Recognize your mistakes
At this point you should have learned, among other things, one of the basic principles: the most significant model of behavior for the child is his parents - that is you. We have already said that if you want to see them restrained, you should not lose your temper with them;if you want them to say "thank you" and "please," let them regularly hear these words from you. And now I will tell you about one more thing that you must be able to do in communication with children;and, strangely enough, it is with her many parents have problems.
I suspect the reason lies in the fact that they are afraid to discredit themselves in the eyes of the child, admitting their mistakes. If you apologize for something before the child, he will understand that you are not perfect. So, I have news for you: he will in any case understand this, the question is only in time. It will be much better for everyone if you gradually lower the child from heaven to earth, showing him from time to time that you are not a Lord God and have the right to make a mistake.
The calmer you will recognize these mistakes, the easier it will be for a child to see that there is nothing pejorative about it, since adored adults do not hesitate to do it. He will understand that everyone makes mistakes, and nothing shameful in this fact can not be. Yes, mistakes must be realized and try to correct, but you do not need to be ashamed of them. Your goal is for the child to pronounce the word "sorry" without hesitation, as soon as he sees that he caused someone pain, insult, inconvenience or frustration.
I must say that there are adults who can hardly apologize to anyone, let alone children. If you have problems recognizing your wrongness, you should do it right now, before your children overpower you with this wrong quality *.Parenting is an excellent reason to seriously tackle your own shortcomings so that they do not inherit your children.
The only way to resolve this situation was to honestly tell him: "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I lost my temper, which I should not have done, and as a result, I talked nonsense. I should have forbidden you to watch TV for, say, weeks, and I really will do it if you continue to be rude to me. "Do you think I put myself in a humiliating position? Well, in the end, he is to blame.