  • To teach a child does not need to be a professional

    Most parents, having become acquainted with Glen Doman's methods in theory, are afraid to move to the practical part and begin classes with their child. There are several explanations for this.

    Many are frightened by the statement that all instructions must be performed as accurately as possible - only in this case it is possible to achieve the desired result.

    Other parents, having learned the methodology of Doman, decide that it is too difficult for them to study with the child: preparing for lessons takes too much time and effort, the lessons themselves require systematic and high tempo, and it is rather difficult to provide with a small child and many othersduties, which also need to be carried out.

    • At the age of 5, the child easily absorbs a huge amount of information. And the younger he is, the better it does it. If he is not 2 years old, the learning process will be the easiest and most effective way.

    • A child under 5 years old can perceive information surprisingly quickly.

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    • All children are linguistic geniuses.

    • Children under 5 years old are literally full of vital energy.

    In addition, many parents who do not have a pedagogical education, are afraid of making mistakes, doing something wrong, thereby harming the child. They prefer to give the baby to developing centers, where children will be in the reliable hands of specialists.

    Of course, such reasoning is not devoid of common sense, but still you should not rush to abandon the method of Doman. Pay attention to the following facts.

    • The baby needs mother's attention from the first birthdays. Classes give the kid not only knowledge, but also so necessary for him and you to communicate with each other. Besides, who does not know the needs and possibilities of his baby better than his mother?

    • How bad( from your point of view) you teach your child to read, read and learn other knowledge, it will still be more useful than if nothing else to do. Classes on the method of Doman is a win-win game, in which you still win, no matter how badly they play. The result will be required, even if you put a minimum of effort.

    • The more literate and confident you will be, the faster and easier you will teach your child - this truth is known. First, let's look at the main thing that you need to remember about the child, and then discuss the question of how to teach it.

    • Children under 5 years of age have a tremendous desire for knowledge.

    • The more information a child under 5 years of age acquires, the more it remains in his memory.

    • Children under the age of 5 can learn everything that you will teach them, if only to do it sincerely, joyfully and constantly based on facts. Moreover, they want to learn this. Children under 5 can learn as many foreign languages ​​as they will be able to learn.

    Doman pays huge attention to three main areas of intellectual development - reading, math and encyclopedic knowledge. The most important is reading. The ability to read is one of the higher functions of the human brain. Of all living creatures, only human beings can read.

    In addition, reading is one of the most important skills that are necessary in life, since all other education is based on it. So you should start with reading instruction. Having started the implementation of the relevant training program, you will gradually supplement it with a program of teaching encyclopedic knowledge.

    Human intellect is based on one's own knowledge. Without knowledge, there can be no intelligence. Therefore, in parallel with the program of teaching reading, you begin the program of teaching encyclopedic knowledge, using for this purpose several sets of pre-prepared cards. When your child is well acquainted with the facts contained in them, proceed to the program of teaching mathematics.

    Simultaneously, from the first birthdays, attention should be paid to the physical development of the child. As a result, the toddler will grow

    . For the child's education, the following are needed:

    • Parent's attitude and approach;

    • volume and order of presentation of educational material.

    If you or your child are not interested, stop. Apparently, you are doing something wrong.

    is a harmoniously developed personality, and his abilities will allow him to achieve a lot in life.

    The question "At what age should I start?" Is often asked by specialists in the Doman method by many parents. The answer is very simple: from the moment of birth. We talk with a newborn baby, and thanks to this, the baby develops a hearing aid. But we can tell him the same information in a visual form, using the appropriate cards for this. Looking at them, he will develop his system of visual perception.

    Cognition is the greatest adventure in life, this is the most interesting, important and developing game in the world. Do you doubt that the children agree with this? And in vain! Children believe in this statement and will believe until we can convince them otherwise. To avoid this, remember the basic rule: both parents and children should have fun in the learning process, as from the most exciting game.

    Do not forget that knowing is an exciting game, not a job. Cognition is a reward, not a punishment;pleasure, not routine work;a privilege, and not a deprivation of any right.

