Fish diet from wrinkles and against aging
Fish diet helps fight wrinklesand the aging of
. The fish diet enjoys extraordinary popularity among the stars. This choice is completely justified - diet programs based on fish are very effective, useful and well saturated. Their duration is also not limited and everyone can choose for themselves the optimal period during which he will lose weight.
Benefits, results and feedback on the fish diet ^
Fish is considered simply a great product for losing weight. Its saturation with calcium, fluorine, phosphorus and essential fatty acids makes the diet very useful not only for the figure, but for health in general.
All dieticians agree that defatted meat of any kind loses to fish in almost all respects, as the protein of fish, in contrast to meat, is assimilated by 100%, and the amount of nutrients and amino acids in fish is an order of magnitude greater than in meat.
Take a closer look at the Japanese, in the national cuisine of which traditionally there is a large number of fish products - among them there are almost no people with excess weight. From this suggests the logical conclusion that the use of fish is a fairly effective way to maintain optimal weight.
Weight loss with fish has several important advantages:
- fish is a low-calorie product that can be eaten in fairly large quantities;
- , while observing the diet program, it is allowed to use any non-spicy spices( except salt);
- all kinds of fish products are very healthy.
- and another nice nuance - the fish diet is very effective against wrinkles and against aging, and therefore, adhering to it, you kill several birds with one stone at a time - you lose weight, grow younger and get healthier!
There are no special disadvantages to this method of losing weight. Contraindication to it can be only an individual allergy, as well as some diseases of the kidneys and liver( this is better to consult a doctor).
There is a program for losing weight on the basis of fish products its features:
- Which fish to choose? The best dietary varieties are hake, pike perch, tuna, cod, flounder, navaga. More calories are salmon and pink salmon, but they can be included in the diet provided that oil is not used during cooking.
- How to cook? Preference should be given to fresh products, but frozen and even canned fish are perfect. The best ways of preparing dishes are quenching, baking and steaming. But the frying must be reduced to a minimum.
- What is better to combine? When observing dietary programs based on fish, the use of seafood, eggs, fruits and fermented milk products is allowed. Among the vegetables in the menu you can include carrots, zucchini, cabbage, beets, bell peppers, cucumbers, spinach. Tomatoes, potatoes and aubergines should be removed from the diet. Garnish is an excellent option for brown rice. The fish menu is also well complemented by red wine( but not more than 100 ml per day).
The best time to comply with the fish methods of weight loss is winter - a season when traditionally there is the highest need for vitamins. In addition, diets on fish will help you not only lose weight, but also regulate metabolism and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Fish diet: menu for 3, 7 and 10 days ^
Variations of weight loss programs on fish are pretty much. They differ, first of all, by their duration, which does not affect their effectiveness, but solely on the number of kilograms dropped - the longer the program you choose, the more you lose weight.
3-Day Fish Diet
The three-day option is considered the most lightweight and has the following menu:
- breakfast - 1 boiled egg, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, green tea;
- second breakfast - 200 grams of fish and some citrus( orange, kiwi or grapefruit);
- lunch - 250 grams of fish fillet, a salad of beans, cabbage, pepper and cucumber, seasoned with low-fat yogurt. Before dinner drink 2 glasses of water or green tea;
- dinner - by analogy with lunch. The fillet of boiled fish can be replaced with seafood or canned fish. As a side dish, brown rice is welcome;
- before going to bed drinking a glass of yogurt or green tea.
This technique allows you to lose up to 3 extra pounds.
Fish diet for 7 days
For those who want to lose weight more thoroughly, a seven-day weight loss program for fish has been developed. At the same time, the first three days of it are test, during which time you will be able to understand how suitable this diet is for you. If your body reacts positively to it, then you can safely go on.
Day 1:
- breakfast - pollack steamed or boiled - 150 g, cabbage - 150 g, tea without sugar;
- lunch - vegetable soup, salmon - 150 grams, rice;
- afternoon snack - fruit( except bananas and grapes) - 150 g;
- dinner - boiled squid - 150 g, Korean carrots, black bread, tea without sugar.
