  • How to teach a child to read

    Young children can and must learn to read words, sentences exactly as they learn to understand spoken language.

    Glen Doman's methods of teaching children can be compared to a real revolution in pedagogy. You do not need to seat your impatience at the table and force to drive with your finger on the letter-symbols, folding the eternal "Mama soap frame".You also do not have to wait long for the result, persuade the little student to read another word or line, insist and, let's be honest, sometimes reproach in laziness and stupidity.

    Glenn Doman is convinced: learning to read can be fun for children and parents, interesting and fast.

    The teaching of reading on Doman is like this.

    You show the child cards with words. Not with letters, syllables, namely with whole words. It is very difficult to read letters, the author of the technique believes, since no one has ever eaten, caught, carried or opened, for example "a" or "b".But everyone ate a banana, caught a ball, wore a hat and opened a book. The letters that make up the word "ball" are abstractions, but the ball itself is quite specific, so it's easier to learn the word "ball" than the letter "m".That is why words are easier to read than letters.

    instagram viewer

    To prepare the material you will need white cardboard and a red marker. The thicker its rod, the better. Glen Doman insists that these parameters are observed: the corresponding letters height and red color.

    From the cardboard you need to cut out cards with the size of 10x50 cm to write words on them. The letters should be 7.5 cm high. All letters must be written very clearly. The thickness of the font should be about 1.5 cm. This is necessary for the ease of perception of your child.

    Write neatly and cleanly. Use only printed letters. Place the word on a strip of cardboard so that it is bordered by margins of 1.5 cm. This is the place for the fingers with which you will hold this strip.

    When writing words, use the same font. As with everything else, uniformity and a certain system will greatly facilitate the task of your child.

    Write the first words in big red capital letters, in the future you will gradually reduce them to normal sizes, replacing the red color with black ones. The child's visual receptors will gradually develop.

    Learning to read( about myself) is possible sooner than the baby will begin to speak.

    Large letters are used for a very natural reason - they are as simple as possible for sight. A red color is necessary because it is he who is able to attract the child's attention.

    This sequence is simple and easy and does not depend on how old you started to teach your child to read. Here are the steps that you must go through when teaching your child to read:

    1. Individual words of

    2. Phrases

    3. Simple sentences of

    4. Common

    suggestions 5.

    books The first stage starts with just 15 words. When your child learns these words, he will be ready to develop his vocabulary further.

    So, happily smiling, we begin.

    Show the child a card with the word "MAMA" and clearly say: "This means" Mom. "And there's nothing to explain, he'll just look at this card for one second, then do the same with the DAD", While saying:" This means "dad". "

    Then, at the same pace, show him three other words. Do not ask him to repeat right after you. After the fifth word, caress it, kiss it, that is, in the most obvious way, show your attention. During the first day of training, repeat all this 3 more times, with interruptions of at least half an hour. On this first day is over, and you took the first step in learning your child's reading. In total,

    it should take no more than 3 minutes.

    On the second day, repeat the main lesson three times. Add a new set of five words. You will have to show it to the child 3 times and show the first set of words 3 times. Thus, the second day will consist of six sessions.

    At the end of each session, be sure to praise your child. Tell him how proud you are of his successes and how much you love him. It is necessary to pat him or kiss him, that is, express his feelings physically.

    On the third day, add a third set of five new words. On this day, you will teach your child with three sets of five words each. In this case, each set of words should, as before, be shown 3 times. Thus, the total number of classes will increase to 9, stretched for the whole day, but each of them will take no more than a few minutes.

    The first 15 words that you teach your child, should be the most familiar and enjoyable for him words. They should include the names of family members and relatives, pet names, the names of his favorite products, activities, household items.

    For example, we begin to teach the child to reading, using for this purpose those words that denote parts of his own body. This is natural - the process of cognition begins from within itself and only then spreads to the outside world.

    Children learn with amazing speed, so if you show the child the same words more than 3 times a day, then just bore him. If you show one card for more than one second, you will lose its attention.

    So, we start with those words that denote body parts.















    you yourself can add another set to be twenty-five words, divided into five sets.

