  • Renal failure: symptoms, causes and treatment

    What is it - kidney failure is a serious functional kidney disorder that leads to water, electrolyte and acid-base imbalance of the body.

    Renal failure is characterized by a sharp decrease in the amount of urine secreted by the kidneys until it is completely absent for a long time.

    As a result of this, the work of all the internal organs of a person is disrupted. Lack of adequate and timely treatment can lead to irreversible damage to the kidneys, which will become a real threat to human life.

    Causes of renal failure

    There are two forms of renal failure: acute and chronic. They differ in their manifestations and methods of treatment. Acute renal failure( ARF) sometimes turns into a chronic one.

    OPN can occur as a result of a shock of various genesis, the harmful effects of poisons and toxic substances, infections, kidney diseases, and medications. ARF has a classification, which is differentiated depending on the manifestations of the syndrome.

    Thus, acute renal failure is divided into:
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    1. 1) Prerenal, in which the kidneys do not function due to circulatory disorders;
    2. 2) Renal, in which the kidneys do not function due to their damage;
    3. 3) Postural, in which the kidneys work normally, but there is a defect in the urinary tract.
    Chronic renal failure( CRF) most often develops due to diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as endocrine and cardiovascular diseases. This condition is characterized by a slow death of the kidney tissues until their complete destruction.

    In KPN, four stages of its development are distinguished:

    1. 1) Latent, in which there are no special clinical manifestations that can give a person to understand about his condition;
    2. 2) Stage of clinical manifestations, which are characterized by manifestations of intoxication of the body;
    3. 3) Decompensation, which is manifested in the appearance of additional symptoms as complications of the condition;
    4. 4) Terminal stage, the outcome of which is the death of a person, unless an operation on transplantation of healthy kidneys is performed.
    Both for acute and chronic renal failure are characterized by their symptoms and manifestations.

    Symptoms of renal failure

    Acute renal failure develops gradually, passing through several stages in its development, for which a certain set of symptoms is characteristic.

    There are four stages of arrester:

    1) For the first, initial, stage of acute renal failure, the symptoms are weak. Clinical manifestations refer to the cause of the development of acute renal failure, for example, symptoms of poisoning due to the effects of poison or symptoms of the underlying disease. Thus, the primary specific symptom of ARI is only a decrease in the amount of urine released. This condition can last several days, during which there may be signs of intoxication with pain in the abdomen, slight swelling and pallor of the skin.

    2) The second stage is marked by the further development of oliguria up to anuria - the complete inability of the kidneys to produce urine. Symptoms become more severe due to the accumulation of urea in the blood. So, there are arrhythmias, hypertension, tachycardia, sometimes there are cramps. Human reactions are inhibited, drowsiness occurs. In addition, there are extensive swelling up to the swelling of the optic nerve disc. From the gastrointestinal tract( GIT) of the patient can be sick nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

    3) The third stage is regenerative. A person begins to feel better due to the fact that the kidney function is gradually returning to normal. Disappear symptoms of intoxication, normal functioning of all internal organs is restored. The recovery period depends on the degree of kidney damage, the causes of the onset of arthritis and the adequacy of treatment.

    4) Sometimes experts identify the fourth stage, which implies the whole spectrum of processes aimed at restoring the functional and the state of the kidneys to the original parameters. In general, the recovery period can last several months.

    Symptoms of chronic renal failure

    Symptoms also develop in stages. Chronic renal failure is characterized by a gradual defeat of the kidneys with slowly progressing symptoms. So, a person can suffer from CRF for several months and even years.

    1) For the latent stage of chronic renal failure, is characterized by a mild symptom. Clinical manifestations are mostly related to the underlying disease, which became the cause of CRF development. As chronic kidney failure develops, a person may begin to suffer from increased fatigue, which will be especially noticeable at high physical exertion, from weakness, drowsiness and dry mouth, which will increase the person's need for drinking water. Perhaps the development of polyuria - an increase in the amount of urine secreted by the kidneys.

    2) The next stage of is the stage of clinical manifestations, the name of which speaks for itself. There are functional malfunctions in the work of the kidneys, which is expressed in a sharp decrease in the amount of excreted urine. This entails a change in blood composition, as will be seen in the analyzes. Weakness and general fatigue of the patient progress. There is a constant dry mouth and thirst. From the gastrointestinal tract there are such symptoms as nausea, pain in the stomach, bad breath, diarrhea and vomiting are possible. Due to a strong decrease in appetite a person can significantly lose weight. Neurological disorders also appear, which are expressed in insomnia, headaches and apathy. Possible problems with the cardiovascular system, which will manifest in arrhythmia and tachycardia. In addition, there may be pain in the bones and joints.

    3) The next stage of is the de-assamination stage, which is characterized by attachment of additional secondary symptoms. Since in a person with CRF, angina, pharyngitis and acute respiratory diseases are most difficult in most cases, complications up to pneumonia and pulmonary edema are possible. In addition, there may be a number of other complications, the occurrence of which depends on the condition of a person.

    4) The last stage of chronic renal failure is marked by a number of symptoms that greatly impair the quality of life of a person. The final stage is characterized by a general decrease in mood in conjunction with neurologic symptoms. Appear strong swelling, the skin acquires a yellowish hue. Urine, which is not excreted by the kidneys, goes along with sweat, which explains the constant unpleasant odor from a person suffering from chronic renal failure.

    From the digestive tract can be observed vomiting, heartburn and diarrhea. There is a strong intoxication of the body, which leads to functional disorders in the work of other organs. Thus, a person reduces the production of necessary hormones, reduces the overall immunity, which leads to the development of various diseases that a person is not able to cope on his own. Without treatment, changes in the internal organs eventually become irreversible, which leads to a lethal outcome.

    Treatment of renal failure

    Acute renal failure is a reversible process. Treatment consists primarily in eliminating the cause of arthritis, which will avoid further negative effects on the kidneys. This is achieved through intensive care. Normal kidney function is returned due to hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, which allows the kidneys to fully recover. The forecast of arrester in most cases is favorable.

    Treatment of chronic renal failure depends on the general condition of the person, on the causes of CRF and on the neglect of the disease. There is a therapy aimed at treating the underlying cause of CRF, as well as the alignment of all metabolic processes in the human body.

    Therapy should also be aimed at slowing the progression of kidney damage. The success of treatment depends largely on the person, that is, on how responsibly he comes to fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctor. At the last stage of chronic renal failure, regular dialysis or a healthy kidney transplantation is necessary.

    Prognosis of chronic renal failure is quite favorable if treatment is initiated in the initial stage or stage of clinical manifestations. The prognosis of CRF in the final stage depends on the possibility of kidney transplantation. If there is such a possibility, it gives the person a chance to significantly prolong life, which practically will not differ in any way from the life of healthy people.

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