  • That development did not lag behind

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    In the fourth half of the year, physical and mental skills continue to improve. There is the possibility of coordination of large and complex movements. The shuffling gait is replaced by the usual, springy gait. Children themselves begin to put their feet on their toes. They quickly master the technique of lateral steps and by the end of the half-year free circling on the spot. Primitive dance moves and running - these are the indicators of the age-old ability to own one's own body, which the child acquires by two years.

    Further development is also achieved by imitative movements, especially if they are subject to special training( "show how the bunny jumps, how the mouse walks, the doggy barks").

    Imitative abilities need to be widely used to strengthen and develop hygienic skills. Only children who do not see how the adults wash themselves, rub their eyes with one palm and sometimes the nose. The same applies to hair care. They need to be cut in such a way that the child himself can comb his hair. Some parents release long hair to children and play with the beauty of their curls, and comb them with love. This they involuntarily disaccustoms the children to take care of their hair.

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    Do not leave the baby in wet pants, so that he does not get used to it. From a year and a half you can teach him to ask for a pot. If the kid does not do this even in 2 years, you can not punish him for this. Penalties can lead to the opposite effect. The main part of children is able to use the pot on their own almost to 3 years.

    The child, as he explains, will not understand the sense of mouth rinsing and brushing his teeth, but he always repeats and quite cleverly all these actions for an adult. To a child up to three years of age, after he has had a tooth-brush, it is necessary to help to brush his teeth with paste: first the labial surface, and then the palatine. It is necessary to combine the longitudinal movements of the soft brush with the transverse. Thus, all the food particles stuck between the teeth are removed, and the tooth enamel is cleaned of the salts forming the tartar. Teeth should be cleaned in the evening before bedtime( after that the child does not need to give anything in the mouth) and during his morning toilet. The child should be taught to rinse the toothbrush, wash the glass or a cup and put the brush to dry.

    Since one and a half years it is necessary to teach the baby to wash hands by hand.

    The child's games in the fourth half of life are beginning to acquire a reflective character. Children, if they are shown, build a house, a fence, a train from the dice.

    By the end of the second year, babies can be allowed to play with sand and teach them to fill up with water cups and a bucket, cook kulichiki, pies from the sand, etc. The games with story toys are becoming more diverse. Dolls now not only pump, but also put to sleep in a crib, carry in a wheelchair, feed. Toys-animals begin to growl or meow, and with a lack of sound characteristics, speak with words. In this age, children are especially fond of large toys. However, for the development of finger movements, it is advisable to give the child for play and small toys: building material, detachable boxes, nesting dolls. For the purity of toys should continue to monitor: washable 1-2 times a week to wash, rest periodically cleaned at home or given to dry cleaners. Things in the children's corner should be regularly "vacuumed" or cleaned in a damp way.

    Books that children love so much also need care. It is desirable to sharply limit the number of books( up to 2-3) that fall in the field of view of the baby. It is necessary to teach the child to take care of the book - the source of knowledge.

    A huge benefit at this age is systematic training with children. In children with whom someone is engaged daily, not only imitative actions, but also speech develop faster and more fully. However, the systematic overload, the abundance of toys and the large number of adults "educating" one child lead to an overload and a delay in the development of his speech.

    A typical error in the upbringing of a child is its rinsing. This leads to the development of his sense of exclusivity, selfishness. While the child is small, it is to some extent natural, and when he grows up, he gets less caresses, and the unmet need for it leads to the development of resentment, cruelty and anger. Punishment -

    is the same necessary component of education, as well as affection. There are many methods of punishment. However, it is unacceptable to beat the child and punish him, humiliating his dignity( standing on his knees, insults).Affection is fostered by positive moments, by punishment - understanding what is forbidden. It is important to spare the dignity and self-esteem of the child, to be strict, but just. Nothing hurts the child's soul so much as the injustice of adults, realized by the child.

    If the kid does everything with his left hand, then he is left-handed. There are about 8 percent of such children among preschool children. Left-handedness is not a habit and certainly not a defect. This is an individual innate feature of the child, due to the predominant development of the corresponding hemisphere of the brain. The desire to retrain a child at any cost with a right hand does not make sense, and often turns out to be ineffective, and sometimes harmful, because it can lead to severe neurotic disorders( stuttering, urinary incontinence, etc.).

    Mentally and physically left-handed children develop normally, although their greater mobility, increased emotionality, weakening of inhibitory processes are noted.

    It is very important to encourage the efforts of the left-handed child when he works( draws, molds, etc.), creates the appropriate conditions for work( put the table lamp not on the left, but on the right), behave so that neither the child nor the surroundingdid not see anything unusual, subject to correction. The child should not be shy about this particular feature. In the future, he will be able to talk about famous people who have worked all their lives mainly with the left hand and achieved great success. Among them were famous artists( Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo), great artists( Charlie Chaplin), Academician IP Pavlov and many others. The left-hander in life has a number of advantages, for example, in the practice of certain sports.

    In the fourth half of the year, the child begins to orientate in the environment. He assimilates the name of movements and actions, qualitative differences of objects, but still often errs, confuses similar in sounding words or objects similar in form. Do not be afraid of such confusion. Gradually everything will fall into place.

    The further development of the ability to generalize is noted.

    The kid can show all the round objects( balls, balls, etc.), his bed and adults.

    Walking with a child of this age on the street, it is advisable to give him a wand and show how you can draw on the sand or snow different lines. With a pencil and paper in the room his hand can not cope, and on the street with a stick it is possible.

