  • Diabetes and tryptophan

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    The human brain is designed in such a way that, in the absence of salt and water, it can restore itself by raising blood sugar levels. This allows you to establish an osmotic balance in the body. In general, the osmotic pressure arises in order to regulate the fluid content in the extracellular space, which requires a sufficient amount of salt, uric acid and a high sugar content.

    However, with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, salt deficiency often occurs. Then the brain raises the level of sugar in the blood to compensate for the lack of sodium. This process involves the brain automatically, using receptors, controlled by tryptophan. Tryptophan is of great importance, since during the cleavage of this amino acid the body receives 4 main neurotransmitters.

    When insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, you need to pay special attention to the adequacy of proteins in the diet. This compensates for the lack of tryptophan, which, in turn, is the main cause of the disease. The fact is that with a deficiency of water in the body, the amount of tryptophan in the brain decreases. This amino acid is also remarkable in that, with sufficient amount of it, a person's pain threshold rises and he begins to tolerate pain more easily. Conversely, with a low level of tryptophan and transmitters formed during its splitting, the pain threshold is reduced and a salt deficiency is noted.

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    Salt in the body can withhold RAC and histamine, but they are only used if the neurotransmitter dependent tryptophan systems become inactive due to its lack. Hence, it can be concluded that a salt-free diet is not at all suitable for correcting the sugar level. If you set out to bring the sugar level to normal, a small increase in salt intake is simply inevitable.

    Tryptophan, along with lysine, also corrects DNA errors when doubling, which is of great importance for preventing the division of cancer cells. With optimal tryptophan content, histamine works best. In such conditions, not only the amount of salt is regulated or the pain threshold is increased, but the level of acidity of the gastric juice is normal. In addition, blood pressure is normalized, as a result of which all organs and systems start functioning without failures.

    There is a relationship between replenishment in the brain of tryptophan stores and daily hourly walks. The fact is that, in addition to tryptophan, several other types of amino acids are circulating in the body, seeking to enter the brain through its protective barrier. As a "transport" and tryptophan, and other amino acids use proteins. However, under physical loads, these amino acids along with fats are burned by muscles that extract them from the bloodstream. As a result, tryptophan can freely enter the brain.

    Depression, neurosis-like conditions and other disorders are a consequence of the imbalance of tryptophan in the brain tissue. Prozac written in such cases is nothing more than a drug that does not allow enzymes to split one of the byproducts of tryptophan - serotonin. With a normal serotonin content in the brain tissues, the nervous system functions normally. Nevertheless, Prozac can not completely replace tryptophan, and to increase its amount, it is necessary to increase the intake of water and maintain a well-balanced diet.

    Supporters of the "water" theory argue that there is a certain connection between the water intake and the effectiveness of the "transport" system that allows tryptophan to enter the brain. Chronic dehydration with an elevated level of histamine in the blood leads to cleavage of tryptophan by the liver cells. Conversely, regular consumption of an optimum amount of water prevents such an inefficient use of tryptophan. The difficulty is also in the fact that tryptophan is not produced by the body, it enters it only with food. Therefore, the normal water balance and physical loads help to replenish the supply of this substance in the brain tissue. In addition, one must try to eat those proteins that contain amino acids in large quantities.

    Some products, such as frozen meat, lose some amino acids during storage. Their best suppliers are sprouted grains of cereals or legumes, as well as eggs and milk. Legumes are also useful in food because they contain about 28% protein, do not contain fat at all, and complex carbohydrates in them are quite high - up to 72%.These products contain all the amino acids necessary for the body in an ideal proportion.

    As for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, advocates of the "water" theory recommend treating it by increasing daily water intake, following a prescribed diet and starting exercise. All this should provide the necessary balance of amino acids. Do not forget about table salt.

    Primary diabetes develops only in adults, its manifestations are reversible, but children of diabetics get a more serious form of this disease in the "inheritance".Diabetes at a young age requires treatment even before it causes irreparable harm to the body.

    Diabetes insulin-dependent

    Insulin-dependent diabetes is characterized by the fact that in this disease the pancreas ceases to produce insulin, and in order to monitor the patient's condition, its daily injections are needed.

    In the process of protein digestion, mechanisms that release cortisone are involved. With their help, the body produces a neurotransmitter interleukin 1. In this case, between the production of interleukin and the release of cortisone, there is a certain relationship: these substances activate each other's secretion. However, in addition to interleukin 1, a dependent substance called interleukin 6 is produced during this process.

    As a result of experiments on cell cultures, scientists found that interleukin 6 is capable of destroying DNA in the cells responsible for producing insulin. Thus, the affected cells lose the ability to produce insulin.

    Supporters of the "aquatic" theory believe that the uncontrolled effect of chronic dehydration on the exchange of amino acids in the body is responsible for the destruction of DNA in the cells of the pancreas that synthesize insulin. Thus, lack of water in the body and the associated stress can be the main cause of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.