  • Learning to crawl children

    If you decide to teach a newborn to crawl, start by creating the ideal setting for your child's motor activity.

    Put the baby on your tummy. Let him freely move his hands and feet. Gradually, these erratic movements will turn into those that will advance it forward.

    The baby should have a minimum amount of clothes, so that the movement of his hands and feet is not hindered. He needs tactile stimulation.

    Bodys or short panties and a short-sleeved shirt are best suited. The feet, knees and elbows should remain naked: they crouch upon the floor when crawling. If you think that the room is not warm enough, you can put a woolen sleeveless jacket on the child.

    The ideal environment for crawling is the floor, which naturally meets the following requirements. The floor must be:

    • safe;

    • clean;

    • warm;

    • smooth;

    • smooth.

    Safe floor. Use the advice: before you release your baby on the floor, do not be lazy and go on all fours the intended route of a small traveler. If you plan to put on the floor of a child who is still not actively crawling, you have a little time left. But if the baby is already quite active, it's worth taking care of it in advance.

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    Electrical outlets must be out of reach of the child. Be sure to use stubs. The room should not have such pieces of furniture that you can easily overturn on yourself. Remove flowers standing on the floor( do not forget that the earth and the flower will be tested by a small researcher) and electric heaters. Check if there is a draft, "does not pull" whether on the floor. The floor should be smooth, but not slippery, to facilitate the child's movement process. Use a carpet covering. At first, it is enough to lay only the place where the baby will crawl.

    Eat, sleep, play, teach - do everything on the floor. If you consider this place to be the most ideal place for development, then the child will also feel your positive attitude.

    Clean floor. To achieve purity, wipe the floor surface with a disinfectant, selecting the one that does not cause irritation to the child's delicate skin. But first, of course, wash the floor with a normal household or child's soap.

    Smooth and flat floor. Sex should be smooth. This is especially important because we want to facilitate the child's movement process. The smoother the surface, the easier it will be to slide along it as a result of reflex movements of the hands and feet.

    If you treat sex as an unsuitable and dangerous place for a child, then the kid himself will treat this place as something strange and dangerous.

    As such a surface is quite suitable cover of artificial leather or vinyl. For such a covering, the child will easily slide with elbows and knees, it will provide the necessary grip. But linoleum, although it meets the requirements of smoothness, but it will be too slippery.

    Now your newborn has two main desires: to be near you and to use a new way of moving for him in order to study the world around him. Help the kid in this! To make your child feel comfortable on the floor, you need to be with him.

    One of his exciting activities is to crawl after you. In addition, he likes to climb right on you to hear praise and feel the parental embrace. This is the best way to improve in crawling, but for you it is completely harmless!