  • Combating diseases and pests of apple trees

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    Pests and diseases cause huge damage to apple trees. They sharply reduce the yield( apple cvethopod), the marketability of fruit( moth), winter hardiness and the condition of the tree( copperfish, apple moth, silkworms, hawthorn, scab), etc.

    The fight against pests and diseases in the garden has its own characteristics, which are due tolong-term growth of fruit crops in the same place.

    The whole system of protective measures in apple plantations is subordinated to one task - obtaining stable harvests of high-quality fruits.

    To protect plants from diseases and pests, there are various methods: agrotechnical and organizational-economic, mechanical, biological, chemical, quarantine measures, etc.

    A special place in pest control is given to agrotechnical measures. In those gardens where the agricultural machinery is at a high level, the plants have increased viability, are more resistant to diseases and pests. Agrotechnical measures contribute to the partial destruction of pests, prevent infectious diseases. Pruning prior to the beginning of vegetation leads to the removal of some of the wintering stages of pests from the garden( a mead, a apple moth);deep cultivation of rows between the garden in autumn and early spring contributes to the destruction of the causative agent of scab and fixed forms of pests that winter in the upper horizon of the soil, leading to the destruction of murine burrows. The eradication of weeds deprives the pests of the temporary shelter( winged specimens of the medina), the intermediate host( aphids), and also preserves nutrients and moisture in the soil for the tree. Cleaning of the bark on the trunks, whitening of the stem and skeletal branches, sealing of the hollows and treatment of wounds, also partially destroys the wintering pests.

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    To combat diseases and pests, one must keep in mind the placement of apple varieties of different maturation periods in one place of growth, as almost ripe summer apples will interfere with the treatment with pesticides against the second generation of moth. Grades strongly and slightly sparse with a scab are also advisable to place in different places. The mechanical method of struggle still remains relevant.

    Collecting a drop of a hamster affected by a moth and removing it from the garden is an effective technique. Good results are obtained by shaking and destroying the beetles of the apple tree, removing the winter nests of the hawthorn, lining the trapping belts on the tree stems against the apple moth and the beetles of the apple tree, collecting silkworm caterpillars on young trees.

    The most promising is the biological method, which consists in using living organisms or products of their vital activity against pests and diseases. One of the directions of this method is the use of predatory and parasitic insects, which significantly reduce the number of pests. Suppressing the number of garden pests is promoted by predatory insects. So, beetles coccinellidae( all kinds of ladybirds) exterminate aphids. The seven-spot cow feeds on aphids, two-spotted mites feed on aphids and coffins. Useful insects must be protected in every possible way. When treating with pesticides we must remember that chlorophos, carbofos and sevyn destroy glowing cows, the horn is not poisonous for eggs( in the period of the end of May or beginning of June), Bordeaux liquid, captan, and zineb are harmless. The aphids are fed by the larvae of the flies of the murmur, the larvae of gold eyes. Beetle beauty destroys caterpillar gypsy moth. Parasitic insects do not kill the victim, but eat it. These include riders, reminiscent of small wasps, including the rider's ovate Trichogram, which is used to combat the apple moth. Against garden pests, in particular apple trees, fungi, bacteria and viruses are used. Fungus Boverin is used against fructose fungi, the bacterial drug entobacterin is effective against apple moths, hawthorn, moth flies, leafworms, unpaired and ringed silkworms, the polyhedrin virus against the gypsy moth. Widespread use of microbiological drugs have been obtained in the fight against mice-like rodents. The microbiological method is based on the infestation of rodent food by murine or rat typhoid bacteria.

    The biological method of control also includes the attraction of insectivorous birds to the gardens and many other factors.

    The main method of protecting plants from diseases and pests continues to be the chemical, i.e., the use of pesticides. There are three ways to apply chemicals: spraying, dusting, and laying out poisoned baits.

