  • Common cause for the family

    This rule is not just about you and your partner, although, naturally, you must be a team. However, if you remember, this section is dedicated to brothers and sisters, so this rule is about how to make the whole family team. And of course this has to do with the development of strong friendships between your children.

    Working in a team can mean simply living together in all its manifestations, or maybe sharing responsibilities among all members of the family, which ultimately provides one overall result. No matter what you do, the main thing is for the children to know that this is a common cause.

    In our family, there is a rule: after each meal all together must be cleaned in the kitchen. You can leave it only when there is complete order. Children are used to this and always work together. One loads the dishwasher, the others clean the fridge or throw out the garbage. Collaboration( involving adults) means that the faster each person does their work, the better it will be for everyone, and the children understand this perfectly. You can often hear one of them say to the other: "I can do this for you, as long as you stack the plates," because they understand that it's in their own interest.

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    There are many opportunities for such a joint work in the house. Of course, you can get the children to clean up in the kitchen in turn, but you deprive them of the opportunity to learn teamwork.

    We learned about one more excellent teamwork from our friends. When they go to the beach with their whole family, the children help to collect everything that is needed for this. One takes out towels, the other - surfboards, the third - products for a picnic. They all do different things, but everyone knows that at the same time they have one common cause and one common goal is to get to the beach as soon as possible.

    Any critical situations are very good for team work, and the more useful( and fun) you can get from them, the better. When I was young, there was a ditch near our house, which once a year or two was full of water during heavy rains and threatened to flood the garage( where we kept a lot of things that should not have got wet, for example, a refrigerator).As soon as we realized that the flood was coming, everyone jumped out in the rain, sometimes putting on their raincoats directly over the pajamas, and the brooms were driving the water away from the garage, while someone was clearing the flow from the fallen leaves and other debris at that time. The whole work took about half an hour, and it was usually accompanied by general merriment;and then we returned home to the hot chocolate, experiencing( although, of course, we were not so sentimental to admit it) the joy of solid work.