  • Development of a child's speech 1-2 years

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    This is a stage of development that could be called "not a day without a new word".Your child not only says more and more new words, but uses the familiar ones in a new way.

    Speech development occurs in different children at different rates. Some children consistently add one word a day to their vocabulary, others from time to time give out whole sets of new words, while others do not say much until almost the end of the second year, as if gaining more words for a speech break after the second birthday. How many words a child says is not as important as how well he communicates. Some children, even at the age of two, are at the stage of speech development, which can be characterized as follows: "speaks little - understands everything - communicates remarkably".To express the desire, they still predominantly use the body language.

    Diary of speech development

    You can record the speech progress of your child by recording words and phrases that your child speaks at each stage of development. In addition to words, write down how lengthy and complex the sentence is pronounced by the child, and especially those long words that he so confusingly confuses. It's even more exciting to keep a diary of thoughts, writing down what you think the child thinks, judging by what he says and does. Reading this diary or listening to records, when the child has already grown, you will be able to live anew one of the most interesting stages of the development of the child.

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    As at all stages of speech development, at this stage you create more than vocabulary - you create a relationship. You teach not only new words, but also trust.

    Stick the labels

    The child becomes more and more aware that every thing and every living thing in this world has a name. Walking around the house or sitting in the car, call everything. If you call everything that you pass, it will also help the restless baby sit quietly. Words develop memory, because it's much easier to store objects with a name in the file system than nameless things.

    Make a sudden check to find out if the child remembers the names of household items, often asking: "What is this?" - pointing, for example, to the computer. If the child answered: "Kamyuka", - praise him for the fact that he correctly remembered the word: "Yes, that's right!- and add: - This is a computer ", - to give the child an example of correct pronunciation, but not in an instructive tone.

    Game in and questions. Prepare for the classic phrase of a two-year-old baby: "What is this?" Once the child has learned that everything has a name, he has a natural desire to learn all the names. If

    , you noticed that your child is staring at something, quickly give it a name: "This is a box."Return to the box a couple of minutes later to check the memory of the child, and ask by pointing to the box: "What is this?" If the child points to an item and does not know its name, he gives you a sign so that you insert the missing word. Use your favorite questions that guarantee a funny answer, such as: "What does the dog say?"

    Comment on the actions. The child learns that actions also have names. Talk to your child about daily rituals such as bathing, changing clothes or eating food: "Now we'll raise our handles up, and now we'll lower them down."Children

    of this age easily grasp the words denoting movement: "up", "down", "let's go".And they like it when you use phrases with verbs of motion, such as: "Hug Mommy."

    Read on the lips. Two-year-old child is almost a real parrot, soon also learns the science of reading on the lips. At this stage of development, when my and Stefan's heads were on the same level, I noted that for most of the conversation he was looking at my lips until he understood the meaning of my words.

    A child who only shows a finger. And what about a kid who perfectly communicates using only the body language, but clearly speaks only a few words? He mumbles "ah" and points at the can of cookies, and you realize that he wants cookies. Ask him: "Tell your mother what you want."Do you want a cookie? "When he shook his head to confirm your words, let him know that you understood his body language:" Yes, I understand, you want a cookie. "You do not have to put pressure on a child who has got used to getting everything by the wave of his hand to make him talk. Instead, let the child hear the correct words that he should accompany his gestures.

    The right association

    The development of speech helps a child of this age express that he understands how related actions are. The kid can take his jacket and hat and wave to you. A doorbell rang out, and the child says: "O-cloy."He can bring you your wallet and say: "Money."Children store in their brains many sets of associations, and words help them express them.

    Now the children also begin to associate photos and pictures in books with familiar objects and people in their environment. By the age of two, some children even begin to distinguish between boys and girls and correctly point to members of one sex or the other in a book or in real life.

    I do not understand. Prepare for a funny confusion of words when the toddler incorrectly connects the thoughts of and words. Matthew was just being hooked on an adhesive plaster for a while. Once we talked about the watering can, which his sister watered the flowers around the house, and Matthew began to call the watering can a plaster, because of the similarity of the roots of these words. Idiomatic and figurative expressions completely confuse toddlers. For example, I somehow explained to Stefan: "I really already spent everything"( using the word "blow", which also means "blowing out" ) and he started blowing out imaginary candles( in ourfamily every now and then someone has a birthday).

