Children's Development Program
To all parents who deal with children according to the method of Doman, experts recommend conducting daily records on activities with the baby. This is for two reasons. Firstly, such a diary is a kind of reminder for you;Secondly, by comparing records, you will be able to accurately assess the child's achievements.
In the diary, you should note:
frequency of classes( how and how many times you are going to deal with the child);
intensity( how quickly the kid does the job, how many new words or figures he learned, how much distance he overcomes, whether the exercise becomes more complicated);
duration( what time is allocated for the task, the total duration of the lessons per day);
the purpose of the classes( what exactly do you want to achieve by doing exercises, for example: crawl 90 cm per day or teach to read sentences);notes( have you achieved the goal, what does not work, etc.).
In addition to the diary, many parents use the so-called development program. Here, for example, what the program of the child's physical development looks like, developed by specialists at the Glen Doman Institute.
Mobility development program
At least 15 times a day a child should be able to crawl.
Watch how far your child crawls - 30 cm is enough to begin with, then 90 cm.
At least 4 hours a day, it should be on the floor, maximum - 18( if you sleep on the floor or track).
Your newborn should crawl every day 30 cm more, long-term goal - 4.5 meters per day.
My newborn began to crawl 4.5 meters a day at the age of.
Program for the development of manual skills
FREQUENCY Start with 15 daily sessions, with
folding seven or eight times, it will hang on the pin, the rest of the times - on the thumb of your hand.
Depends on the weight of your child: the more weight, the heavier it is to hang.
Start with two seconds for each lesson. In the beginning, you should focus on the frequency of classes, a little less - intensity and very small - duration. As your child progresses, increase the duration to 15-30 seconds. But never stretch the lesson to 60 seconds!
Your newborn should be able to withstand the full weight of his body for at least 10 seconds.
My newborn began to withstand the full weight of his body for 10 seconds at the age of ___
Balance program( development of the vestibular apparatus)
FREQUENCY Each of the 15 basic exercises( stage I)
at least once a day.(If you like exercises for both you and the child, do as many as you want.)
INTENSITY Now you can do everything with the speed that you like both. By this time your child has already fully mastered all the exercises.
DURATION Increase each session up to 45 seconds, and then up to a minute. But continue to stop before the child wants!
PURPOSE To help your child start the
floor on all fours, you need to prepare his vestibular apparatus, vision and body structure to perform a more complex balance program.