
Benign prostatic hyperplasia - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a relatively new concept in medicine. Previously, a disease that manifested similar symptoms, called prostate adenoma. This pathology is a neoplasm in the tissues of the prostate gland, which gradually grows and closes the lumen of the urethra. At the same time, the growth of the tumor is exceptionally benign, and the human body is affected only mediocre by closing the lumen of the urethra and not allowing the urine to flow outward.

    Causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia

    To date, no urological school in the world is ready to name the exact causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is possible that only to identify the factors that contribute to this pathology. It is only necessary to remember that the presence of these agents does not yet mean that a particular person should develop a prostate disease. One of these factors is a violation of the balance between male and female hormones in the blood of a man. This factor is the only one that has at least some kind of evidence base. There are a lot of theories that smoking, drinking, sexual intercourse, malnutrition and other harmful factors can contribute to the development of prostate adenoma, but their role to date has not been officially proven.

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    Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia

    The clinical picture of prostate adenoma clearly defines three stages, which greatly simplifies the approach to the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

    The first stage of the , called compensatory, is characterized by the fact that the body, thanks to the mobilization of internal defense forces, actively fights the disease and eliminates its symptoms. However, even at this stage, you can replace the minimum impairment during the act of urination. They appear that in the beginning of urination a stream of flaccid and insufficient pressure. In addition, even now the first signs of nocturnal urination may appear. It is manifested by the fact that the man gets up to urinate once a night, but every day .This is exactly what is the first bell, noticing that you need to immediately run to the urologist. Identified and diagnosed prostate adenoma at this stage is best treated.

    The second stage of is characterized by depletion of protective functions of the body. At this stage, the patient begins to feel some discomfort after the act of urination. It seems to him that the urinary bladder is not fully emptied and some urine remains in it. This leads to a rapid urge for the next act. This stage is characterized by an increase in the number of acts of urination per day, the lion's share of which falls precisely at night. In addition, that it brings some discomfort, the process itself can become painful, and in the urine there will be a small amount of blood.

    During the of the third , decompensated, the stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia shows a complete impairment of urinary outflow from the bladder. This situation leads not only to the appearance of acute pain over the pubis, but also to the deterioration of the general condition of the body. The person quickly becomes tired, he is troubled by headaches, weight loss, loss of appetite, constipation, and exhaled air from the lungs has a sharp odor of acetone.

    Against this background, kidney failure develops, which in case of inactivity leads to the onset of renal coma and inevitable death.

    Diagnosis of prostatic adenoma

    The first method of diagnosing prostatic adenoma is a survey. Only it is carried out not in a classical way, but in the form of a questionnaire. This technique was developed by the international association of urologists and based on a subjective assessment of the patient's symptoms. Of course, such a system has a lot of shortcomings, because quite often a person is in an excited state, overestimates his problem, but in most cases, patients give an adequate assessment of the events.

    The next step is a rectal finger test, which makes it possible not only to distinguish adenoma from cancer, but also to determine the stage of increase in the first. It is worth noting that quite often after such a procedure, the mechanical effect on the gland has a rather positive effect and the patients notice improvement in their condition.

    Finger rectal examination

    Then the case goes into the hands of the laboratory. She will have to detect level of the Prostatic Specific Antigen( PSA) in the human blood, which is a marker of diseases of the prostate gland. The level of this substance is measured in the blood of a person and its indicator determines not only the presence of the disease, but also the stage of the latter.

    Another diagnostic method is contrast radiography of the bladder .This method is mediocre, because it does not allow you to see the gland itself, it only allows to determine the stagnation of urine in the bladder or poor passage of the latter through the urethra. Despite all the shortcomings of this technique, even until recently, it was considered a "gold standard" in the diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

    One of the most modern and most informative methods for determining prostate diseases is the ultrasound .Only in contrast to conventional ultrasound, it is carried out in a rather specific form - through the rectum. A special disposable sensor is lubricated with gel and is guided through the back opening of the digestive tract to the approximate location of the prostate. At the same second, an image of the organ appears on the monitor screen, along which it is possible to judge the stage and nature of the changes in the parenchyma of the prostate gland.

    Transrectal ultrasound

    Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

    To date, a huge number of ways to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia have been developed. The choice of the latter depends on the stage of the disease. All of them are subdivided into conservative, operational and non-operative.

    Conservative treatment of is used in the early stages of the disease, when there is no delay in urination. It implies the use of adrenoblockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. The first include such drugs as tyrazosin and doxazosin, and to the second - finasteride. They have several different mechanisms of action, but lead to one effect. After they are taken, the muscle fibers of the prostate relax, which improves the flow of urine from the bladder.

    In the late stages of the disease, when there is a significant delay in urine, patients are advised to operation .Now several types of surgical interventions have been developed, but they all have one task - to remove the altered and superfluous tissues of the prostate gland. Classical is open prostatectomy , when access to the organ is carried out by means of a cut of the abdominal wall. This procedure is quite traumatic and its application to date is inappropriate. The rehabilitation period is much shorter during the application of for transurethral resection of the prostate( ).It is carried out with the help of a special device, which is inserted into the urethra and destroys the tissues of the prostate gland.

    Transurethral prostatectomy

    As a rule, surgery is a radical solution to the problem. Relapses, if possible, happen very rarely.

    Features of diet and lifestyle with benign prostatic hyperplasia

    Despite the fact that the fact of smoking, drinking alcohol and fatty foods is not proved as one of the factors in the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia, urologists recommend to avoid these nuances during the treatment of this disease. In addition, experts advise to normalize their motor conditions, as it promotes the outflow of urine from the bladder.

    Rehabilitation after illness

    Rehabilitation after benign prostatic hyperplasia is necessary only for those patients who underwent surgery. It is to use some time a rubber urethral catheter. It is necessary for the surgical wound to heal as quickly as possible. In addition, in the long-term period it is recommended to visit sanatoria and treatment with healing mud. Also a good effect is provided by the exercise therapy exercise therapy, which stimulates the restoration of damaged tissues.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Those who are trying to treat prostate adenoma with folk remedies, have never accurately studied human anatomy. It is difficult to believe in the fact that herbal preparations can have some effect on the already formed tumor of the prostate gland. In this case, the use of a variety of herbs and poultices can only exacerbate the process, since the patient will not seek qualified help for a long time.

    Complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia

    If a prostate tumor completely blocks the lumen of the urethra, it will lead to complete stagnation in the human body. This situation can result in acute renal failure, which manifests itself by the accumulation of pathological metabolic products in the human blood. These most pathological agents negatively affect the brain, which leads to a severe disorder of consciousness - a coma. There are two ways out of this situation. At the first the man remains alive, only has some mental deficiency, and at the second just dies. In any case, an unfavorable situation develops for the patient, which indicates the urgent need to contact the urologist at the initial stage of the disease.

    Prophylaxis of benign prostatic hyperplasia

    It is difficult to single out clear measures that can prevent the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia. But in order to at least reduce the risk of its development, it is necessary to have a regular sex life. The growth of prostate tumors is affected both by excessive abstinence and by the excess of sexual acts.

    No less important is urination, which, like ejaculation, should also be regular. The normal amount of urination of an adult male for a day is 6-7 times. Moreover, all these acts must take place during wakefulness. If desires arise at night, then it already speaks of problems with the prostate.

    Among other things, you must not forget about bad habits and improper diet, the effect of which although not officially proven, but quite often manifested in practice.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov А.N.