How to guess the color of your child's eyes
You can now bet on the color of the eyes of your child, but the pigmentation of the iris will most likely cross the finish line not earlier than a year or two. During the planned examination of the child at the age of two months, parents invariably ask me: "Doctor, what do you think, what color will her eyes have?" In the first years of my work in this game with guessing the color of the eyes, I usually lost. Now I know how to play with the case, and now I'll tell you.
Dark eyes, brown or dark green, usually remain dark, especially among people with dark skin color: Negroes, Hindus and Asians. The lighter eyes( blue, gray) behave less predictably, often changing color many times during the first three months, before reaching the age of three months to determine the direction in which the color will develop and darken to the final shade by six or twelve months. If I doubt, then I look at my parents. If both parents have brown eyes, we can safely assume that the eyes of the child will be brown( the chances of guessing are 75%);if one of the parents has brown eyes, it can still be assumed that the eyes will be brown( the chances of not being mistaken are 50%);if both eyes are blue, put on a blue color( but the eyes of the child can still be brown in the future).Although eye color mainly determines the genes of parents, even great-grandmother Lily can leave her mark.
Curious brown triangular or rounded inclusions on the iris are often remotely inherited trait. Bring the eye color to the list of many fleeting changes of the first months. Fix it on the film until you can.
better sense of well-being. They were fleeting, limited to twitching of the muscles of the mouth and usually appeared only for a couple of seconds when the baby was falling asleep or after feeding. They were grimaces from the series "I think it's a smile, but not quite sure."Now there is no doubt. These are reciprocal, communicative smiles, with which the child reacts to your smiles and facial expressions. The entire face of the child lights up. The child's eyes are wide open, and if the
child really smiles from the heart, radiant wrinkles appear in the corners of his eyes. On the plump cheeks dimples are shown, when the baby shines with its pearly toothless gums. Smiles all over the face often turn into smiles all over the body, when the child is wriggling with pleasure during these smiling games.
Do not forget, a smile is a two-way communication between the one who smiles and those who are smiling. Encourage your child's smiles, smiling back. Exaggerate your smile to strengthen the child's smile. Sometimes this smiley game develops into an avalanche of signs that are given by the whole body language: the parents exaggerate their smiles and repeat the babble of the child, and the child is all twisted with delight and for the first time begins to "walk" and screech that sounds like his first laugh. When you both come down from the top of the first joint laugh, you melt in each other's arms. This first smile is such a powerful impetus for parental tenderness that you will instantly forget about the dream you were deprived of, and even about your social and professional life, which is now put on hold.