  • Teaching the child to grab

    Gradually, your child moved to the third stage of manual skills, which Glen Doman calls "grasping".

    At this stage, the child acquires the ability not only to hold objects in his hand, not dropping them, but consciously open the palm for taking something. This is called a grip. The shoulders and elbows of the child are already sufficiently developed to allow him to make the movements necessary to consciously grasp the object. However, the baby is not yet able to use thumb and forefinger to take small items. But he can act with the whole brush to grab large objects, clamping them between his fingers and palm.

    Warning! The smaller the items that you offer the kid for exercise, the more closely you have to watch the child so that he does not accidentally taste them.

    To teach the child to move by hand, you will need a home horizontal bar again.

    Exercise 1

    Tightly grasp the child's hips and waist, holding his face to him. Raise to such a height that he could easily grab the crossbar. After that, start to lower the child down, so that his arms are fully straightened. Continuing to hold the baby tightly over the hips, shake it slightly back and forth.

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    Pre-lay a thick carpet or gym mat on the floor under the horizontal bar. Be careful! If an accidental fall, even from a height of several centimeters, turns out to be painful for your child, it can for a long time discourage him from learning to move using interception.

    15 times a day.

    Gradually weaken your support so that the child himself learns to maintain his weight while you are shaking it.

    20 seconds at a time.

    Thanks to these "hanging" occupations, the child will develop manual skills that allow him to learn to take small items. You will also need to provide these items to your child.


    Once the kid has learned to use his hands, your task is to awaken in him the desire to move with the help of the interception of hands. In order to begin learning to move by hand, the following conditions are necessary: ​​

    • there must be a suitable ladder in your house;

    • During the day, this exercise should be repeated as often as possible;

    • The exercise should bring pleasure to the child!

    What is a "suitable" ladder? This is a ladder, located horizontally and fixed on any support.

    It should be suitable not only for children, but also for adults. It is very important that such a ladder can be used at any time.

    Exercise on the stairs should be performed frequently. Glen Doman explains this by the fact that it should take one or two minutes to complete it. A longer tension will wear out the muscles of the hands. Therefore, during the day it should be done little by little, but often.

    The ladder should be strong, stable, with handrails that are comfortable for grasping by hands. The crossbeams should be as close as possible to each other so that the child can reach them with his small handles. Typically, these ladders are included in the set of children's home sports complex.

    The child needs to spend as much time as possible on the stairs. Parents should teach parents to move around - "only the child trusts them completely," says Glen Doman. And, of course, the main condition for success is the desire of your child, because this method of movement requires purposefulness and determination.

    So, at this stage, the child will learn to hang independently on the crossbar for 20 seconds and begin to take the first steps to move with the help of the interception hands.