  • Bathhouse

    Bath is an exceptionally useful hardening procedure, beneficial for the whole body. Bathing procedure - perfect body hygiene. In the heat of the bath, many bacteria die, the temperature of the internal organs rises, which activates their work, removes toxic metabolic products. At a high body temperature, the body produces interferon and globulin, which makes the bath a powerful preventative against infectious diseases. With the bath procedure, the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands improves, the metabolism improves. Beneficially affects the bath on the muscles and joints.

    However, the bath is not recommended for newborns and infants for well-known reasons. It can be assumed that a dirty public bath is not the best place for a young child. However, under suitable conditions, they can benefit enormously from it. After all, before bath was considered the property of people of all ages. Newborns not only hovered in the baths - often there they were born.

    Here is the story of a doctor from the book "Physical Development of Children of Different Peoples" by AS Pokrovsky:

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    "The mistress of my apartment gave birth at night, and in the morning I met her with a newborn on the street. It is in one shirt, skirt and barefoot, a child on a rag,but the face, head, stomach and scabbards are open and red, like a kumach, - proof that he was in a bath. It was in January, the frost is strong, the bathhouse is 200 yards away, the parent is still healthy, and the child is growing and alreadywhether not the bride. "

    And here are the lines from the Estonian epic "Kalevipoeg":

    "Linda walked: an hour approached a great solution. .. To drown ordered the bath, to lay the shelves with straw, to prepare a bed of moans. .. It's hot the women drown the bath, the water is carried from the well. .."

    The use of baths for the birth of children, as well as a simple bath procedure for babies has a deep basis. Here, as in many other things, people's wisdom and observation were manifested. Indeed, the bath gives the tissues elasticity, and joints - mobility. Therefore, the practice of sweating just before delivery contributed to the fact that the birth itself was less traumatic for the child - due to easier passage through the birth canal, and for the mother - due to better stretchability of the perineal tissues. The conditions of the steam room allow you to relax well, which leads to less painful delivery. This is also promoted by hypoxemia, which occurs when you are in the steam room. In addition, high temperature, apparently, stimulates labor activity.

    Another advantage of the bath in this respect. When a child is born, a woman often has microspinning of the bones of the sacral joint, which subsequently causes pain in the sacrum and lower back, and sometimes functional disorders of the pelvic cavity organs due to the resulting impaired innervation. The bath contributes to a significant reduction of this phenomenon.

    What is the benefit of a baby? As already mentioned, less traumatic birth. Further, staying in the steam room, as well as pouring cold water, "starts" the thermoregulation system. Well included in the work of sebaceous and sweat glands. Strengthening the metabolism and the stimulating effect of the bath on the internal organs contribute to the active removal of bilirubin from the body, which protects the child from postpartum jaundice.

    The child also after birth has microspaces of the vertebrae, usually in the neck. It is known how great is the role of the cervical ganglion in the life of the organism. Small infringements of nerve fibers in this area in the future can lead to functional disorders in many organs. In this case, the treatment of the organ itself is not effective until the cause is eliminated. However, the diagnosis of such microspaces immediately after birth is extremely difficult. In a bath with an infant, the restoration of the position of the vertebrae must, to some extent, take place by itself.

    Note also that the steam room provides a sterile atmosphere and thus has a prophylactic value against infection of the mother and child in the conditions of general unsanitary conditions. It is possible that the influence of the bath on metabolism improves the hormonal exchange between the mother and the child, which intensively goes on during labor, which leads to an increase in the immunity of the child and the fastest recovery of the mother after childbirth.

    Usually, infants and newborns are well tolerated by bath heat. True, the permissible loads for them are significantly smaller than for adults. Children behave in the steam room calmly and even suck their breasts. The best dosage criterion is the condition of the child both in the steam room and after the procedure. If the baby begins to be capricious, to behave restlessly, or, conversely, becomes sluggish, then you should leave the steam room. After a bath, a child usually sleeps. If it is excited, then the load should be reduced.

    Sweating in small children becomes visible only after several visits to the bath, and it is certainly much smaller than that of an adult.

    It should be borne in mind that small children suffer from overheating worse than hypothermia. Therefore, after each visit to the steam room, after waiting 1-2 minutes, it is good to plunge with the child into a cool pool or take a cold shower to remove excess heat.

    Regular( usually no more than 1 time per week) visiting a bath with infants is very beneficial for them. The child improves sleep, the general condition, he better tolerates temperature fluctuations. Using steam it is possible to effectively help the child's body to cope with the toxic substances contained in the vaccines and the medicines left after the medically delivered labor in the maternity hospital. In the steam room, the characteristic tonus in the child is well removed, resulting from the drug stimulation of labor. Well, the bath helps with the onset of colds, flu. In a word, experience shows that the bath is also useful the smallest, as well as the adult.