    Nuances. Children understand not only that items have names. They also understand that the things that these objects do also have names: the plates are "hot";fruit ice "cold";and that even these properties of objects have further distinctions. Pay attention to the concentrated look of your child when he tries to remember the correct word. Sometimes a child is already ready to say a word, but then realizes that this is not the word that he needs, and changes it to another. For example, touching the water with a hand, the baby can say: "Hot. .. no. .. warm!" At the previous stage of development, he could only understand such characteristics as hot or cold. Now he knows about the temperature nuances, such as warm.

    This is not necessary. One evening Matthew heard us talking about going out for a walk, and naturally suggested that he would come with us. When we tried to put pajamas on him, he protested violently: "No, no!" He made a logical conclusion that if he goes for a walk, why should he wear it, like before going to sleep? He accepted the explanation as soon as he understood.

    This cute children's speech

    Words more complicated. Children are bored with such words as "pussy" and "doggy".They like complex, hard-to-pronounce words. The favorite word for Matthew at this age was a "helicopter";soon appeared the following, "dinosaur".Of course, the kid will remake the word in his own way, but, as a rule, changed beyond recognition, it is even more pleasant to the ear.

    The kid expresses his preferences. Gone are the days when the child showed his hand and mooed. By the age of two, the child can report almost all of his everyday desires with the words: "Let's go for a walk", "Let's play a ball", "I want a cookie".If you give the child a choice - what a valuable training exercise - the child can express his preference. In a year and a half, we asked Matthew what he wanted, to go out with me or take a bath with my mother. He could not give me a verbal answer, but realized that he had been given a choice. When I picked him up to take him out into the street, he began to squirm and stretch towards Martha, giving the body language to know about his preference. By the time he was two years old, when he was given a choice, he responded with words, for example "go for a walk" or "with my mother."

    Understand me. At this stage of speech development, you not only teach the

    the child understand his speech, but also learn to interpret his speech, and the child expects this from you. When a child learns to speak, you learn to listen. Many children by this time pronounce correctly not so many words, but they make significant progress, honing their ability to correctly convey intonation."Peak" means "sparrows", and you will guess this by touching voice modulation. Being a good parent means also being able to decipher the language of the child and letting him know that you really understand him.

    Let's play in the "callers"

    Name all the parts of the body. By the age of one and a half, most children can call all parts of their bodies and like to travel around their bodies, playing the game "Where is our nose?" And so on. Hearing the signal word "nose", the child can point to your nose. Now you can add: "And where is Mom's spout?" - and see if the baby will show on your nose."Eyes" and "heels" are also included in the list of favorite parts of the body."Navel" may yet remain without interest. When changing diapers or bathing, a child can grab himself by the penis or the vulva - it's time to give these parts of the body a name( "This is your penis / vulva.") Naming the body parts becomes a game that keeps attention for a long time, as you involve the naturally self-centered babyin talking about himself. This is a good game for a situation where you need to calm an unruly child, and there are no toys at hand.

    Name all the people. Many two-year-olds can say their name and sometimes a surname. The kid can even call by the names of older brothers and sisters, as well as well-known nannies or correctly identify a person in the photo. Raise the child, standing in front of the wall, hung with photos of well-known relatives and play the game "What is the name of this person."Enter this game in the list of classes for those moments when there is nothing to do.

    For a year and a half the child pronounces, albeit not always clearly, almost all the vowels and some consonant sounds- [m], [n], [b], [k], [r], [t], [d], [n], [c], [ph], [x], [d].Many of the consonant sounds are often pronounced softly( dyay instead of give).Often, instead of conventional words, onomatopoeia is used: a cow is called moo, dog-av-av, cat-meow, car-bi-bi, clock-like-so. Onomatopoeic words say a baby easier than full. Instead of a whole word, he can also say either the shock or the first syllable: a doll-ku, a dog-ba, a box-ko.

    From a year and a half the child has a sharp jump in the development of active speech: he begins to change words, use some grammatical forms, associate words in the phrase: Dai ku( Give the doll.);Vova bbi( Vova wants a car.).They can say the same words more than once.

    Gradually speaking becomes the main means of communication, replacing facial expressions and gestures. There comes a period of independent utterance of meaningful words. The active vocabulary of a toddler grows rapidly-for two years it already includes about 300-400 words( mostly nouns and verbs, with verbs occurring about 2-3 times less often than nouns, adverbs appear in speech: here, there,here).During this period, he learns to build sentences consisting of several words, which, as a rule, are not coordinated: Veta buy-buy( Sveta wants to sleep.).Prepositions in most cases are still missing: Vova mika( Vova has a bear.).

