
How to accustom a cat to a toilet bowl - we accustom a kitten to a toilet bowl

  • How to accustom a cat to a toilet bowl - we accustom a kitten to a toilet bowl

    Many keep houses fluffy cats. Recently, more and more often people have begun to train cats to cope their needs in the toilet. Trays with various fillers often do not justify themselves and burden the life of the co-owners. Many of you know that fillers do not perform their functions well: they do not absorb an unpleasant odor, do not form whole lumps, or simply do not absorb moisture. Therefore, it is better to torment one time and train your favorite animal to go to the toilet than to constantly take out the used filler, wash the cat's toilet and replenish the supplies of "cat's toilet paper."But how to do that? Where to begin? How to accustom a cat to a toilet bowl?

    Home method

    Accustoming the cat step by step
    1. For this method, the cat or cat should be able to use their toilet. It does not matter where this tray is. Your goal at this stage is to maximize the approach of the tray to the toilet. Some cats are very stubborn, so have patience and rearrange the tray for three to five centimeters each time after its owner descends on need. It is likely that if you approach the toilet, you will have to come back and repeat the whole way again. Lucky those owners whose favorites are "more accommodating."
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    2. When the tray is near the toilet. The most interesting begins. It is necessary to accustom the cat to walk in the tray at the level of the toilet bowl. To do this, after each time, as the animal went to the toilet, put under the tray newspapers and magazines. Do not hurry! Here you need accuracy and accuracy. Do not exceed two centimeters at a time. It is necessary that the animal feel comfortable and slowly accustomed to height. Make sure the structure is secure and do not allow the tray to fall. Gradually reduce the amount of filler. You can not use filler at all.
    3. When you reach the required height, you need to remove all papers and newspapers, and put the tray on the toilet. You can put in the toilet itself, but you can on the lid - as someone convenient. The filler is no longer needed at all. The main thing is that the tray is firmly fixed or stable. Your pet should feel confident and comfortable in his closet, and not stagger from side to side, trying to maintain balance and at the same time to address the need. Agree, this situation is not pleasant.
    4. Remove the tray The last, final step is to remove the tray from the toilet. At this stage, failures occur most often. On the other hand, having come to the usual place and not discovering its own tray, the animal will have to jump( out of habit) to the toilet and go and fix its needs. If this does not happen, return the tray to the toilet and wait a little longer.
    5. If it does not help, cut first a small one, and then more and more a hole in the tray. Over time, expand it until you have only one edge left. The cat already practically sits in the toilet and goes there, so there should not be any malfunctions in this case.
    6. Buy in the store a special kit for training your pet to the toilet. These sets usually include special training trays, which allow you to accustom the animal to the toilet, in the number of two pieces. The second is intended for use in the failure at any stage of training. Such special sets are usually made of environmentally friendly materials and are suitable for any kind of toilet bowl. Training can be conducted starting from the age of three months of the pet. A special tray can withstand a cat or cat weighing up to twenty-five kilograms.
    7. The training program assumes all the same steps as with a conventional tray.

    Shop method

    Set for training to the toilet

    It is very profitable to train your pet to go to the toilet. Thanks to this, you can save on trays and fillers( statistics say that annually one cat has two hundred kilograms of filler!), Cleaning and detergents. Your pet will always be clean, and the house will always be pleasant to smell.

    In addition, if necessary, somewhere to leave, leave the pet will be much easier with friends or acquaintances. Many people refuse such requests only because the animals will have to be removed, the filler changed and so on, and the cat, accustomed to the toilet, should only be fed and ironed.

    Accustoming the animal to the toilet, be patient. Man gets used to something new for a long time, and a cat even more so. Do not force your pet to go into the toilet, scold and lose your temper. The animal will not understand this. With its excessive fuse and aggression, one can only create a dislike for an unknown white object with bubbling water inside. Therefore, in teaching your pet to the toilet, have patience and patience again. Gradually, step by step, centimeter by centimeter and you will succeed.