  • When should I go buy shoes for a child?

    Between nine and twelve months, when children begin to stand alone, parents should seriously consider buying the first pair of shoes.

    What to look for in children's shoes

    Sole. The general rule: the smaller the child, the thinner and more flexible the sole should be. Before you buy shoes, bend them in your hands to check how flexible they are. Then look at how your child walks in them. When the child takes a step, the shoe should bend at the base of the thumb. The rubber soles to choose or leather, depends on what is more flexible. Rubber soles on some sneakers are thicker and tougher than leather soles. In addition, the rubber outsole is usually more rounded, while a flatter leather outsole usually provides greater stability. Never buy hard shoes for young feet. If you can hardly press the shoe with your own hands, leave it in the store. Your child will be even more difficult to bend hard boots with his feet. If the sole is stiff, it's easy to stop and it hurts to fall.

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    Backwater. To ensure that the shoes fit properly on the leg, the back should be firm. Perform such a check. Squeeze the back of the thumb and forefinger. If it is too soft, it will completely loosen from the socks, and the shoe will fly.

    Heel. Since the very first shoe of your child,

    is recommended for a small heel to prevent dangerous falls on the back. Top and side walls. Raising the shoe( the area just below the shoelaces) and the side walls should easily bend when your child makes a step. If not, it means that such children's shoes are not flexible enough and the foot will not bend naturally when the baby is walking.

    Materials. Buy products only from natural materials - from leather, canvas cloth, canvas fabric - that breathe, letting the air flow to the sweaty feet of the child. Avoid synthetic materials, such as vinyl, that do not breathe.

    Choosing the right size for shoes is one of the most important aspects of buying children's shoes. A qualified seller measures both feet of the child when he is standing, paying attention to the bending of the shoes at the base of the thumb when the child walks, and checks to see if there is enough room near the thumb and whether the heel does not slip. And do not forget to find out the opinion of the one who should walk in these shoes. Give the child to check a little like new shoes on the store.

    Squeeze the back to check its rigidity. Flexibility check.

    Why do small children need shoes?

    Footwear helps protect your child's soft feet from rough surfaces, splinters and sharp objects that are usually lying underfoot in anticipation of the baby. When your child learns to walk, he looks ahead, not at his feet, and his careless little feet, as a rule, are always hurt for anything.

    Will my child's shoes help me walk?

    A flat, smooth shoe sole provides the toddler stability. Usually, I advise parents to give the child to take the first steps barefoot, and only when the child learns to walk well, go to the store for the first pair of children's shoes. However, some toddlers who begin to walk, walk better and stumble less when they are fitted with precisely sized flexible shoes.

    How to determine if a child has grown out of his or her shoes?

    Periodically check your child's footsteps. Curved fingers,

    corns, dents or red, resembling burns, marks on the soles of the child's feet( rubbing) are signs that the shoes are not his size. Most children between the ages of one to two grow out of shoes before they wear it. On average, a child of this age grows out of shoes about every three months. Here are the signs that the child grew out of his shoes:

    Free space near the toes. When your child is standing, you can feel that his little finger rests against the toe of the boot. You should be able to squeeze about 1.5 cm between the baby's most protruding toe and the toe of the boot.

    Free space in the ascent. The skin that crosses the foot looks very taut and you can not pinch it between your fingers. If the shoes are the size, you should be able to tear a small crease of the material in the boot up.

    Backwater. The bootstrap is behind the heel or on the inside or outside of the boot.