
Stomatitis in children: how to quickly cure a dangerous disease and prevent relapse

  • Stomatitis in children: how to quickly cure a dangerous disease and prevent relapse

    A painful process, provoked by the activity of microorganisms and damaging the oral mucosa, is called stomatitis. In most cases, stomatitis in children develops on the background of reproduction in the oral cavity of microorganisms that penetrated from the outside. Reproduction occurs because of the reduced protection of the immune system.

    The risk group includes children from six months to three years. Given that stomatitis in children is harmful, and like any other viral disease, is transmitted by contact, the patient should be isolated. In the case of severe illness, it is recommended that the child be placed in a stationary environment.

    Classification of stomatitis

    This viral pathology has one interesting feature: one or another of its forms affects a child only at a certain age:

    • 0-3 years - candidal stomatitis;
    • 3 g-5 years - herpetic stomatitis;
    • 7 years and older - aphthous stomatitis.

    Children of any age can suffer from the development of bacterial stomatitis. Its occurrence is accompanied by neglect of hygiene requirements or injury to the oral cavity.

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    Clinical manifestation of the disease

    Symptoms of stomatitis in children are manifested depending on the pathogen of dangerous pathology. In most cases, the causative agent is the herpes virus. Against this background, the infection is transmitted by contact and airborne droplets. The risk of developing the disease occurs if the carrier of the virus tries to kiss the baby, or when the person does not have a separate dish.

    The virus attacks

    Symptoms of stomatitis in children, regardless of the type of pathology, are as follows:

    1. Increase in temperature.
    2. Change in color of the mucosa and gums.
    3. Rashes on the skin.
    4. Changing the size of the lymph nodes.

    Symptoms of the disease have a different degree of severity, which depends on the state of the patient's immune system.

    Clinical picture

    If the timely attention to the signs of beginning stomatitis, the disease will not last longer than seven days. If the stomatitis is transformed into a severe form, then the temperature rises to forty degrees, and the signs become much more intense, which brings the patient a lot of pain. In this case, the disease can last up to twenty-one days.

    Timely intervention

    Given that this pathology is today the most common, every parent knows not only how to treat stomatitis in children, but also what measures should be taken to protect his child.

    On "grandmother" methods should be forgotten. Correct treatment can be prescribed only by a qualified professional. The strategy for treating the disease depends on its severity, and also on the age of the patient.

    In general, the treatment of stomatitis in children is carried out by two methods:

    • by treating the oral cavity with topical preparations;
    • with the use of restorative medications.


    Many young mothers and dads, after discovering signs of a dangerous disease in a child, often run into confusion and even panic. The reason for this is that they have no idea how to treat stomatitis in children.

    It is important to remember that, regardless of the age of the sick child, the most effective and safe means is rinsing the oral cavity with herbal decoctions. Widely accepted use:

    1. Soda baking solution.
    2. Manganese solution.
    3. Broths of medicinal herbs such as St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, string and sage.
    4. Carrot juice.
    5. Cabbage juice.
    6. Sea buckthorn oil.
    7. Rosehip oil( topical for the progression of herpes stomatitis).

    The use of honey and greens in the treatment of stomatitis is a common misconception.

    Taking medications

    Treating stomatitis in older children is impossible without the use of antihistamines and antiviral medications. The doctor prescribes to the child the ingestion of such tablets as "Levoril" or "Nystatin".

    To increase the level of protection of the immune system, a child receives multivitamins. Great value is given to the use of vitamins of group A.

    For the removal of painful syndrome, children are prescribed the use of antifungal ointments:

    • nystatin;
    • is decamine;
    • levorinovoy.

    It should be taken into account that the specificity of treatment depends on the type of stomatitis that affected the patient. Toxic stomatitis is "afraid" of sorbents, aphthous is cured due to antibiotic drugs.

    Features of care

    Stomatitis-sick children feel disgusting. The main cause of the terrible condition is not only severe pain, but also general discomfort. The child becomes restless, irritable, capricious. In the case of progression of herpetic pathology, a fear of bright light is observed in the patient. You can alleviate the condition by darkening the room and conducting daily wet cleaning.

    It is important to remember that the patient, against the background of increased salivation, loses a lot of fluid that must be replenished. To do this, give him as much fluid as possible. Carbonated beverages should be eliminated by replacing them with tea, mors or natural warm juice.

    Food should be non-aggressive and get ready for a couple. It is necessary to exclude from the diet acute, salty and acidic foods. Spices should be avoided, and salt should be used at a minimum. Feed a sick child should be given the fact that in his mouth he has painful ulcers. Therefore, the food must be ground to a puree consistency.

    Food should in no case be hot or cold, as it irritates the mucous and helps the disease progress.

    The diet should contain vitamins, salts( minerals) and proteins. Particular attention should be paid to dairy products, but sweets should be given to the child after his recovery.

    Preventive measures

    Prevention of the disease consists in strict adherence to the following hygiene regulations:

    1. Washing hands before eating.
    2. Correct oral care.
    3. Care of the toothbrush.
    4. Getting rid of bad habits( it is inadmissible to shove hands and toys into your mouth).
    5. Thorough treatment of nipples and pacifiers( important for very young children).

    Prevention of a dangerous disease is aimed at preventing ingress of invisible pests into the body. It is always important to remember that only parents can protect their child from developing such a complex pathology.

    Patients with stomatitis should be provided with personal utensils and hygiene products. Towels for the face should be washed more often than usual, and the toothbrush replaced with a new, more sparing.

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