    By the age of two, the child clearly pronounces almost all vowel sounds, correctly pronounces many, the easiest consonants, assimilates the simplest intonation( in his speech there are interrogative and exclamatory sentences).The distinctiveness of pronouncing sounds in this period of life largely depends on their place in the word. So, in simple disyllabic words with open syllables( mother, Vova, Katya), the baby correctly pronounces all the sounds;and in words consisting of three or more syllables, often replaces one sounds with others, skips sounds and syllables( instead of machine-pain, instead of bicycle-apipedes).Skipping sounds is observed in words with a concourse of consonants( two consonants are near): the door is like a vein, etc. The pronunciation of many sounds is unstable, in some cases the child can pronounce them correctly, in others it is wrong.

    It should be noted that the pace of speech development in children is different. It depends not only on how often adults communicate with the child, but also on the individual characteristics of the child.

    In the second year of the child's life, it is necessary to solve the following tasks of speech development: develop his understanding of adult speech, the ability to accurately imitate words;support the desire of the baby to talk with others, introduce it to the names of objects and phenomena, express their thoughts and desires with words and short sentences.

    If in the first year of life the baby is often called by name, then in the second year he already responds to it. The child knows and correctly names people close to him( mother, father, woman), some objects familiar to him, toys;can perform simple actions at the request of adults, simple instructions.

    A child of this age repeats after the adult sounds, individual sound combinations, words, even complex, incomprehensible to him. It's true that he always does this successfully, and there are a lot of funny children's words that so amuse and touch adults. But by the end of the second year the child easily and correctly repeats whole words and phrases consisting of 2-3 or more words. He asks adults what the name of this or that object is( toy): "What is this?" If by the age of one and a half the kid was basically a sentence of 2 words, then by the end of the second year he is building sentences from 3-4 or even more words.

    A characteristic feature of a child of this age is the need for verbal communication, as well as the accumulation of impressions that occur in the objective activity.

    The growing interest of the child in subjects, their properties and actions with them, encourages him to constantly turn to adults. But he can address and receive the necessary help only by mastering speech communication. This is the main stimulus to the assimilation of speech.

    In games with the baby, teach him to correctly name the surrounding objects( mainly household items: clothes, furniture, dishes, toys), understand and perform simple tasks;to compose from simple words simple phrases. Show the child a doll and ask: "This is Lala. This is Lali's eyes. This is a spout. These are ears. These are the pens, legs. .. "Then ask him to show( first in the doll, then in himself):" Where is Liali's nose( eyes, etc.)?And where does Tanya have a nose( eyes, etc.)? "

    Understanding the speech of adults by the end of the second year of life changes qualitatively-the verbal directions of others begin to regulate the behavior of the baby. So, the child already understands and can fulfill some simple instructions. To develop an understanding of speech, expand the vocabulary of the baby, offer to choose among several toys one or the other. Arrange the toys in front of the child: a pyramid, a doll, a rattle and ask to find among them, for example, a pyramid and give it, move the toy or object from one place to another, etc. Gradually, such tasks become more complicated.

    To develop an active speech of the child, it is necessary to create situations in which he is forced to address the speech to adults. For example, ask the kid to bring some object, but for this he must first ask him from the pope or ask his grandmother where he is lying( these assignments should be given no earlier than a year and a half).

    Some parents try to prevent the child's wishes, do not give him the opportunity to express his request.

    For example, Andrew went to the table and reached for a fruit bowl. Mom, instead of asking the child: "What shall I give you?" Silently gives him an apple. He also silently takes it and walks away. In this case, the mother not only does not stimulate the speech of the baby, but, on the contrary, creates such conditions when the child has no need to appeal to the adult. For the development of speech, it is necessary to use the moments when the child is compelled to apply to you on his own initiative. If he can not name the subject( do not know what he's called), call him yourself several times: "Do you want to give the ball( pyramid)?" Offer the child to repeat, to name the given subject as far as possible.

    It is possible to familiarize the kid with new objects and toys in the form of a game. Show the child a toy: "This is a cockerel", and then quickly hide and ask the child: "Where is the cockerel?" Then again show: "Here is the cockerel."Then hide again and say: "Where's the cockerel?"Let's call him together. "Continuing the game, ask the child to call the cockerel himself. Then give the toy to the child. Ask the child how the rooster screams, how the dog barks, how the cat meows, etc. Ensure that the child correctly and clearly pronounced these onomatopoeia.

    Give the baby a look, touch a new toy. After that, put her on a chair( put on the bed, put her on her feet), while saying: "Lyalya, stand( teddy bear, sleep, hare, sit)."Invite the child to feed her himself, put him to sleep, put it. Gradually, he will begin to use verbs independently in game situations when naming these or other actions.