    This section provides a method that you can use to add new words and remove old ones. Act very simply - remove one word from each one already learned within 5 days of the set and replace it with a new one. Do this with every set of words. During the week, your child has already seen the first 3 word sets, so now you can update one word each day in each of these sets. After 5 days, start deleting words from each of your five sets that you are currently using. And do it every day.

    Here you can use the signatures made from the back of the cards. Put a date in a pencil demonstration of a word, and then you will know exactly when to remove it, replacing it with a new one.

    In general, you will learn 25 words a day, divided into 5 sets of 5 words each. Every day your child will get acquainted with 5 new words, 1 in each set, and 5 old words will be deleted by you.

    Avoid showing the child a few words in a row that start with the same letter. Incidentally, your child can conclude that the "hand" is a "river", since both these words begin with a single letter, and were presented to him one after another. Children who have already learned the whole alphabet make this mistake much more often than those who are not already familiar with the alphabet. In addition, pre-memorization of letters can cause other minor errors. When studying the word "hand", for example, children can fixate on the familiar letter "p", instead of reading the entire word.

    If you act correctly, on average the child will learn 5 words a day. But he can learn and 10 words a day, and if you are smart enough and interested in it, then such words can be even more.

    When your child has learned the words for body parts, you can move on to the next stage of training. Now behind him were the two most difficult stages. If he has succeeded enough, then in the future you will see what a greedy reader he will turn out to be.

    By now this game should give you mutual pleasure. Remember that you are educating your child about the love of learning, which in the following years should increase many times. Or, more precisely, you strengthen the inherent passion for learning, from which it is impossible to get rid of, but which, without having the right way out, can go to the detriment of the child. Play your game with love and enthusiasm.

    The main rule: do not let the children get bored! If you notice boredom in the child's eyes, then, most likely, it is caused by the fact that you are acting too slowly.

    Now you can add nouns that serve as household items. These are the words that are used most often in your home: the names of the products, items of furniture, animals, personal belongings of your child.

    By this time he already has a vocabulary of 25 to 40 words. At this point, there is sometimes a temptation to re-open old words. Be sure to overcome this desire, otherwise your child will simply get bored. Children love to learn new words, but not to repeat old ones. In addition, you may want to check the first progress of your child. But this should not be done either. Any check will certainly bring a certain amount of tension into the situation, and the child will feel it. As a result, an unpleasant tension is associated with learning.

    Home Appliances






    This list can be supplemented or shortened according to your desire and home environment.

    And now we move on to the personal things of the child.

    As often as possible, show the child how you love and respect him.

    Personal belongings baby







































    You can change all these sets of your own choice according to your child's interests. Obviously, different sets of words should correspond to the age of the baby, and it can be from 1 year to 5 years.

    The child will teach the words exactly the same as all the previous ones taught. In addition, this list can vary from 5 to 10 words at your discretion, taking into account the speed of information acquisition by the child.

    • Words with body parts are often used at the beginning of reading. Doman writes that this is quite natural. In his opinion, knowledge begins from within and only then spreads to the outside world.

    • Children are trained through the interaction of sight, hearing and touch. That's why many parents, playing,

    If you noticed, this list, which by now can reach 50 words, is made up only of nouns. The next group of words will consist of verbs.

















    To revive the process of learning, you can accompany each new word of demonstration actions, which itmeans. For example, you jump up and say: "Mom jumps", then toss the child and say: "You jumped."Then you show the word, accompanying it with the phrase: "This word means" to jump. "In this way, you will learn all the verbs, by the way, they most like children, because they are accompanied by joint actions.

    When your child learns the" home dictionary ", he will

    It should be noted that by now he can read more than 50 words.

    After the child has mastered the basic vocabulary, he is ready to combine words together to get different combinations from them.

    • In addition to parts of the body, you can include in the first lessons words that indicate the personal effects of the baby.

    This is an important intermediate step between reading individual words and entire sentences. Phrases build bridges between the main building blocks of reading - individual words and the next component of this process - sentences. Of course, after this, there should be an ability to read whole groups of interrelated words, called sentences. The intermediate stage in the form of word combinations will facilitate your child the development of this ability.