Day 2:
- breakfast - fried flounder, tea with dried fruits( except dates);
- lunch - rassolnik, cutlets from tuna, black bread;
- snack - fruit - 150 g;
- dinner - 0.5 cans of canned fish, black bread, a handful of nuts( not peanuts), unsweetened drink.
3rd laziness:
- breakfast - a sandwich of fish - 150 g, walnuts - 4 pcs, tea without sugar;
- dinner - green borsch, 1 boiled egg, tuna;
- snack - fruit - 150 g;
- dinner - shrimp - 300 g, tea with honey( 1 tsp).
Day 4:
- breakfast - pollack steamed or boiled - 150 g, radish, toast, tea without sugar;
- lunch - ear, red fish - 100 g, lettuce leaves;
- afternoon snack - fruit - 150 g;
- dinner - boiled squid with egg and cucumber - 200 g, bread black.
5th day:
- breakfast - cod, steamed, - 150 g, cabbage salad, toast, tea without sugar;
- lunch - vegetable soup with meatballs from fish, flounder - 100 grams, rice;
- afternoon snack - fruit - 150 g;
- dinner - mussels - 200 grams, lettuce leaves, bread black.
Day 6:
- breakfast - 2 rye bread with red caviar, tea with honey( 1 tsp);
- dinner - ear, mackerel, salad from kelp;
- dinner - fish cutlets, carrots stewed with onions, fruit sorbet - 70 g.
7th day:
- catfish boiled - 150 g, tea with dates;
- dinner - ear from the tails of red fish - 150 g, bread black;
- boiled shrimp - 300 grams, rice - 150 grams, tea without sugar.
Observing such a diet, by the end of the program you can get rid of 4 to 6 kg of excess weight.
Low-carbohydrate fish diet for 10 days
This method of losing weight can lose 6 to 8 kg. To achieve greater effectiveness from the dietary program, it is recommended to combine it with physical exertion. Dinner should be no later than 17 hours. In addition, a day to drink up to 1.5 - 2 liters of water.
- after a night's sleep, drink 1 glass of water without gas;
- breakfast - 2 cups of green tea, 1-2 eggs in any preparation, 1-2 yogurt or a bowl of low-fat cottage cheese. It is also necessary to take 1 ascorbic acid( vitamin C);
- dinner starts with 2 glasses of water. Fish without fat( in any preparation) - 250 grams, or seafood. For a side dish - lettuce leaves or vegetables without starch, without oil. Salads season with low-fat yogurt or lemon juice.1-2 yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese;
- dinner also begin with a glass of water. The same dishes are allowed as for lunch. For a change, alternate types of cooking( hot and cold), seafood with fish, different types of vegetables;
- at night drink a cup of some tea for weight loss.
Fish and vegetable diet
The fish and vegetable complex is very popular among slimming people. True, he repels some of his severity and monotony. The main condition in it - the calorie content of food should not be more than 1500 calories, and this is an average of 1.4 - 1.5 kg of fish per day, divided into 4-5 receptions.
As in other similar diet programs, fish can be substituted for seafood. In total, this method of losing weight can lose 4 - 6 kg in 14 days. This method of losing weight is not recommended in the presence of chronic diseases.
1 week - only fish, prepared by methods chosen according to your preferences( except frying in oil), up to 1500 g per day, is used. You can not eat anything else, except for a plentiful drink - pure water, herbal decoctions, unsweetened teas.
2 week - vegetables are introduced:
- Day 1: vegetables and fish for 1200 Kcal, fruit;
- Day 2: vegetables and fish per 1000 Kcal, boiled potatoes, bread black;
- Day 3: vegetables and fish for 800 kcal, potatoes, black bread, cereals, fruit;
- Day 4: vegetables and fish for 600 kcal, potatoes, cereals, milk, bread black, low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, fruit;
- Day 5: vegetables and fish for 400 kcal, potatoes, cereals, milk, black bread, skimmed cheese;
- Day 6: vegetables and fish for 200 kcal, potatoes, black bread, cereals, chicken fillet, fruit;
- Day 7: vegetables and fish for 100 kcal, potatoes, black bread, red meat, cereals.
