  • Pests of wild strawberry

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    Strawberry mite prefers young leaves, sucking out the juice from them, making the leaves wrinkle and get a yellowish shade with an oily shine. The females hibernate at the base of the leaves. They are very small( they can be examined only through a magnifying glass), oblong-oval, yellowish, transparent.

    Control measures. Use only healthy seedlings for planting. In the early spring, treat plants with the drug fufanon( 10 ml per 10 liters of water).In later terms, you can treat with infusion of garlic and onion husks. After picking berries on heavily infected areas, it is advisable to mow the leaves( without damaging the heart) and remove them from the plantation. After that, plants need good care( watering in dry weather, fertilizing and loosening of the soil is mandatory), so that the strawberries grow and properly prepare for the winter.

    Strawberry-raspberry weevil damages strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and roses. This is a small beetle 2-3 mm long. Shortly before flowering berries, females lay eggs( one by one) inside the undecayed buds and bite their pedicels. Buds dry up and fall off, and larvae develop from the first testicles, then the pupae and.finally, beetles.

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    Control measures. It is undesirable to place strawberries near raspberries. Good care, collection and destruction of plant remains are necessary. Weeds are frightened off by phytoncides j of onions and garlic - they are planted on 1 onion or lobule counting on 4 bushes of wild strawberry( arrows should be incised).Treat the spark before the flowering( 1 tablet per 10 liters of water) or carbofos( 60 g per 10 liters of water).

    Nematodes are very small worms. Strawberries can damage several species of nematodes.

    Plants damaged by with strawberry nematode, strongly lag behind in growth, the leaves sit on short thick petioles, become wrinkled and grow smaller. Flower stalks shorten, flowers take an ugly shape, similar to the small green head of cauliflower.

    When the is infected with the stem nematode, the leaves of the strawberry become curly, wrinkled, as if stapled along the central vein. On the upper side, the affected leaves are covered with small yellowish "pimples".Leaves of the leaves and peduncles unevenly thicken and shorten, they appear jelly-like swellings.

    Control measures. Introduction of crop rotation with the return of strawberries to their original place in 3-4 years. Seeding of the flowers of the marigolds around: - the inhabitants emit nematodes. When detecting sick bushes, they should be removed and destroyed.