    So, you should review your child's vocabulary and think about what combinations can be made up of words he has already learned. Yes, of course, some of them will have to be modified to make meaningful combinations.

    The simplest and easiest group of words that is easily learned by children is the names of the primary colors:





    These words can be written on the back of cards of the appropriate color. You teach the child to read a particular word, and then turn the card over and show the color that it means.

    Children learn to distinguish and call colors quickly and easily, getting great pleasure in learning. After the basic colors are mastered, a huge world of all kinds of colors and shades opens up before the children( indigo, azure, gold, copper, olive, silver, etc.).

    After verifying that the child has mastered the basic colors, you can offer him the following phrases.



    After a while, you will feel the need to complicate the program. At this point, you can begin to introduce the training of antonyms - the words of the same part of the speech, the opposite in meaning.












    RIGHT Let the fun DARK

    short left



    you will now make one more simple step and go from phrases to simpleoffers. For this, on the basis of the former, it is necessary to make up the second.

    Mom jumps Borya reads Daddy eats

    Even with a vocabulary of 50 to 75 words, the number of possible combinations is very large.

    Glen Doman offers two ways to teach a child to read simple sentences.

    Method 1

    Using your 10x45 cm cards, create a set of 5 sentences. You will have to reduce the font size to accommodate 2-3 words on the card. Therefore, the height of the letters should now not be 7.5, but 5 cm.

    Do not press the words to each other, let there be an empty white space between them so they can easily "breathe".

    Three times a day for no more than five days show them to the child. Then start updating the set by deleting the 2 old sentences and inserting 2 new ones. Your child will absorb them very quickly, so be ready to move on to new offers without delay.

    Method 2

    Make a proposal book. In this book there will be 5 sentences and 1 illustration for each of them. Its size is 20x45 cm, the size of the red font is 5 cm.

    Begin with the first ten pages that you will read to your child two or three times a day. In a few days, make a new chapter based on the same vocabulary.

    The book can be illustrated with photographs of the child himself, when he performs this or that action. Get an interesting diary of your child's life, for which all his photos will be useful. As a rule, children are very fond of such albums and quickly learn the material illustrated by their own images.

    To this stage your child is already able to read the full sentences expressing the finished thought.

    At this stage it is necessary to increase the number of words in the sentence. If before that you chose from 5 nouns and 5 verbs on one word and made sentences like "Mommy eats", then now you have to supplement it to get "Mom eats a banana".

    For prepositions it is necessary to make separate cards, but the meaning of these parts of speech is not necessary for explaining to the child specifically. Children will still learn to speak correctly long before they learn the rules of grammar.

    When you make sentences of 3-4 words, add adverbs and adjectives to them.

    You will again have to reduce the font size a little so that the height of the letters is now 4 cm. To free up the words, you can extend the card size to 45 cm.

    Here is an example of cards with words from which you can make different offers.




    BED Children like absurd and ridiculous suggestions - use it in class. Let your lessons be fun!

    Each sentence you invented and recorded on a card or in a book consists of individual words that the child has already learned earlier. Thanks to this, he will be able to master a lot of such proposals very quickly.

    What words to choose for cards? To begin with, limit 50 words and on their basis make together with the child as many sentences as possible.

    Making up more and more long sentences, you will see that the size of the cards is too small for this stage. Gradually you will have to do the following:

    • reduce the font size;

    • increase the number of words;

    • change the color of the letters from red to black.

    • Recognizing individual words and understanding what they mean is the first and fundamental step in learning to read.

    • Recognizing words that are used in a sentence and can denote more complex concepts is the second most important step in the same direction.

    Start with a small reduction in font size. Use this font for several weeks. If there are no problems, you can increase the number of words - up to now you have made sentences of 5 words, now you can increase them to 6. However, keep the old font size at 2.5 cm. For some time, use sentences of 6 words. If the child will perceive the material for reading well, reduce the height of the letters to 1 cm.

