  • Walking with obstacles

    As a rule, adults do not trust( sometimes due to lack of time) to their children to cope with various physical difficulties on their own. When there is some obstacle in the way of the child, the father simply takes it in his arms and transfers it. Probably everyone knows such a scene: the father walks along the street with the baby, holding his hand. Here they pass to the other side of the street and are already ready to enter the curb of the sidewalk. But at the moment when the child raises his leg to do it himself, the father raises it up and gently lowers to the ground so that the obstacle is behind. So the child lost the opportunity to overcome his first ascent.

    Do not allow this error. Let your kid himself cope with such difficulties!

    The main motivation of your child is his own desire. Therefore, it is better to start classes at a time of the day when it is maximally animated and energetic.

    Try to diversify your joint walk in every possible way - throw the ball and follow him, walk with the dog, set some goal( look at the birds, go to the store, etc.).

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    Let your daily walk become an adventure that the child will wait with impatience.

    It's time for your child to learn how to use the stairs. Carefully follow the child when he rises or goes down. Be ready to pick it up in case of a fall.

    Communicating with children and their parents, Glen Doman came to the conclusion that a kid just needs a walk in different types of terrain. In his books he identified three types of terrain.

    • Smooth, smooth, obstacle free terrain. It can be a track for crawling or parking, that is, a place where your child will not encounter any obstacles when walking. The surface must be level, so that when walking, he does not have to raise his legs. This moment is very important, because the higher the child lifts the leg, the easier it is for him to lose his balance. This type of terrain allows the child to train in continuous walking for longer distances. In addition, on this terrain, he learns to increase the pace of walking.