  • Prostatitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland in men. In turn, the prostate gland or prostate is a glandular muscle organ in men that is located near the bladder and controls urination, and also secrete a special secret that gives the sperm a liquid state. According to its origin, the prostatitis is divided into bacterial and non-bacterial, and downstream - to acute and chronic.

    Causes of prostatitis

    Naturally, the immediate cause of bacterial prostatitis is an infectious agent. In his role, most often those pathological agents that are constantly on the human skin or in his digestive tract, and for certain reasons can cause prostatitis( in particular, the same E. coli).

    As for these most specific reasons, in their quality may be untimely emptying of the bladder, a violation of the periodicity of sexual activity, sedentary lifestyle, chronic hypothermia, bad habits and concomitant diseases of the genitourinary system. All these factors either facilitate microbes path of penetration into the prostate gland, or lead to a deterioration of the blood supply to the pelvic organs, stagnant processes, which promotes the multiplication of microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process.

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    When during prostatitis from the human body it is not possible to isolate the infectious agent, is said to be a non-bacterial form of prostatitis .There are many theories to explain the reasons for this pathology, but none of them is sufficiently proven. For example, some scientists hold the view that such a form of the disease can cause neurogenic disorders, while another cohort of doctors is talking about the immune genesis of such a problem. In addition, there are other less popular theories.

    Symptoms of prostatitis

    When acute prostatitis comes to the fore the general symptoms, which manifests general weakness, malaise, headaches and fever. In addition, the pains in the perineum, which are given to the inguinal areas, are quite bright. They intensify during the act of urination and defecation. Also, a jet of urine may be disturbed, up to the complete disappearance of diuresis. Patients with prostatitis feel frequent urge to urinate, during which they can not completely empty their bladder.

    Prostate with prostatitis compresses the urethra

    As for the of chronic prostatitis , it is generally asymptomatic or against a background of minor local symptoms. Thus, the patient may be disturbed by minor pain in the perineum, which is intensified during the act of urination. At the same time, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, which develops against the background of frequent desires. Men begin to experience discomfort during intercourse, resulting in decreased libido.

    As one of the causes of prostatitis is pyelonephritis, it can be accompanied by symptoms of the latter. Thus, if a man is concerned about low back pain, he must necessarily examine the prostate gland.

    Quite often, especially for older men, patients neglect the symptoms of prostatitis, hoping for prostatic adenoma. This in no case can not be done, since the treatment of adenoma is radically different from the treatment of prostatitis. Thus, if you notice at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately contact a urologist.

    Diagnosis of prostatitis

    As a rule, the diagnosis of acute prostatitis does not present special difficulties and even during a finger examination through the rectum the doctor can make the correct diagnosis. For its confirmation, a general blood test, a general urine test and a secretion of the prostate secretion to the nutrient medium are performed. Just at the time of the latter, it is possible to determine whether the infectious agent has become the cause of inflammation of the prostate or not. This is very important for choosing the right treatment tactics.

    With regard to instrumental research methods, ultrasound examination of the prostate through the rectum is very often used. Often, during such a procedure it is possible to determine not only the presence of the disease, but also to find out its shape. Transrectal Ultrasound of the Prostate

    There are methods of diagnosing prostatitis based on computed tomography, but they are justified only in those countries where there is an insurance medicine. At us similar procedures are used extremely seldom.

    Treatment of prostatitis

    Prostate health provides a full intimate life for a man. Therefore, it is so important to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible. In the treatment of prostatitis, Lycoprophy is used, which contains lycopene - carotenoid, vitamins, trace elements and extracts of useful plants. The drug selectively accumulates in the tissues of the prostate, reduces the phenomenon of inflammation, strengthens protective functions, protects cells from damage by free radicals and controls the process of excessive proliferation of prostate tissue. When taking the drug, there is an improvement in the quality of the ejaculate and an increase in the number of active forms of spermatozoa, and the antimicrobial effect also increases. Due to the complex and balanced composition of the drug with the prostatitis, there is elimination of the difficulties associated with urination, easing of the pain syndrome.

    Because the main cause of acute bacterial prostatitis is a bacterium, antibiotics are used very actively for its treatment. The drugs of choice are antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones, because they very well penetrate into the tissue of the prostate gland. A representative of this group of antibacterial drugs, for example ciprofloxacin. If in the late stages of the disease, injectable forms of the drug are used, then the early ones can be treated with tablets.

