  • What does loving care do for my relationship with the child?

    Loving mothers talk about a thread that connects them with a child, a channel through which thoughts and feelings flow, which helps them from many options choose the right one at the right time, when they face the next choice, "What should I do now?".The flexibility of this approach allows you to adapt your actions to the changing mood and to the child's growing up. It is very important to gradually amend. For example, a child at the age of eight months does not require an instantaneous reaction to crying, which is simply necessary for a child at the age of eight days( unless, of course, he is injured or scared).The close-coupled pair reflects each other's feelings. The child learns about himself from the eyes of his mother. The mother reflects the value of the child for her, and therefore, for him. The thread that connects the loving parent to the child helps you to guess the child's feelings.

    Note. Once I chastised four-year-old Matthew. I was very angry. I noticed an unhappy expression on his face and suddenly realized that he thinks I'm angry with him, not at what he did. I realized that I should dissuade him from this, so I said: "I'm angry, but I still love you."He said: "Oh, really?", And his face beamed.

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    Another positive thing that you can hope to extract is the mutual sensitivity. As you become more sensitive to your child, the child becomes more sensitive to you. As an example of mutual sensitivity that arose in our family

    at the time of writing this book, I will quote Marta again:

    Note. In the midst of a particularly stressful day, I discovered that I have a full ants in my kitchen. This was the last straw, and I lost my temper. But while I was tearing and throwing, I suddenly noticed what was going on between Stefan( who was then twenty-two months old) and me. He looked at me, feeling that I was in trouble. He looked into my eyes, hugged my knees, but not in fright, but as if he wanted to say: "Everything will be fine. I love you. I would help you if I could. "As soon as Stefan embraced me with his own hands, I took myself in hand - my mother, soothed by the touch of her child.