replace tryptophan. The latter in this case joins the albumin and accumulates, without undergoing cleavage in the liver. As a result, a large amount of fatty foods leads to a deficiency of tryptophan in the body.

    But not all fats are harmful. There are fatty acids that are acutely needed by the body, but not produced by them. This is the notorious omega-3( alpha-linoleic acid) and omega-6( linoleic acid), which take part in the construction of cell membranes, epinevria and the synthesis of many types of hormones. Foods rich in these fatty acids must necessarily be present in the menu of people suffering from diseases associated with damage to the epineurium.

    The largest stocks of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are found in flaxseed, from which the famous flaxseed oil is obtained. They are also present in sunflower and safflower oils. It is important to know that scientists attribute the lack of essential fatty acids to degeneration, hair loss, eczema, growth retardation, kidney or liver dysfunction.