    Starting an activity with a child, first of all relax

    Each time, reinforce the process of teaching a child a kiss or a gentle touch, a smile.

    and remember that this is a game in which only the winners will be. You should start studying cheerfully and rested. Stress leads to lethargy, disorganization and misunderstanding of what you are doing and why.

    You use the full and absolute trust of your child, so trust it yourself. The kid immediately feels your trust and respect.

    From the very beginning your child is sure that everything you said is true. Never give him any reason to doubt this. And do not let anyone else supply your child with untruthful information. All your answers should be precise, clear and unambiguous, and then the kid will have nothing to do but just learn this information. Here is a simple example. The child looks out the window or looks at the picture and asks you: "What is this?"

    Your actions and answers:

    • You say: "I have no time, then."

    • You say, "This is a wow-hog."

    • By such answers you spend precious time of your child, teach him wrong words and concepts, kill the desire to learn new things, learn.

    • You say "This is a dog".

    • This is true, but inaccurate.

    • You explain: "This is a St. Bernard dog."

    When a child asks you a question, answer sincerely, reliably and with enthusiasm. In this case, he quickly comes to the conclusion that you know absolutely everything, and will treat you as an inexhaustible source of information.

    Only in this case, says Doman, you will give the child a precise and unambiguous answer and spend your 30 seconds in the best possible way.

    Glen Doman believes that children need only facts, and they will guide the rules themselves.

    What if you do not know the answer to the question of the baby? Do not be afraid to honestly admit your ignorance - your authority will not suffer from this. You can always tell a child that you do not know the answer, but you will certainly learn and tell him. Then select the time and look through the books, ask the experts - in general, try to find the answer, and sometimes it can be done together with the child.

    The child wants to know your point of view. And he will be able to quickly figure out in which case you tell him the naked facts, and when you express your opinion.

    "You should remember that you are not just teaching the child everything you need to know, but you are teaching the future parent of your grandchildren how to train their future children," says Doman.

    What is meant by the best time for training? If a child is irritated, tired or hungry, then this is not the right time to start the learning process. Doman advises never to start a lesson if a mother or a child feels tired, upset or anxious about some important problem.

    When a child's teeth are cut, he often experiences pain or just wants to sleep. Never teach your child at this time. Find out what is bothering the baby, and try to eliminate the cause as much as possible.

    If you do not feel well, transfer your studies. In bad days, you can not teach anything. Set aside your program for a few days and wait for a more suitable moment.

    To the child does not distract, take care of the absence of visual, auditory or tactile stimuli. The usual home environment often prevents the successful conduct of classes. Try to do everything possible: turn off the TV, radio, telephone. Remove toys and clothing away, close other pets in the other room. The child should be set up only for your occupation.

    Training should take a very short time. To begin with, do not more than once a day and each session is spent literally a few seconds.

    Complete the session a little earlier than the child himself wants. Rely on your intuition.

    Show him less training material than he would like to see. Let him think that you are a little greedy in this regard. Experiencing an easy lack of information, he will always strive to get it more.

    All children, if they are allowed, are eager for satiety. That's why you'll probably hear shouts: "I want more!" This will be a sure sign that you are

    on the right track. And you will consolidate the achieved successes, if you do not succumb to these requirements( at least not immediately).

    The child is the best pupil in the world, his parents are the best teachers in the world.

    Remember that the teacher is you, so do not let the child knock down the execution of your program from a given rhythm.

    Promise to resume classes in five minutes. Ask him to do something necessary, and then you can go back to your studies.

    If you always stop earlier than the child wants, then he will ask you to start classes, and you will not only destroy, but, on the contrary, strengthen his innate craving for knowledge.

    Whether it's from reading, math or encyclopedic knowledge, the key to everything should be enthusiasm.

    Do not complicate the life of your child - talk to him loudly, clearly, cheerfully. Then he will easily understand and absorb your enthusiasm as a sponge.

    Children love to learn and do it very quickly. Therefore, you should demonstrate your educational material as quickly as possible.

    In terms of children, adults almost all do very slowly, and especially it irritates them during the learning process. As a rule, we expect from children that they will sit and carefully study the proposed materials. We expect from them seriousness and concentration, which, in our opinion, are inextricably linked with the process of cognition.

    When you show them your cards, do it as fast as you can. Over time, you yourself will understand what is required of you.

    According to Doman, slow classes are useless pursuits. They simply destroy the inherent craving for knowledge in the child.

    Speed ​​and pleasure are two inseparable components of the learning process. Everything that is demonstrated quickly, gives pleasure;every delay kills him.

    All training materials should be large, clear and distinct. Only in this case you will be able to quickly show them, and your child is easy to absorb.

    The faster, the more learning materials and fun. Remember that children do not need to look hard at something - they absorb everything instantly.

    Now we should talk about the speed with which a child can learn to read, count, master encyclopedic knowledge. Do not be afraid that the child will be the leader, and you will be the slave. You can be surprised by his cognitive "hunger" and the speed with which he will learn. New information is the highlight of each program. This is the very component of success, which is often overlooked. When there is a lot of new information, you and your child will feel so winged that you will not notice how time will fly.

    The world of your child will constantly expand, so every day should bring something new and exciting. Your child grows and changes. Sometimes, after throwing a quick glance at the child, parents notice that the kid is busy with something that he never did before. Another time intuitively feel that he is

    • Digits or words write in big red letters.

    • "Bit of information" can be almost everything: images of parts of the human skeleton, portraits of rulers, pictures of one or

    of another artist, postcards with views of cities, etc.

    • They fall into categories. For example, the categories of biology are birds, fish, trees. Each category, in turn, consists of many elements.

    is already looking at the world in a new way.

    Regardless of whether we like it or not, its capabilities grow literally by leaps and bounds. It is worthwhile only to learn a certain manner of training, as he immediately mixes all the cards, demanding something new.

    Before starting the classes, you should carefully consider your own behavior and the organization of the training material, because once you start, you will want to stick to a permanent program. The higher your level of organization, the more fun the classes will bring. A clear awareness of the goals set for themselves is a sign of a high organization. You need to know exactly what you should do, how many times you need to repeat this and when to move on. You will always need sources of fresh information and new teaching materials.

    Running the program should be regular and fun - only then it will bring the maximum benefit. It is better to choose a moderate intensity program, otherwise you may have a shortage of time, and then, justifying yourself with your employment, you will turn to the classes from time to time, and all this will prove useless.

    Always be prepared to change your approach to submitting information.

    • Be sure to distribute the cards in groups( categories).There are 10 branches of knowledge: biology, history, geography, music, art, mathematics, human physiology, applied sciences, languages, literature.

    • After you show the child about a thousand elements, start the re-run, but now accompany it with a more detailed description( the "intelligence development program").

    However, sometimes it is necessary to delay the execution of the program for several days. There is nothing to worry about, unless you do it too often. Sometimes you have to postpone classes for weeks, or even months. For example, you had another child, you had to leave somewhere or someone from your relatives fell ill. During such pauses, it is best to completely postpone the execution of your program, and not try to execute it in snatches. Better use the time to read aloud to your child, take him to a zoo or museum.

    When you are ready to return to the constant execution of your program, start it right from the point where you left off. Do not go back and repeat everything again.

    Regardless of which program you prefer - moderate or intensive, - the main condition for success is consistency. You will see for yourself, watching how the joy and understanding grows in your child's eyes.

    Do not check the progress of your children! Children love to know, but hate when they begin to check. In this respect, they are very similar to adults. Testing is the opposite of learning and full of stress. Glen Doman says that to teach a child is to make him luxurious gifts;to check it - means to demand a fee in advance. The more you check it, the slower it will be to learn and the less it will ever want to do it.

    And vice versa, the less you check it, the faster and more willingly it will learn. Instead of testing, use the method of identifying abilities. The purpose of this method is to give the child the opportunity to demonstrate his knowledge, but only if he wants to.