    As for chronic bacterial prostatitis, antibiotic therapy is also used for its treatment, only in combination with beta-blockers, which has a positive effect on the secretory apparatus of the prostate.

    In addition to the main treatment, during the use of prostatitis and symptomatic, during which prescribed analgesic and antipyretic drugs in the patient's dosage. The latter include drugs such as diclofenac, indomethacin, ibuprofen and others, which can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.

    In especially severe cases of prostatitis hormonal preparations are prescribed, which are prescribed strictly according to the prescription and are administered to the patient only under the supervision of doctors in a hospital. As for the lighter forms of prostatitis, they can also be administered on an outpatient basis.

    Along with medicamental treatment, methods such as physiotherapy, relaxation exercises, prostate massage and acupuncture are used extensively. If all these methods are inactive, then they resort to a radical elimination of the problem with surgery to remove the prostate gland.

    Features of diet and lifestyle with prostatitis

    During an acute period of prostatitis it is recommended to exclude from the diet all acute dishes, as they have a negative effect on the secretory function of the prostate and prolong the period of recovery.

    All patients with prostatitis are encouraged to intensify their lifestyle after an acute period of the disease. One of the mandatory components is the normalization of sexual life, which consists in a permanent, protected sexual intercourse with the same partner.

    Rehabilitation after

    After the course of treatment with antibiotics all patients are recommended to restore normal intestinal microflora, which can be done with the help of special vitamin complexes that are sold in almost every pharmacy. Along with this, physical therapy is applied to a painful place -physiotherapy with ultrasound or electric current.

    Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies

    Despite the fact that some doctors during the treatment of prostatitis along with the main drugs prescribe medicines based on herbs, folk remedies as monotherapy are simply unacceptable. In an acute period of the disease, an adequate antibiotic treatment is necessary, which can reliably and quickly kill the pathogen. If at this time to use diuretic herbs or other folk remedies, this will only aggravate the problem and lead to complications.

    Complications of prostatitis

    The most dangerous complication of both acute and chronic prostatitis is the retention of urine, which can develop against a background of spasm of the muscular part of the prostate gland. During this, urine does not leave the bladder, but accumulates in it, can rise up the urinary tract to the kidneys. This leads to the occurrence of pyelonephritis followed by impaired renal function and toxins entering the blood. This condition is called urosepsis and threatens the patient with a fatal outcome. To avoid this condition, it is necessary to put the urethral catheter at an early stage, which will promote a normal outflow of urine from the bladder.

    The next complication of prostatitis is a decrease in libido, which occurs against the background of a delay in urination and a constantly full bladder. If this condition lasts a long time, then the retention of sexual intercourse can be fixed functionally and a man at a young age may experience impotence with infertility. To prevent this from happening, it is very important to consult a urologist for qualified help at an early stage of prostatitis.

    Prostatitis prevention

    Prostatitis refers to those diseases that are much easier to prevent than treat. To avoid this unpleasant disease, you must exclude all causes that can cause it. First, you need to lead an active lifestyle and exercise. A very good exercise aimed at preventing prostatitis is cycling, which stimulates the prostate and improves the blood supply to the prostate.

    To avoid hypothermia, it is necessary to wear warm clothes in the winter season, as well as warm shoes, since it is the hypothermia of the feet that is in the first place in the effect of not the prostate gland.

    Important is the fact of sexual life, the disorder of which very often becomes the cause of inflammation of the prostate gland. It is very important to observe personal hygiene during sexual intercourse and use personal protective equipment. Especially when it comes to sexual intercourse with a new partner. As for the latter, experts in this field for the prevention of prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system, recommend to enter into sexual contacts only with regular partners.

    A very important point is the exclusion of the bacterial pathogen during the prophylaxis of prostatitis. Since the latter quite often develops against the background of pyelonephritis, the adequate treatment of this inflammatory kidney disease is in itself a prophylaxis of prostatitis.

    It is also necessary to take care of other ways of infectious pathogen penetration into the human body. Very often this happens when a sterile urethral catheter is not properly placed. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the presence of bacteria in the blood of a person, which can be observed during such chronic diseases as sinusitis, cholecystitis and others.

    Doctor urologist Startsev V.Yu.

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