    In the system of chemical protection measures, a special place is given to fighter operations in early spring on sleeping buds. These treatments are directed against pests - potters, aphids, ringed silkworm, apple moths, hawthorn trees, openly hibernating on tree branches, and diseases - scab and fruit rot of apples. Spraying should be done very carefully, both the tree itself and the soil in the stump. Nitrafen is used at a concentration of 4% or DNOC-1%.In the presence of pests and diseases, nitrafen can be used annually, DNOC - once every 2 years. If the number of wintering stages of the above pests is small, then the best eradicating effect is obtained by spraying with a 3% Bordeaux liquid over the green cone against the scab. In the presence of the apple-tree before the flowering, in the phase of the extension of the peduncles, not allowing the laying, spraying with one of the pesticides: 0.2% chlorophos, phosphorus, trichlorometaphos-3, 0.3% metaphos. Immediately after flowering, spraying against scab and mullet can be carried out by one of the substitutes for the Bordeaux liquid( zineb, captan, phthalane, copper chloride) with the addition of insecticides. According to our observations, the substitutes for the Bordeaux liquid act more weakly on the scab than it does, in addition, the copper chloride leaves on the leaves and fruits the damage in the form of a grid. The correctly prepared Bordeaux liquid( neutral reaction) can be mixed with chlorophos. With small volume spraying, you can not use Bordeaux fluid.

    12 days after the first spraying against the moth, the second is sprayed, also combining it with scab treatment, if necessary. The second generation of moth-eaters in our conditions appears very rarely, only in extremely hot and dry years. To avoid the addiction of the pest to one poison, it is necessary to alternate chemical means with a different mechanism of action on pests.

    As an addition to pesticides, and sometimes in their place, insecticidal and fungicidal plants, water infusions and decoctions, which are harmful to pests, can be used. Infusions and decoctions of these plants in the light quickly lose their toxicity and do not accumulate in the treated plants.

    Insecticidal and fungicidal plants are available, they grow in the wild, are ornamental or garden crops. Collect them in dry weather. When rhizomes and bulbs are used, the plants are harvested early in the spring or after the ripening of the seeds, the aerial part - in the beginning of flowering phase. Widespread among amateur gardeners have received infusions and decoctions of the aboveground parts and roots of a tomato edible against leaf-eating pests and fruit moths;wormwood bitter( aboveground part) against the moth;potato tops against aphids and spider mites;tobacco against aphids, meds, apple moths;the aerial part of the datura of the ordinary, the roots of black henbane, onions and garlic against aphids, crabs, spider mites.

    The most common pests of the apple tree are the moth fruit, the copperfish, the apple moth, the apple tree, the green apple aphid, the ringed silkworm, the hawthorn and the mice-like rodents, from the diseases - scab and fruit rot.

    Apple moth is the most common pest. The fight against the moth can only be successful if a whole set of measures is applied. For the destruction of wintering caterpillars caterpillars, autumn cultivation of rows and loosening of the trunks is carried out. Stamps and skeletal twigs are cleaned of dead cortex and burned.

    Sorting rooms, temporary sheds, canopies, tare, piles of plant residues are disinfected with 0.7% solution of chlorophos or horn or 1% trichlorometaphos-3.On the windows of the winter storages pull the net to prevent the butterflies from flying out. Carry out a regular collection of wormy carrion with immediate removal from the garden.

    An effective method of protection against the moth is the lining of the trapping belts on the stems of all the fruit bearing trees of the apple tree. Paddling belts with a width of 25 cm are made of sackcloth or dense wrapping paper and are applied to the stem in a half meter from the ground. Belt, retreating a centimeter from the top edge, tightly intercepted with a twine, from the lower side tied somewhat weaker. Dodging belts are best applied in the period when the first generation of the moth flies to cocooning. Simple trapping belts must be scanned every 8 days, selecting and destroying caterpillars.

    Of the chemical control measures, one of the following pesticides is used for the first spraying( the beginning of the hatching of the caterpillars): 40% of the hornfels( phos-names), 80% of sevyn, 35% of fosalon, 80% of chlorophos, 50% of trichlorometaphos-3%, phthalofos - 20%, each in a concentration of 0.2%( 20 g per 10 liters of water), a phthalophos concentration of 0.3%.The interval between the first and second spraying depends on the pesticide used: sevinum 18 days, phosalon and phtalofos 16 days, phosphamide 12 days, chlorophos, trichlorometaphos-3 8 days. To increase the effectiveness of the drugs, urea is added at the rate of 1% to the total solution( 100 g of urea per 10 l of the solution of the pesticide).Poisons and concentrations during the second spray are the same as in the first.

    Pesticides used against moths do not act on scales and ticks, but kill their natural enemies, so we should strive for a minimum of their use.

