  • Women who are loved

    All women want, one - in the open, and others - in the depths of the soul, that their family life was successful and happy, they want to like and be loved. .. We invite you to speculate about a woman-wife, the psychology of the relationship between a woman and a man.

    It happens that people marry very dissimilar, but live together happily ever after. Sometimes spouses are close in spirit, thinking, that is, they are congenial( from the Latin words "kon" - together and "genus" - spirit), but their family life is not glued. What's the matter?

    Many believe that the main condition of conjugal love is luck, a successful choice of a partner, getting into the "top ten", when your half has character traits that suit you, and you have the properties that the other side takes. Such a strategy of family well-being, in our opinion, is erroneous. First of all, it depends on ourselves.

    First, each of the spouses should demonstrate such qualities that the other will accept. Do not wait until the marriage partner is as it should, and most adapt to it. The path to psychological harmony begins with yourself - with awareness of one's own characteristics, with attempts to adapt to a partner.

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    Secondly, spouses should encourage each other to manifest their good principles and positive properties. Often our family relations are built in such a way that the husband provokes rudeness, jealousy, apathy, coldness of the wife, and she - the husband. Everyone sees the other's blunders, but does not see his own, the center of attention shifts from himself to the partner.

    Thirdly, marital partners must demonstrate all sorts of habits, skills and inclinations that contribute to the strengthening of the family. Sometimes, this condition of family well-being is also not respected: for example, the husband is lazy or the wife is excessively involved in career.

    Each of the spouses contributes to the creation of family well-being. But men and women have different tasks, different ways of achieving the goal. In order to understand how a woman should behave, one must first of all understand what distinguishes her from the representatives of the "strong" half.

    I wonder if women see themselves, their own characteristics compared to men? Let's discuss this issue.