    By the end of the second year of life the child should be introduced to the name of the objects and their purpose, to teach them to act. The kid should be able to calmly fulfill the requests of adults, wait a little while the adult is busy with another matter, express a request for words, know his place at the table, place his clothes, towels, pot, say "thank you" after eating, "hello", "goodbye", carry out simple instructions. If the baby urinates in bed at night, it is better to start with a diet: in the morning and in the day, you can give plenty of liquid and fruit, for about 3 hours before going to bed, liquid, raw vegetables and fruits should be limited. With daily urinary incontinence, you can try every 3 to 2 hours to drop the baby on a comfortable pot and hold until it pisses, reinforcing your actions with persevering affectionate persuasion.

    The speech is actively developing. From primitive words and onomatopoeia, the child gradually turns to polysyllabic words and short phrases. A long period of listening to adults, the desire to imitate them to repeat the words form from the very beginning the grammatically correct construction of short, and then longer phrases. As shown by observations, speech is better developed in children involved in gymnastics, many and actively moving. Especially the influence of games, exercises, exercises, in which the brush participates, is especially great, since impulses from the fingers, entering the brain, activate those of its zones that are in charge of speech.

    Autonomy in movement creates a problem of contacts with peers. The children are drawn to each other. However, as the old observation shows, at this age children are more near than playing together.

    During the second year, your gender is clearly recognized. Differentiated behavioral reactions in boys and girls. They already have different attitudes to clothes, to games.

    As a result of further development and strengthening of the central nervous system, the child is able to stay awake for a longer time. In this regard, gradually the desire for the baby to sleep 2 times a day, and he goes on his own to a one-time nap. In such conditions for children who are brought up at home, the following mode of the day is most expedient:

    7-8 h rise, toilet, morning exercise;

    8 hours - 8 hours 30 minutes breakfast;

    8h30m - 12h morning wake, walk, games, classes;

    12 hours - 12 hours 30 minutes lunch;

    12 hours 30 minutes - 16 hours daytime sleep;

    16 hours - 16 hours 30 minutes afternoon snack;

    16 h 30 min - 20 h evening wake, walk, swimming;

    20 hours - 20 hours 30 minutes dinner;

    20 hours 30 minutes - 7 hours a night's sleep.

    The daily mode is a scheme to be oriented. It can be made some changes, caused by the peculiarities of the family life. But it is necessary to ensure that the periods of sleep and wakefulness, even if displaced in time, correspond to the above scheme, that is, the child must stay awake 9-10 hours, and sleep at day 3-3.5 hours, at night 10-11 hours. Any changes to the scheme must be fixed and carried out rigorously. Then the child has a so-called dynamic stereotype - the highest form of adaptation to this regime.

    If a child wakes up earlier during a day's sleep, this indicates that he has already rested and does not need further exposure in bed. Often you can hear how my mom persuades the baby: "Well, do not want to sleep, so lie quietly."Meanwhile lying without sleep to the child unlike adults does not bring neither rest, nor pleasant sensations. And since you can not sleep for the future, the children act shamelessly and actively resist staying in bed. Thus, for daytime sleep, the formula is applicable: sleep early - get up.

    All other moments of the regime, with the exception of the morning charge, are almost the same. At this age a new complex of gymnastic exercises is applied, taking into account the increased motor abilities of the child.

    The first exercise is walking. Holding hands, go with the baby around the apartment so that you have your 50-60 steps. The second exercise is respiratory.

    Stand up against each other, legs together, raise hands to the sides to the height of the shoulders and take them back. On the account of "fold" quickly cross your arms in front of your chest so that your hands slap one against the other. At this time, a loud, powerful exhalation is carried out through the mouth. At the expense of "two" smoothly take the starting position, making a deep breath through the nose. We draw attention to the fact that the main thing in the exercise is not movement by hands, but breathing exercises. The third exercise is walking on an inclined plane( board) up and down. One end of the board is lifted to a height of 20-25 cm. The fourth exercise is stepping over an obstacle up to 20 cm high. The kid steps over with one foot, then the other. The fifth exercise is tilting the body forward through the stick. Starting position: the child stands with his back to the adult, who holds the wand in front of him at the level of his hip joints. The kid should, bending over his wand, take the toy lying in front of him on the floor, lift it over his head and then put it back in place. The sixth exercise is a game of "birds waving their wings".The child raises his hands to the sides and waves them up and down. Seventh exercise - from lying on the back with arms outstretched, the child should raise his straightened legs and touch the palms of the adult. You can complicate this exercise by playing "legs are long - legs are short."The child, bending his legs, presses his knees to his stomach, clasping them with his hands, then straightens his legs, pulling off socks, and takes out the edges of the adult's palm. The eighth exercise is again a game: throwing balls into a basket or drawer, standing on the floor at a distance of 50 cm from the child. In conclusion - free walking for a minute.

    If, by performing physical exercises, the child begins to breathe through the mouth, it is a signal that he is tired and urgently needs to stop active movements and go to walking.

    Each exercise should be shown first several times. Then you need to help the baby take the appropriate starting position and conduct the exercise. After the child learns the exercise, he should repeat it 3-4, and then 7-8 times. Each time, the child's attention should be fixed on the correct breathing. Morning exercise should end with an aqueous procedure.

    Next on the regime - breakfast. Nutrition of children in the fourth half of life has a number of characteristics. It is significantly different from feeding in the third half of the year and in the third year. These differences are due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child at a given age.