    At an average daily temperature above 20 ° C a good result is given by 1% entobacterin( 100 g per 10 l of water) with addition of small doses( 2 g per 10 l of water) of any insecticide( horn, chlorophos, trichlorometaphos-3 and others).Entobacterin is a bacterial biological preparation that causes disease of leaf-eating caterpillars. Terms of use are unlimited.

    In individual gardens against the moth, various kinds of phytoncidal plants are used, for example wormwood. Freshly cut or dry herb wormwood is poured hot water in the ratio of 1 kg of grass per 1 liter of water. Cover the barrel with a lid. Infusion can be used the next day. Process the trees in the evening. Before spraying, the infusion is diluted five-fold. The treatment begins immediately after flowering and is repeated after 7 days for a month. In rainy windy weather, the effectiveness of spraying falls.

    The tomato is edible. To prepare an insecticide solution, shoots, roots, stepchildren, unripe fruits are used.4 kg of ground mass is boiled for 30 minutes in 10 liters of water and filtered. Spray for every 10 liters of water take 3 liters of broth and add 40 g of soap.

    Apple apple tree. Hibernates in the egg stage on young shoots. Mednya develops in one generation. For its extermination, most effectively eradicating spraying with 4% nitrafen before budding. Careful processing of all parts of the tree, especially its ends, almost completely suppresses the harmfulness of the pest.

    The second period, when the larvae of the fossa are concentrated on the tops of the burst buds and are most vulnerable to poisons( green cone stage), spray one of the toxic chemicals: phosphamide 40%, fosalon 35%, metaphos 20%, 0.2%(20 g per 10 liters of water), chlorophos 0.2%, and carbophos 0.3%.

    It should be remembered that this period lasts only 3 days. Against adult specimens of the medina, the period of its full winging coincides with the end of flowering, in the individual gardens a good effect is provided by fumigation of the garden with tobacco smoke. This work is conducted in the evening in a quiet cloudy weather. Before fumigation all the weed vegetation is hulled, because some of the winged individuals can migrate there. Thick smoke kills the medina.

    Pile of raw straw or manure is laid out between trees, 1.5 kg of tobacco dust or makhorka is poured on top and ignited. Against the larvae of the medina on the green cone can be sprayed with infusion and decoction of tobacco. To do this, take 400 grams of dried tobacco waste( stepson, fragments of leaves, dust) and insist for two days in 10 liters of water. Filter and add another 10 liters of water. Before use, every 10 liters of infusion is put 40 g of soap for better adhesion of the solution.

    For decoction 400 g of crushed dry mass is insisted for a day in 10 liters of water and boiled for two hours. After cooling, filter. Before use, dilute 10 liters of water and add 40 g of soap.

    Apple tree blossom damages apple buds. Spraying of trees during the period from bud opening to the exposure of buds helps, during the transition of beetles from wintering places to the crown before egg laying by females one of the toxic chemicals is used: chlorophos in a concentration of 0.2%( 20 g per 10 l of water), 0.1%sevin, 0.15% phosphamide, 0.15% trichlorometaphos-3, metaphos at a concentration of 0.3%.

    In the system of integrated protection of gardens, the need for spraying is determined not by the number of the pest, but by the strength of the tree blooming. With abundant flowering up to 15% of the remaining ovaries from the total number of flowers will yield a full yield. In this case, the fighter measures can not be carried out. With a weak bloom, it is necessary to fight with a weevil.

    In small gardens, good results against color flowers give mechanical methods. In the early spring period, the beetles are shook from the tree to the shields and destroyed. This work should be done early in the morning, when the beetles are inactive. In early June, during the emergence of young beetles impose harness belts in the form of harnesses from straw, paper, etc. in the form of bundles. In August, while the beetles did not manage to descend into the soil for the winter, the hunting belts are carefully removed and burned.

    Around the trunks make traps from dry grass, where the beetles are arranged for the winter. Late in autumn the grass is raked and burned.

    The apple moth hibernates in the stage of caterpillars. Spraying on sleeping buds with 4% nitrafen( 400 g per 10 l of water) or 1% DNOC( 100 g per 10 l of water) almost completely destroys the wintering caterpillars of moths. Before flowering, in the presence of a pest, apples are treated with one of the preparations: 0.2% solution of chlorophos, or phosphamide, or trichlorometaphos, or 0.3% solution of metaphos. At this time, when the caterpillar emerges from the eggs to the surface and has not yet formed nests, it is the most vulnerable. In warm weather( average daily temperature above 20 ° C) a good effect gives 1% entobacterin with the addition of 2 g per 10 liters of chlorophos or horn.

