  • Vision of the child

    Location. When you play with the baby, hold it almost vertically, support the head so that the baby can view your face or the object that you are showing it to.

    Grimaces. The human face is very interested in the newborn. When you hold the baby face to face, do movements that the child could observe( for example, open your mouth, put out your tongue, close your eyes), and accompany it all with funny sounds. They may be interested in crumbs.

    Single-color items. The objects with which the kid plays most often must have bright colors. Show them to the child in turn. Guided by your inner feelings and the reaction of the baby. Be sure to talk with him, comment on all the actions. Your conversations with the child should become a habit.

    Crib decoration. Attach to the walls of the baby's crib pieces of cloth, beautiful paper or plastic, colorful pictures, plant a large doll so that the child can look at her face. This "exposure" promotes the development of the vision of the baby."There is no pink, pink, pink hare!"

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    More often tell the child about any subject. For example, what can we say about a toy? Practically everything. For example, pay attention to the color: "Look, what a beautiful fairy hare. It's pink! Do you like him? I love! That's how pink it is! True? Can you see him? It's a pink hare! You have a pink, pink, pink hare! ยป

    Notice how many repetitions and exclamations in this little story.

    Nothing is worse for the development of the baby than the white ceiling and white walls.

    Mirrors. Place the mirrors on the sides and at the head of the baby's crib: they will reflect his movements, and this will expand his world. More often show your baby his reflection in the mirror. After some time he will look with interest at the "friend", and then with joy to find out.

    Mobile( carousel) .Attach the mobile to the bed. Spinning colorful toys on the child develop the ability to focus the eye, to follow the moving object, to stimulate purposeful grasping movements. As a rule, the kids like the kids and take them for a long time.

    When choosing a toy, pay attention to the color of the pendants( it should be bright), on the material( it should wash well or wear out) and on the music( the sounds should be soft, pleasant, and the melody harmonious and beautiful).

    When toys bore a child, they can be replaced by any others. Also, you can hang a small shiny spoon, small cardboard figures, rattles, etc. Do not forget to only evaluate all the items in terms of safety.

    Pendants. In addition to mobile phones, you can use a long rubber band to hang toys. Pull it from the wall to the wall of the crib. To the elastic band, suspend various objects so that the baby can reach them. Later you can replace this "hanging structure" with a gym set for the crib.

    As soon as the kid learns to grab, remove from the field of all that he can get hurt, that he can swallow and hit.

    On sale is a children's rug with arcs for hanging toys.

    "Chessboard", etc. Print on the printer or draw by hand black-and-white cells( 5x5 cm) in staggered order. Such a picture you can hang on the wall of the crib, on the wall near the crib, in the stroller. This will help the infant learn to focus their eyes.

    In addition to the "chessboard", you can hang a picture with vertical and horizontal stripes, circles. If you find a suitable fabric for the coloring, you can trim cardboard squares with it. These fabric figures can be given to the hands of the baby, stimulating not only the vision, but also the tactile sensations - the child will feel different fabrics in texture.

    Pictures. Print on a color printer or cut out the appropriate images from magazines, and then glue on a sheet of A5 or A4 format. What can be depicted in the pictures? For A5 format, draw circles( about 15 cm in diameter, bright colors), on a sheet of A4 format - black geometric shapes( square, triangle, circle, etc.).

    For larger cards, paste pictures of animals, familiar objects, etc. First, it is enough to make six cards of each type. Spread out or hang them around the baby. In the environment of the baby there should always be a lot( but not too) of objects on which he can hold his gaze. Pictures regularly change.

    Illustration done with layout( 2-3 cards with animals)

    Cards can also be used for playing with the baby. Sit the child on your lap or on the pillows( if the kid does not hold the head, make sure that it does not hang out) and show him 3-6 cards of the same type. Change them quickly, so that the child catches the differences, because they make the baby fix the sight.

    The movement mechanism of the pupil must be developed in order to increase the visual acuity in the child. You can speed up the process by forcing the iris diaphragm to work: go with the child in a dark room, light it and put out the light several times in a row.

    When you are engaged in something, put the baby next to him, so that he watches as you move, or move it to where there is some movement. To do this, it is very convenient to use a child's armchair-lounger. The position of the backrest is adjustable from fully reclining to sitting, the chair has a carry handle, and the chair itself can be placed in the rocking position.