    Do not rush to reduce the height of the letters on the cards. If you too quickly reduce the font size or increase the number of words, the child's attention during the viewing of the cards will become diffused. He will start to be distracted or will look not at the card, but at you, because the written proposal will be too complicated for him. Noticing such a reaction of the child, go back to the previous font size or the number of words in the sentence. Thus you will be able to return the interest of the student. Stay at this level for as long as possible, then try again to complicate the material.

    If you decide to make a book, the letters should be 2.5 cm in size, and the sentences should consist of 5-6 words. At this point, Glen Doman recommends switching to the black font. When you reduce the size of letters, black creates contrast and parse letters written to them to the child will be easier.

    So, now everything is ready to go to the last and most exciting stage - reading the book. Of course, your child already knows your self-made books of phrases, simple and common sentences, but still it can not be called reading this book. These classes were only a preparatory stage, thanks to which the child approached the final stage - reading books and understanding the reading.

    The more fun lessons are, the more material your child will learn.

    You can not reduce the font size and at the same time increase the number of words.

    At this stage, the kid has to learn how to read real printed books with small printed text containing a huge number of words on each page.

    If by the time you switched to reading books printed with a 1 cm font, your child is already three years old, you probably will not have any problems.

    If you have started reading books, when the child has not yet turned 2 years old, then with a high degree of certainty it can be assumed that you will have to make yourself or buy books for him with a font size of 2.5 to 5 cm.to promote the rapid development of the baby and the maturation of his brain.

    Pay special attention to the purchase of the book where you will teach your child to read. It should contain words and sentences already familiar to the child. The correct choice of the book is very important, since it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

    Some tips of G. Doman when choosing books for children: Do it yourself or buy books that will be interesting for your child.

    • Before you start reading, introduce the baby to the new words that are found in it.

    • its vocabulary should be between 50 and 100 words;

    • it should not contain more than 1 sentence per page;

    • the height of the print font must be at least 1 cm;

    • the text must precede the illustrations and go separate from them.

    However, one or two books will not be enough to satisfy the interest of your young reader. You will need many such books.

    How to get out of the situation? Doman suggests the following: buy interesting books and rewrite them with a large, distinct font that your child needs. And by cutting out the illustrations, you will glue them to your self-made book.

    Sometimes it is necessary to simplify the text to make it more understandable to the child or compose the texts themselves.

    Very important is the content of the book. First of all, it should be an interesting child. Doman believes that if the book seems interesting to you, then most likely, she will like your baby. Do you agree with this statement about yourself and your child? Then safely choose the book to your liking.

    If the book seems a little difficult, do not be afraid to purchase it. You can lightly help the kid in the process of reading, and this is much better than reading a too primitive book that can quickly bore your reader.

    • The text should be large and legible.

    • It is advisable that your child must first read the text, turn the page and only then look at the illustrations. The pictures, according to Doman, should follow the text.

    Sit with the child and start reading the book to him. If he wants to read some of the words himself - fine. However, this largely depends on his age and personal characteristics. The younger the child, the less he wants to read aloud. In that case, you read, and he listens.

    Read enthusiastically, slowly and as expressively as possible. It is not necessary to indicate the child for every word you read. However, he himself may want this. Well, great! The main thing is that it does not detain you too much.

    Read the book two or three times a day and for several days. Each book has its own destiny. Some will return to shelves in a few days, others will take your attention for weeks.

    Your child will begin to collect his library. Read the book put on his shelf - let him then read it himself as many times a day as he wants.

    Constant replenishment of the library is a subject of pleasure and pride of your child. At this stage, he already usually takes one of the books with him, wherever he goes.

    There can not be too many at this stage of the books, as the child will literally swallow them. The more books he receives, the more he wants to have.

    In the process of learning to read, there are 3 levels of understanding. As the child reaches them one by one, he demonstrates to the surrounding people the abundance of new exciting discoveries.

    Naturally, first of all he gets pleasure, having found out that written words denote objects known to him and people.

    Next, he notes that the words he read can be used together and in this form serve not only for the designation of objects. This is no less wonderful discovery.

    The last of the discoveries made by the child will certainly be seen by the parents, since it is the most significant. The child suddenly realizes that the book is talking to him, and only with him alone. Only now he has become a reader in the true sense of the word, and this is a great merit of yours!