At the end of 2 weeks, you can continue to expand the diet, but to maintain the achieved weight, it is recommended not to overeat and use the presented method of weight loss and beyond.
Diets on fish soup or canned fish
A diet on a fish soup is considered highly effective, as this tasty, low-calorie dish can deliver pleasure and benefit to a person.
Recipe for diet soup - fish puree:
- Ingredients: lean fish - 700 g, carrots - 150 g, onions - 100 g, vegetable oil and cream, greens, flour, salt.
- Preparation: Fish are cleaned, washed, boiled broth from the heads. The fish itself is cut into small pieces and fried in butter with onions and carrots. On a separate vessel the flour is toasted, 1.5 liters of broth are diluted on it, it is brought to a boil. Fish chips and vegetables are thrown here, and cook for 15 minutes. The mixture is wiped through a sieve, diluted with hot water, and butter is added.
You can cook other soups from low-fat fish.
A very special diet is considered a canned fish, which can be used in a variety of ways, to your taste. An important condition - canned food choose low-fat( mackerel, pink salmon, bulls and even sprat in tomato).The most suitable canned fish in its own juice. It goes well with cereals, fruits, vegetables.
If canned in oil, then it is better to merge and use it for roasting other dishes, for example, onion with carrots or fish-rice cutlets. Fine dietary dishes are salads with canned fish. To prepare the first dishes, the ear from a jar with pink salmon and potatoes is ideal.
Variants of fish diets for losing weight from celebrities: Victoria Beckham, Eva Longoria, Julia Roberts ^
Numerous eulogies about the fish diet show that due to its satiety and good balance, this method of losing weight is transferred veryOK.That is why, as mentioned above, it is highly respected and popular among the stars.
Berry - a fish diet from Victoria Beckham and Eva Longoria
Victoria Beckham considers her berry - the fish method the most effective of all. Its basis is raw sashimi. The diet also includes berries, designed to support the work of the body, since any raw fish contains bacteria that kill useful microflora. In addition to these two components, only a small amount of beans and algae is allowed.
There is no supper in such a weight loss program, the only thing Victoria allowed herself was a glass of wine. And, of course, any diet program, according to the star, must necessarily be accompanied by physical exercises.
This diet, I must say, is very tough, harmful and even dangerous - as is known, the consumption of raw fish products can cause huge damage to the entire body. But it is very effective - Victoria uses it in those cases when you need to lose weight quickly and in a short time.
Eva Longoria preferred a more gentle option. The essence of her method of losing weight is that for all three meals you need to eat 150 grams of fish and 200 to 300 grams of any vegetables. Fish should be boiled or cooked in a double boiler. Salt is forbidden, dishes can be watered with lime juice. On such a diet for 7 days you can throw up to 5 kg of weight.
Leaving the dietary program Eva Longoria advises gradually, gradually adding to the menu fruits, nuts and products containing low-fat protein.
Fish diet Julia Roberts
For Julia Roberts, the program of losing weight was developed by Perricone himself - a famous American dietician. The main principle of his diet programs is to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and folds in the process of losing weight, which creates a double effect in observing them. The main ingredient in the Julia slimming menu is salmon:
- waking up in the morning, the star drinks 300 ml of water;
- breakfast - boiled salmon - 100 grams, oatmeal on water, apple;
- after an hour - 300 ml of water;
- lunch - boiled poultry meat - 100 grams, apple, a little hazelnut or almonds;
- after an hour - 300 ml of water;
- snack - salmon - 200 g, leaf salad with olive oil - 100 grams, water;
- dinner - salmon - 100 g, leaf lettuce - 150 g, water;
- before going to bed - 300 ml of water.
This diet should be used 2 - 3 times a week, and on weekends it is allowed to treat yourself with something sweet.
In conclusion, we recommend that you read the video on the benefits of fish oil to protect the heart and joints: