  • Enjoy the children's community

    If this rule causes you difficulties, do not be surprised. I myself am the first to admit that sometimes it's not easy to follow him! After all, you do not always want to even watch your favorite movie, or listen to your favorite music, or eat chocolate *.

    Do not panic. This rule does not imply that you should always want to do something with children. I just want to say that if you have a chance to relax with them - on weekends, on vacation, just before going to bed with a book - it's very important to enjoy their company.

    And why not? Yes, because you are constantly thinking about what else you need to do instead of listening to the retelling - the bad - of the previous series of "The Simpsons", or are you worried that the water will not boil away in the pan in the kitchen, or are you trying once again to mentally scroll in the theses of tomorrow's report.

    Stop! At the moment, you are busy performing the most important item from the list of your tasks - you are communicating with your own child! Stop thinking about everything else and focus on this communication, carefully look and listen to what the child is doing and what the child is telling you. Understand that this is no less important than changing the diaper in time, preparing a dinner or rehearsing a report. So talk to him humanely. That is, when the child tells you: "Imagine, I just killed 17 orcs!" - do not need to moo something inarticulate. Better ask a meaningful question like: "And what, you spent all the arrows?"

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    The trick here is to perceive the pleasure of communication as an end in itself. Suppose you do not get real pleasure from dressing Barbie, or from discussing all football teams of the league, or listening to the sound of the

    * Well, about chocolate, I overdid it.

    full report on the battle of the forces of light with evil aliens. You do not have to. All this is just a means. And the goal is to spend time with children to better understand how they see the world, and that it surprises, disturbs, irritates, entertains, delights, drives them into depression or takes the most.