  • Gumi - Loch multiflorous

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    This is a close relative of sea-buckthorn. His homeland is China. Gumi grows in Japan, from where it came to our country during the occupation of Southern Sakhalin by the Japanese. This is a low shrub( height 1 - 1.4 cm).Very decorative because of the beautiful shape of the bush and silvery, rather large, shiny leaves. Blossoms gumi late in late July or early August. Its flowers are elongated bell-shaped with a pleasant and strong aroma that attracts pollinator insects. Fruits in a mature form are painted in a beautiful bright yellow with an orange tinge color, covered with silvery points, because of what they literally shine. The taste of the fruit is peculiar, pleasant, moderately sweet. Inside the fruit there is one oblong, rather large bone. Fruits hang on long peduncles, which greatly facilitates their collection in comparison with sea buckthorn. They are not large, about 2-3 cm in diameter, slightly oblong. They can be frozen, made from them compotes, jelly, juices, wine, jam, in which to add a little lemon juice, otherwise it will have an unpleasant taste.

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    Features of cultivation of

    Before you start gumi, you should know that the bush freezes in the level of snow cover, but it is restored quite quickly, although this year it practically does not bloom. It freezes and during the spring frosts. In the conditions of the North-West, at this time, it should be sheltered by lutrasil in two layers or in general grown by the gum in a greenhouse. Wherever he grew up, we must take care of his shelter for the winter. You can simply bend and pin the branches in the early autumn, after harvesting, to the ground, so that the bush covers the snow. Or make over it a stack of dry hay, which is covered with film not to the ground itself, so that there is an outlet, and strengthen them with poles. You can, of course, use lapnik.

    If it grows in your stationary greenhouse, throw it with snow or leave two or three layers of lutrasil on it. When choosing a place, it should be taken into account that the plant is photophilous, it should be planted under the cover of buildings or other plants to protect it from the northern winds, and moreover in the place where the snow most sweeps on your site in winter. If there are no winter thaws in your region, then you will not have any concerns about the safety of the gumi.


    Gumi can be planted in the spring, then a pit or a landing site is prepared from autumn. And you can plant it in the fall, then the seat should be prepared for a month and a half before landing, that is in the summer. The plant, like a relative, has a superficial root system, so the pit should not be dig deep, enough depth on the bayonet of the shovel. Prefers gumi light loam or sandy loam, well seasoned with organic.

    The gum will not grow on clays. If the soils are dense, do not put them in pits, but prepare a solid area measuring 1.5 x 1.5 m. The roots spread far beyond the perimeter of the crown. Do not grow gum and on acid soils, so pre-procure the plot and in the future do not forget to deoxidize the soil, otherwise fruit will not wait.


    It is enough to make 200 grams of ash for each plant, preferably in spring, on moist soil, but you can use dolomite, which is enough and half a cup under the bush. In addition, starting from the third year of life, gumi should be fed with phosphorus fertilizer, sealing in the soil along the perimeter of the crown of the bush by 1 st.spoon of double granulated superphosphate before flowering. Potassium gumi carries little, but does not need nitrogen at all.

    For gumi, the granular fertilizer AVA is exclusively suitable, which is sufficient to make both in the planting and in the future in 1 tbsp.spoon once every three years. It is embedded in the soil to a depth of 5-6 cm behind the perimeter of the crown of the bush. In this case, superphosphate should not be introduced. Gumi is a monoecious plant, that is, in principle, you can plant one bush, but the fruiting will be much more plentiful if you plant 2-3 bushes next to it.

    In fruiting the bush enters the third to fourth year and at the age of 12-15 years can give up to 15-20 kg from the bush. Only the broken branches are cut out, the aging bush is rejuvenated, cutting a part of the branches to the level of the soil.


    The easiest way to multiply by dividing a bush, it is possible to propagate by cuttings, layers, but the root sprout, unlike sea-buckthorn, does not give gumi. You can, of course, grow gum from seeds, but then fresh seeds must be planted immediately in the fall. Seedlings appear hard and long, so be patient. If you get the seeds by mail, put them in the wet sand as soon as possible and put them on a long stratification in the refrigerator. It will take approximately 5-6 months.

    What are the pests and diseases of gum? They are not here.

    Useful property

    Virtually gumi in terms of the content of vitamins and amino acids is not inferior to sea-buckthorn. In Japan, gumi fruits are considered fruits of longevity and youth. Decoction of leaves gumi is used for colds.