    Good results are obtained by spraying trees with infusion, decoction from aboveground parts of tobacco or wormwood. Nests of caterpillar moth feathers are easy to remove.

    Green apple aphid gives more than 10 generations. The aphids hibernate in the phase of small testicles of black color, which are located on annual shoots at the base of the kidneys. Sleeping buds are sprayed with a 4% solution of nitrafen or 1% DNOC in order to kill the hibernating eggs.

    On the green cone against the nascent larvae, one of the poisons is sprayed: phosphamide 40%, anito 25%, metaphos 20%, fosalon 35% 0.2%( 20 g per 10 l water), carbofos 30% 0.3% concentration. The same poisons are used against newly emerging colonies.

    In natural conditions, aphids and larvae of ladybirds, flies-flies and gold eyes are destroyed by aphids.

    In a large number of aphids, parasites are destroyed by riders. The rider lays an egg in the body of aphids, the larva of which feeds at her expense.

    In the individual gardens, decoctions of tobacco are effective in combating aphids. For broth take 400 g of dry ground raw materials per 10 liters of water and insist for 24 hours. Then boil for 2 hours and filter. Before use, the broth is diluted with 10 liters of water and 40 g of soap is added to 10 liters of broth. The solution is toxic to humans.

    Hawthorn damages all the fruit crops. Hibernates in the stage of the caterpillar in dry, folded leaves, tightly attached to the ends of the branches. The fastest and easiest way to combat hawthorn is to collect wintering nests in the period from the end of the fall leaf fall to the beginning of bud budding in the spring. Winter nests hawthorn is better not to destroy. They are kept until spring in the bank. In spring, the can is closed with a fine mesh. Parasites( apanteles) fly out of the can, and the caterpillars themselves without feed are killed. With eradicating spraying before budding buds with nitrafen or DNOC against wintering stages of gnawing and sucking pests, caterpillars of hawthorn also die.

    In adult caterpillars, good results are obtained by spraying with 0.2% chlorophos.

    The ringed silkworm hibernates in the egg stage. The ringed silkworm has a lot of natural enemies-parasites, in our zone more than 20, which destroy eggs, caterpillars and pupae. Of the egg-eaters, great importance is the telenomus, tachina gonioceera, which parasitize on the caterpillars.

    The easiest way to deal with silkworms is to harvest eggs from autumn to bud budding. Cut the silkworm masonry and prevent it into the cage. Early in the spring, the cages are exposed to the sun. The caterpillars that have emerged from the silkworm eggs will die without finding food, and the insects parasitizing on them will fly through the net.

    From chemical remedies against caterpillars of the ringed silkworm, trichloromethophos-3 is effective at a concentration of 0.1%, chlorophos 0.2%, and mixtures thereof. Apple tree scab. The source of contamination of the scab is the fallen leaves, on which the wintering stage of the fungus is located.

    The most effective measure in the fight against apple scab is a "blue" spraying with 3% Bordeaux liquid( 300 g of copper sulfate with 300 g of quicklime);except for wood, it is necessary to carefully process and dribble circle.

    In the presence of infection, it is recommended to conduct a second spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid immediately after flowering. If necessary, treat and third time two weeks after the second treatment. Substitutes of the Bordeaux liquid( copper oxychloride, zineb, tsiram, captan, phthalane) are less effective against scab. Can be mixed with phosphorus and chlororganic drugs, used for low-volume spraying. Like eradicating spraying against scab, it is recommended to use highly concentrated solutions of mineral fertilizers: urea - 700 g, ammonium nitrate - 1 kg, ammonium sulphate - 1.5 kg or potassium chloride - 700 g per 10 l of water. Sprinkle better in the autumn after a fall leaf or early spring. They process the stump strips where there are a lot of fallen leaves.

    Deep cultivation of rows with top layer turnover, digging of row spacing after leaf fall or early spring contributes to the destruction of primary infection.

    Fruit rot can affect fruits throughout the growing season. Early spring spraying of trees on sleeping buds with a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate or 3% Bordeaux liquid and other pesticides, as well as from scab. Regular collection of decayed fruits in the summer and removing the remaining dried on the tree and destroying them. Organization of the fight with beetles, weevils, moth and others, damaging the skin of the fetus.

