  • Disappointing facts about a child's dream

    • Infants are immersed in sleep through a stage of fast, or superficial, sleep;they need help to fall asleep.

    • Sleep cycles in infants are shorter than in adults, and there is more than a deep sleep in them.

    • Infants have more periods of receptivity in which they can wake up than adults;they hardly manage to fall asleep again.

    • Medical definition of "full night" or "sleep throughout the night" - a period lasting five hours.

    • From birth to six months of age, children usually wake up two to three times a night, six months to a year, once or twice a night, and from one to two can wake up one at a time during the night *.

    • The features of infant sleep are more dependent on individual temperament than the ability of parents to pay attention to children at night. It's not your fault that a child wakes up.

    • If you are not able to fill babies before bedtime with solid food, it rarely helps them sleep longer.

    • There is nothing wrong with sleeping with your child in your bed. In fact, joint sleep is best for many families, and this can be more "normal" than if the child is sleeping separately in a crib.

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    • You can not drive a child into a sleep with force. To create a feeling of security that allows sleep to take possession of a child is the best way to create a healthy attitude to sleep that will be with your child all his life. The period of frequent awakenings will not last forever.

    * The frequency of nocturnal awakenings in infants and the parental beliefs that such a sleep disorder is so different that the "average" or "normal" number of nocturnal awakenings should be set within, rather than in exact figures.

    sleep better, it awakens the body. Incentives for awakening, such as colds and pain with teething, become more frequent. When children go through large milestones of development( begin to sit, crawl, walk, for example), they often wake up to practice their newly acquired skills. As soon as the child stops waking up during these nocturnal workouts, other causes of nocturnal awakenings, such as the fear of separation, remind you that the parent's working day is not standardized. Although you will never completely get rid of nighttime worries, you can expect that with time, nightly awakenings will be less. Then the next newborn appears, and intensive night care begins anew.

    Now that you are familiar with

    with how the baby's dream differs from your sleep, we offer you a step-by-step approach that grew out of the approach we got in the process of communicating with our eight kids at night, the approach that our experience of advising hundredsparents, works in most cases.