Parents need children always
Growing up and leaving childhood years farther and farther behind, your children will need you less and less( because you conscientiously fulfilled your duties when you raised them).And still you'll find out why they need something. Yes, perhaps for financial support, especially the early years. Perhaps they will contact you for advice. Or ask you to sit with their children, or take their dog to them while they are on vacation, or help with the garden. And maybe they will need someone more experienced in selling a house, writing a resume or buying a car.
But there are less material moments. Children at any age need your approval. They want you to see and appreciate their new home, their newborn baby, their converted old trailer. And even if they want the same from their many friends, in fact, it's not the same for them. As a child, they always showed you their pictures, sand castles and new dresses. And now the same thing happens, only in adult scales. They want to get confirmation from you that they are doing everything right( although, of course, you have no right to declare aloud that the children want this from you, and they will never admit it either).
And by itself, sometimes it happens that you really need them seriously. For emergency help in case of abruptly begun labor clashes, to support during the divorce process, to help in the event of a serious illness of the child, in order to manage the emergency team if the water supply in their house broke through. These are the cases when they need someone who will throw everything and come to help, and then ask questions later. If you are the right parents, your children will know that, even if the worst happens, you will be next to them, without complaining or fussing about( and without blaming them).
As Robert Frost wrote: "Home is a place where we are received when we come."It is this role you should play for your children( just a little bit more cheerful).Right parents are proud that children consider them to be the main support and help for all occasions, and are only happy to help them in any situation, without stammering that they are deprived of a peaceful existence.
The older your children are, the less likely and rarely they will contact you. Perhaps they will not turn to you with any serious request for several years or even decades. But do not think that in this case you no longer need them. You will need them always. The main thing - do not show them that you know it.