    Playing, the child often talks with toys. In such cases, one should not interfere with him, since at that moment his pronunciation is improved, the mobility of the articulatory apparatus improves, the voice, breathing develops.

    The child quickly remembers the words that he hears daily. Use every opportunity to develop his speech. So, when preparing for breakfast, lunch or dinner, during feeding, name your actions, objects that put on the table: "This is a cup for dad, it's a cup for mom. This is a small cup for Tanya. "After a while baby, imitating you, putting dishes on the table, will himself say these words.

    To stimulate the child's speech, you need to ask him questions that you first have to answer yourself. Mom, dismantling Andrei's bed, asks him: "Where will Andryusha go now? In the crib. Sleep".Gradually, the child will answer such questions himself( in 1 year 8 months, Andryusha answered this question no longer buy-in, but said to go( to sleep)).Thus, the child will gradually be ousted by simplified words.

    You can call up the child's speech activity in the following way: show a toy puppy and ask the baby: "Is this a kitten?" Such provocative questions cause the child to have verbal activity, the desire to correct the adult, to name the subject correctly, and teach him to listen to the speech of others.

    It is necessary to talk with the child about those subjects that attract him at the moment, or about the actions that he is doing. For example, when going out with a baby for a walk, it's useless to talk to him about toys. It is better to draw his attention to the fact that you need to wear a hat, felt boots, etc.

    On a walk, the child sees around him many new, unfamiliar, attractive objects for him. He will well remember the words denoting what was particularly interesting to him. Here saw the baby car. At this point, you need to tell him that it's a car, that it's riding, it's buzzing that it's blue. And at home, after a walk, ask what he saw on the street.

    By the end of the second year with the child you can talk about those things that he does not see now, but he already knows well. This exercises not only his speech, but also memory, teaches you to listen and understand speech without visual accompaniment.

    Enrichment of vocabulary should occur not only due to nouns or verbs, but also other parts of speech. Two-year-olds can remember, besides names, some qualities and properties of the object-round, soft, hard. Adults should exercise the baby in their assimilation. The reason for this can be any situation. So, putting the daughter to sleep, my mother can say: "Our Tanya has a big bed, and Lali( a doll) has a small bed. Dad's got a big cup, and Tanya's got a small one. "Pointing out the size of objects, it is necessary to remember that the objects offered for comparison must be near so that the child can see them. Ask him to show where the big cup is, and where the small one, where the big spoon, and where the small one. It should be indicated to the child and the color of objects. For example, Sveta bought a new dress. Mom comes to the girl and says: "What a beautiful dress Sveta has! Red. "

    When you familiarize your child with new words, make sure that he clearly pronounces vowel sounds in them, and strives to correctly use consonants. In this case, special attention should be paid to the hardness of utterance of consonant sounds( say let, not dyay).For this it is useful to use onomatopoeic words. So, showing the toy goose, tell the child: "This is a goose. He screams ha-ha-ha. Now tell me how the goose yells. "If the baby will be wrong and say gently gya-gya-gya, you need to correct it.

    The more often the child pronounces sounds, words, uses phrases, the more perfect will be his speech apparatus, the faster he will fix in his speech the newly learned words. Therefore, parents should ensure that the child's communication with the people around him is carried out only with the help of speech. The child's desire to speak should be encouraged.

    Children of the second year of life are very fond of viewing color pictures. Use this interest of the baby for the development of his speech: suggest the child to show an object, find a bear, a bunny.(The image on the pictures should be colorful and simple on the plot.)

    From the second half of the second year of life, it follows from the display of object pictures to go to the display of pictures that depict the actions performed by animals, people: the dog runs, the cat eats, the kids play. It is necessary to pay attention of the child to these actions, to offer to call them. You can ask such questions: "Who is this?"( Bunny.);"What does he do?"( Sits.)

    Reading small stories, fairy tales, poems and poems contributes to the development of children's speech. Reading poems develops a child's sense of rhythm, which is expressed by the fact that, listening to them, he often starts to shake his head, clap his hands, tap his feet. Poems, jokes, nursery rhymes should be small in volume, rhythmic, uncomplicated in content. It is necessary to encourage the child, if he follows you, repeats individual words, arranges a poetic phrase.

    • Can he answer simple questions, perform an uncomplicated mission( for example, take a spoon from the table, take it to the kitchen, etc.)?

    • Is it easy for adults to repeat words, small phrases?

    • What sounds does the child say clearly by the end of the second year, clearly enough, which is not always clear?

    • How many words does the child construct the sentences?

    • How often does the child interact with adults( with other children) on their own initiative?

    These observations will help you to determine which aspects of the child's speech should be paid special attention.