  • "baby yoga"

    "Baby yoga" is a special neonatal gymnastics, named for its yoga asanas, which are very like her exercises. As noted earlier, we do not include it in the public arsenal of physical education tools, easily mastered by parents. The reasons for this are as follows. Firstly, it is advisable to have some experience of yoga asanas to represent the effects that such exercises give. This is especially important for the reason that they have a pronounced psychic effect. Secondly, you need to have a sufficiently high sensitivity, because the exercises are performed at the limit of flexibility of the joints. Such sensitivity is developed by the practice of massage and manual therapy. Gymnastics is the same in the first days after birth, and in any case, parents do not have time to acquire the appropriate skills. Therefore, the exercises "baby yoga" should be done only by a specialist.

    The tasks solved with the help of "baby yoga" are various.

    As you know, at birth the body of an infant experiences tremendous physical activity. The main burden of passing through the birth canal falls on the spine, especially on its cervical( as well as lumbosacral - with breech presentation).As a result of these loads, almost every child has microspaces of the vertebrae, most often not diagnosed and seemingly quite innocuous. However, apparently, these microspheres make themselves felt already in adulthood through predisposition, say, to osteochondrosis or radiculitis.

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    In more serious cases of vertebral injury, for example, in rapid delivery, with stimulated labor or, quite often, with rough obstetric care, depending on the trauma site, more serious disorders may develop, such as incomplete opening of the lungs, myotonia,strabismus, etc. Working with the spine with the help of "baby yoga" exercises allows to eliminate these microspaces or significantly reduce the manifested symptoms.

    Not all parts of the spine are injured with equal probability. In addition to the fact that the main load is experienced in the cervical and lumbosacral departments, there are usually weak spots due to the state of the mother's health. One of the well-tracked connections between mother and child during pregnancy is the so-called "organ-organ" relationship. It is expressed in the fact that those systems and organs that have functional or organic disorders in the mother are a weak link in the child's body. This also applies to the condition of the spine. Very often, when microscopic displacement is found on the spine, the child also has an abnormality in the corresponding place( displaced vertebrae, osteochondrosis, sciatica, or trauma consequences).Naturally, the weak link suffers first of all at high loads through the birth canal.

    In light of this, the physical culture of the mother during pregnancy and especially the exercise for increasing the flexibility of the spine is very important. There is a clear correlation between the flexibility of the baby's spine at the very beginning of the performance of the "baby yoga" exercise and the flexibility of the mother's spine, although for the most part the "hard back" in the child creates an increased tone of the back muscles, especially pronounced in the areas corresponding to the affected mother.

    Increased above the norm, muscle tone is also a common phenomenon in children born in modern maternity hospitals. This is facilitated, first of all, by the general practice of stimulating the birth process, causing abnormally strong and unnatural in its "profile" uterine contractions, which traumatizes the child and increases his tone. The process of "processing" a newborn, rough treatment, separation from the mother and the related mental trauma also lead to an increase in tone. Increased tone can be associated with simple complications in childbirth, as well as with the appropriate physical and mental state of the mother during pregnancy.

    In some cases, the tone can be reduced, which is most often observed in physiologically immature neonates.

    Correction of muscle tone is also an important area for the application of "baby yoga" exercises.

    During exercise, stimulation of nerve endings and vessels of the skin occurs, as well as activation of the internal organs. This is essential in cases where, as a result of the practice of giving birth, which is standard in maternity hospitals, the organs of the child immediately after birth work with a heavy load. The consequence of this overload is the physiological jaundice of newborns, much less common in home births. The "baby yoga" complex accelerates the disappearance of signs of physiological jaundice.

    In other words, "baby yoga" contributes to the establishment of energy balance in the body of a child, disrupted due to inaccuracy of labor or as a result of any complications.

    Another area of ​​the "baby yoga" application is birth trauma in the broad sense of the word, that is, not associated with any organic damage and disturbances. Such traumas are often encountered due to psychologically unfavorable pregnancy or complications in childbirth, causing prolonged contractions or attempts, discoordination of labor, the need for episiotomy, etc. Psychic trauma and the actual neonatal period are possible. A special group consists of children born not in the occipital presentation, with cord around the neck, as well as children born through cesarean section. These "features" leave in the psyche of children peculiar impressions, manifested in varying degrees throughout life.

    This is the most complex form of doing "baby yoga", requiring the baby to stay in a special "borderline" state, which is achieved by a strong nervous impulse from the periphery to the brain as a result of the exercises.