    Diseases of apples during storage. The most common diseases of apples in the period of storage - the stimulation of pulp and "tan".These are functional disorders that are associated with a metabolic disorder in the fetuses.

    Flesh pulping is observed first around the seminal chambers, then it spreads throughout the fetus.

    Apples are the most susceptible to this disease, autumnal striped, Spartacus, violet, saffron Saratov, orange, Michurin's memory. The reason for the stimulation is the supercooling of the fruit before it is taken out or when stored.

    This disorder is particularly affected by large fruit or taken from young trees. In wet and cold weather, before harvesting, flesh ripening during storage is observed for almost all varieties. Skin scrubbing or "tanning" can spread from the surface of the fetus and onto the flesh."Tanning" is the most affected fruits early removed, as well as stored at elevated temperatures in poorly ventilated storage. Apples of the varieties Antonovka vulgaris, aromatic muscat, anise gray, northern synapsis, grandmothers, ebony are especially affected by this disease. In addition to the temperature regime, protects the fruits from "tanning" wrapping them in oiled paper.

    The loss from physiological diseases will be drastically reduced if immediately after the apples are removed, the apples are subjected to cooling.

    Mouse rodents. Great damage to apple trees, especially young ones, is caused by mouse-shaped rodents. They gnaw on the bark on the stem and the roots of the trees, which leads to their weakening and death. Mouse rodents are very prolific. One female gray vole during the warm season 6 times brings in 8 cubs. In the fight against rodent mice, a complex of agrotechnical, mechanical, chemical and bacteriological measures is carried out: the cultivation of row spacing destroys the burrows of rodents, the control of weeds deprives mice of shelter from adverse weather conditions, trampling of snow in the trunks prevents the free movement of rodents under snow to the trees, in the inter-rows of snowSealed by the passage of a caterpillar tractor. Whitening of the stem, the layout of frightening baits with creolin are ineffective against mice. In individual gardens a good result is obtained by tying the bark with a lapnik, a dry raspberry, etc.

    To protect the bones from mice, it is recommended to use a spiral made of galvanized wire, a fine mesh wire net, wooden boxes from packing boxes, a mesh of vinyl plastic film. These materials pass air well and do not interfere with the thickening of the stem for several years. As a binding material it is impossible to use a black paper, only, thin polychlorvinyl and polyethylene films. In the daytime sunny hours, the temperature under the straps rises sharply, at night it also sharply decreases. From the difference in temperature, the cortex dies away. Against mice, rodents can not use fish oil, mineral oils, which also leads to burns of the bark.

    Good results in fighting rodent mice in the years of their mass distribution are obtained with the help of wells-traps, which are excavated by drill of BKM in the places of the greatest congestion of rodents. Wells with a diameter of 40 cm and a depth of 100 cm are drilled after the autumn treatment of trees, before the onset of stable negative temperatures. At the bottom of the traps put the poisoned bait, before the fall of the snow pits are covered with branches or straw. Wells are trapped by retracting from the stem by 2 m.

    For poisoning rodent mice, poison baits with zinc phosphide and ratide are effective. For 1 kg of grain, 30 g of vegetable oil and 50 g of zinc phosphide are consumed. Krysid toxicity for rodent mice is the same with zinc phosphide, for humans - less toxic. It is used together with breadcrumbs, porridges, etc. for 1 kg of bait 10 g of poison.

    In the fight against mouse rodents, baits with a mouse typhoid preparation are used, which are made in bacteriological laboratories. The cerebrospinal bacterium and aminocost is made on the basis of typhus bacteria Isachenko, Danich, Merezhkovskii and No. 5170 Prokhorov. The expenditure of grain preparation is 2 kg per 1 hectare, 200 g of amine-bacillus. The cereal bacteriodencide is used without baits, aminosseous with the addition of baits. Lures are prepared from dough, carrots and other products in the fall period. Rodents that become ill with typhoid fever, spread the disease among other individuals. More convenient biopreparation is bactokumarin. It can be used at any time of the year, even at -20 ° C, but better in the fall. Wheat grains, barley soaked in baktokumarine for one day, and then spread out in small groups under the straw, dry grass, from above cover with waterproof material. Bacterial preparations are stored separately from pesticides.